Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Mental Illness: Entitlement

I'm all for what's right, yet that often takes time to filter fact from fantasy on both sides of the coin to determine it. 

What I am not for is playing the sympathy card, or any card, to get what someone wants. I start shutting down when I hear or read someone using the race card, the native american card, the refugee card, the woman card, the religious card or any numerous "cards" that are employed to provoke compassion against common sense. It's become overuse and abused and, in my opinion, it promotes entitlement which negates gratitude.

This entitlement attitude has become a mental illness. I don't mean things like being entitled to a pay check for one's employment, etc., but the belief that one is inherently deserving of special privileges because of their culture, race, gender or even religion.

Were people born with this mentality or was it acquired? Whatever the reason, it appears to be a spreading illness, because there seems to be more of this type of behavior today than was in my youth. The only thing we were entitled to was what we earned and we were grateful for it. 

Is there a cure? Absolutely, and it's not in taking pills. It's getting involved in life and understanding that not always getting your way, or what you want, can often be a good thing ... the right thing. 

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