Friday, January 20, 2017

Trump for President: My 2015 Meditation Message

I have a secret that I promised not to, publically, share until after Trump was sworn in as President. In 2015, while meditating, I received a message: "Trump for President." At that time, I only told my husband about it, as I felt the need to keep this private. Since that initial message, it was also indicated that he was "chosen." I kept refuting it, since I don't like that word, due to what it can illicit in some people. 

Anyway, it wasn't until the below conversation took place with two friends, that I shared it outside of my husband. Below is our conversation where I explained what I knew, but only after guidance allowed it. My blog picture is screenshots of the conversation, for added proof, and my friends gave me permission to share it.

January 14, 2016
Ann: Charlene who are you favoring at this time?
Me: Ron's still favoring Trump but we both feel Trump, Rubio or Cruz are top contenders at this point. We both feel we're not totally happy with any but any is better than Clinton. This was interesting too. Check out John Hogue on Facebook

Ann: Oh!! I'll check that out. Right. There is no one I'm jumping up and down for either. Tommy still likes Trump best.

Me: I saw a vision sometime ago that I didn't want to say anything about at the time but I'm being asked to share it now. First off, before or around the time he decided to run for president, I heard the words that he would be President. It sounded ligit but I blew it off. Then one night I came out and point blank asked - what would happen if Trump won and I got this strong white light and the word unity. Then I asked what if he didn't and I got darkness and no words but I felt it wasn't good. I just hope, whoever gets it, that there's guidance. Serious guidance. All I know is that they started blocking me afterwards. I think it's for protection. Or they don't want others knowing what I know.

Janelle: I agree, I hope whoever wins brings about actual good change. I get this feeling of a balancing act between truths/philosophies in how to lead. One truth for too long creates problems. Because things change and new ways or old ways or new old ways are needed.

Me: Me too. I agree. This country needs unity and understanding. What's good for all and not financially bankrupting us.

---------- End----------

Then in April 2016, I got permission to tell another friend about my vision/message and told her not to tell anyone, because everyone had to vote their conscience. She told me she had similar feelings but she knew she'd be vilified if she said anything. I decided to screenshot that conversation, for later, if I need it. 

Eventually, I started receiving more messages/visions, periodically, about this decision, which I felt was from God's Council. Now and then, I would tell my husband something or debate the non-truths that were running rampant on social media. In fact, if anyone cares to review my blogs from the past year or so, several of them gave subtle hints. Eventually, I started seeing others discussing that they were sensing or hearing similar things, as if this was "written in the stars." 

However, as the political battle progressed, and being so perplexed over it, I asked guidance why. They replied that's the nature of good and evil, which is never easy. Most are fighting for what they believe is good but they're often wearing false blinders. Guidance knew the outcome, based on human frailty and determination, but they were not interfering. Why taunt fate? Furthermore, I felt much of that decision had to do with karma - a universal test. Over the years, many people had been taught to seek truth but they often throw it away for self interest. We all want truth unless it hurts.

In conclusion, I have been given answers to the questions people have on things they feared, but it wasn't meant for me to give it to them. Yet, guidance did give some answers to those that came to me with honest inquiry; even though I felt not to tell too much. Maybe it was for my protection, due to the evil they saw. Maybe it's like my oldest daughter believes: if you tell someone something, it might jinx it. Or, maybe it was keeping me from explaining unnecessary things that would be resolved with Trump becoming President. Why cross that bridge unless you have to? 

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