Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Menorah Story of Mother's Love

I read a story, when I was in my younger years, about a mother using the menorah to explain a mother's love to her children.

I hope I can tell this story from memory as I cannot find it anywhere.

In the story, she used the main candle as a representation of herself and the other candles representing her children.

One of her children was wondering how she could love each of her children the same.

She removed the main candle of the menorah and told the child that this candle was her and the flame was the love she had inside for her children.

She lit one of the other candles telling her child that this love was now being shared with him.

When she placed the main candle back in the holder she explained that she had shared her love but still had more love (flame) to share with the other children and it did not diminish the love she gave him as all flames were shining brightly.

This story of mother's love has stayed with me throughout my life. It helped me understand how my mom could equally love her eight children, however when I had children of my own it made me more aware of the importance of giving love but maintaining love.


  1. It's a wonderful story, Charlene! I however never had that as a child or an adult. My mother had favorites. As awful as my childhood was, I could never have children and put them through my experience and anger. This is why I celebrate with my dog or dogs. I am happy you had such a wonderful mother. You were very fortunate! Happy Holidays to you and Ron! Much love my friend! ~Ellen

    1. Sorry for not responding to your comment, Ellen, unfortunately Blogger still isn’t sending me comments by email. I just found this. Much love. ❤
