Friday, December 14, 2012

Whitewashing Mental Illness with Gun Laws?

Today's school shooting of children had the gun law advocates ranting again, yet a man in China used a knife to commit his crime toward children. Will we need to make stricter knife laws too?

Let's stop whitewashing mental illness with demands for stricter gun laws. I despise guns with a passion, yet imposing stricter laws is not just the answer. World incidents prove that other weapons can be used to get the job done when desperate people do desperate or despicable things.

It is the person behind the weapon and resolving mental illness that is the real issue. We cannot resolve it by ignoring obvious signs (anger being a big one), sweeping it under the carpet by continually saying someone is not capable of doing whatever the complaint may be, or even current psychology pushing pills that have been reported to do more damage.

No one, and I mean no one, can say that anyone is not "capable" with absolute conviction, because we don't know what will be the trigger that sets anyone off.

We have "signs" and there are people who know how to read those signs but ignore them, feel they have their hands tied with red tape, or have become apathetic due to the "insanity" they work with daily.

Maybe we all need to stop being so politically correct, overly protective, ignoring signs but not wanting to get involved, or continually allowing what we know is wrong, and say ... this is a sign, now let's (we the people and not the government) do something before he/she commits the crime. Get involved when you sense something is not adding up.

Or we can keep our heads up our proverbial asses and not listen to people who are asking everyone to enhance their minds ... the gift of knowing and not guessing. It's time to stop asking "whatever possessed ....?" and start knowing whatever possessed.

Keep burying it and we have no one to blame but ourselves for more terrorist atrocities and fearful living.

As my husband says constantly - terrorism wins again. Meaning the impact to the nation because we have been introduced to a fearful situation, again, that will now control our future actions.

I feel sorry for these people who lose their lives over our continual and possibly deliberate ignorance. I don't want their souls to rest in peace. Maybe I'm selfish in feeling this way, but I want them to help in waking people up to know more and do better - to sense a situation and do what is needed to nip it in the bud before it gets out of control. It's time to stop making excuses or covering over truth to meet another's agenda!

Note: Thanks to the artist of this picture which shows the seriousness of this situation more clearly then my above rantings.

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