Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My UFO Christmas Dream!

Was this a present from the universe?

I had a strange dream this morning that had people talking about "they" were arriving and some people were hiding but others were nonchalant.

Looking outside, I saw the skies swirling around like a storm, but nothing like I had seen before, and I decided to go back into the house.

I started feeling as if I needed to look outside again and opened the front door (this wasn't my current house) and I saw the sky filled with UFO's of various sizes - some hovering (huge) and some smaller ones flying around. No one seemed to be in a panic.

The dream switch to me standing in front of a very tall reptilian being and, through telepathy, I discovered this was the reincarnated being of Zabrona (one of my teachers). I looked up and asked if it was okay to give him his hug now and, as he reached down to do so, I said (still telepathically), don't squeeze too hard and then added something about - it's been a long journey and I'm tired. I felt a mutual love and finally got my hug as I woke up.

Anyone who read my story - Reptilian Teachers - would understand the hug part of my dream. :)





  1. What a beautiful dream. I wonder if this could happen in the future. Do you think this could be a sign of something happening?

    And it was great that he let you hug him :)

    1. I think it could be futuristic but "they" know that things of the future can be changed with the thoughts of today. They are not very emotional beings so it makes a hug even more special. :)
