Monday, April 28, 2014

Pondering: Meat Eaters vs Vegetarians/Vegans?

I found these interesting links (below) that I wished to share about a Buddhist food philosophy regarding eating meat and/or plant life, because I have family and friends of both persuasions: meat eaters and vegetarians. This has caused what I call the great ... "I'm right and you're not" ... debate. 

I'm not sure how we can incorporate this Buddhist belief in our current daily lives, but I felt that ultimately they believed that any food gift was to be respected and not judged. Maybe our concept of a gift has become distorted, as well as our concept of "do no harm," especially when brow beating your loved ones, over food choices, becomes a way of life. 

I also thought I'd share my philosophy based on my life's education along with my conversations with God/guidance for over twenty-five years.

For instance, I'm a minimal meat/sea life eater. I also like some veggies and fruits. I consider everything is nature and respect, as much as possible, what has been created. If mankind wants to become self-righteous and superior to God's, or Mother Nature's, design ... that's their prerogative.

However, I feel those who do this are limited in awareness. It's not a judgment but an observation, based on how much easier many in my country have it today, then say a hundred years ago, when it comes to surviving. Even if that's standing in a soup line receiving a gift from another's kindness.
I see what other countries do to survive. I truly feel sorry for those that have limited or no survival training if we have any crisis in our country. Could they even catch a fish, scale and gut much less cook it ... as I learned to do? Much less catch or eat anything to survive? 

Some of the things I see other countries eat makes me wonder why they do but I'm sure they never expected others to make pets out of their food sources. I am even guilty of turning my nose up on a lot of it but I'm reminded of what my dad told me when I was younger ... if you're starving, you'd eat a roach.


I, personally, wouldn't want to eat a roach must less a rodent even though many countries do eat rodents, among other things not of my taste. To each their own. Live and let live. Many people just slaughter rodents because they reproduce very rapidly and are destructive to plant life, including plant food sources. I wonder which would be less unkind to do, killing the rodents or allowing them to destroy the food sources intended for others? Besides, killing them and not eating them? Wouldn't that be considered wasteful from countries that do eat them? I would think so. Would I eat one if I had to survive? Maybe, but I hope I'm not tested to do so or judged if I do. We certainly don't judge birds, or other creatures, that eat rodents. Why should we judge people that do? 

God/guidance has helped me understand many reasons for why things happen. I like to ask these types of questions even if I don't always like the answers. 

For instance, judging people for the meat they choose to eat just because it doesn't fit in our plans. 

For instance, to have no temptation for eating meat, all land, air and sea life would have to be completely eradicated from the planet ... an unreasonable and unthinkable undertaking ... meaning no pets either. 
For instance, being realistic enough to know that rodents or small animals are inadvertently killed in plowing and harvesting large fields for plant food, among other situations that run many out of their homes, due to an ever increasing population. However we would rather ignore that root cause instead of addressing it. We whitewash it with indignation of things outside us ... instead of something we can control ... if we choose ... our libido. 

For instance, no land, air or sea creatures around to eat ... only plant life ... yet nature wreaks havoc on plant life, in a multitude of ways, leaving limited or no food available. What would be left to eat? Humans? 

Yes, I've had some serious conversations. 
Anyway, to continue, I was raised to think it was sinful to be cruel or wasteful, yet I'm a realist enough to know it happens. At seventeen, I was tested in my beliefs by helping my father kill two Easter chicks that turned into adult roosters. They were causing complaints in the neighborhood because of their early morning noise. Was I cruel to do what my mother asked me to do by helping my father? Would I have been disrespectful or disobedient by not helping? Should we have allowed them to be wasted with a large family to feed? 

I had watched a great aunt kill two hens when I was five, so I understood the value of a gift of life for another's life, but doing it myself? Yes, I did help my dad. Yes, I had remorse. Yes, I respected what God gave us that day by not wasting. There was no cruelty involved and we were grateful. Yes, I enjoyed eating them too. I didn't consider it destructive but a continuation of life ... just as consuming the life of vegetation that ends one form of life for another. 

Also, I was raised to believe everything in moderation. I was actually told that by God one day, many years ago, because I went to him about my dilemma on this topic. He had no judgments of what we as humans had to do to survive anymore than what animals had to do for the same thing. He knows the bigger picture. 

Believe what you will but many humans have sacrificed their lives and in many ways ... it's never been one sided ... ever. It's the cruelty that I sincerely feel people are objecting to and I agree completely. In fact, I felt the majority of humans were more understanding and respectful of their food sources then animals. I watch nature shows with my husband. Let's just say that meat eating animals/sea life etc., are neither kind nor respectful in how they treat their food sources. Take a walk in their territory and you could find out first hand.

I've also seen science shows on plant life. They've proven what I've known for years. There's a lot of plants that are more than just reactionary. They may not have a brain like a human, or talk like animators portray them, but they're capable of thinking in their own way ... some more so than others.

In fact, the Venus Flytrap is a meat eating plant. Should we judge a plant that eats meat (insects)?

So, I started looking around the Internet about how others feel and I've seen the gamut of lies and confusion, amongst the facts, on both ends ... including the projection of guilt being thrown around by those who don't understand the bigger picture of nature. I realized that plants, sea life, animals or insects are a big part of our existence ... without these, we as humans would cease to exist. They too could cease to exist without our intervention. So much life on this planet is sustained by other life.
This made me think of  the story of God putting Adam into the Garden of Eden to care for the animals. Yet, animals (etc.) create more animals ... just as humans create more humans ... ad infinitum.
Who protects the over population of any species? Nature!

To me, nature provides a balance. Humans are part of nature. Even though this may sound cruel, nature is kept in check by nature ... partly due to what is consumed by human, animal, sea life, and so on. Nature is also kept in check by wars (even land, air and sea life battle), pestilence, famine, and natural disasters ... among other things. Some may say it's not fair but it's still life on this planet and has been since the beginning of life here ... all created by a need to survive and/or to stop destruction by over growth in any species, including plant life. 

We think humans are smarter than Mother Nature ... smarter than God? 

Hmmm... When we want to be humbled, off our judgmental pedestal, just remember that we're not. 

Also, no one is perfect. I know that I'm trying to do what's right for myself using whatever I can to survive and so is everyone else. There is good and bad in everything. It's important to research and see both sides before making an educated decision as well as using our feelings to guide us in our purpose for being here. You may be here to be a vegetarian or vegan while another's purpose is to be a meat eater. Let your conscience be your guide. 

To say one's plan or purpose is better than another hasn't been proven and is condescending. Be human by being kind, being considerate, being thankful and being loving but unless we only want to live off of polluted air, we also have to live by being reasonable. 

Sometimes, I think God must be shaking His head at us with His hand on His face saying: I gave you all of this and you're still fighting?

Even if you don't believe in God ... it's to make you think ... because we all know you shouldn't mess with Mother Nature either. 

What the Buddha Said About Eating Meat

Buddhism and Vegetarianism

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Rest In Peace?

Many times I've "heard" the words ... "let the dead rest." 

I think what guidance means, when that's said, is the unreasonable demands we put on enlightened souls, from the past, who have been placed on pedestals by humans. From those who may consider themselves unworthy of being as important as the ones they worship ... placing perpetual demands on these enlightened beings. 

We assume they are still spirits, not even knowing if they are currently incarnated or have ever incarnated since their precious historical one ... or ... if they are still "archangels in heaven" so to speak. This "drawing on their souls"  may create unrest in them no matter where or who they are today.

Think about it.

Certain cultures won't say the name of the deceased due to their belief of it calling them back to earth ... disturbing their souls ... not allowing them to move on. This is why many cultures have sayings like "rest in peace," which is similar to the Islam faith's saying "peace be upon his soul," when they talk about their prophet.

I wish we would all feel this way about the departed, especially the historical ones who may never get spiritual rest due to our feelings we place on them ....  whether they be good or bad feelings. When I hear these expressions, I wonder if it's all lip service because we forgot the true meaning behind them.

Do we really want anyone to rest in peace? To have a peaceful spirit/soul? It actually doesn't appear so. How can we, if we keep placing our demands on those, we consider good (or bad), to answer our prayers? 

Sadly, it made me think how very selfish we are.

It's as if they are supposed to be on the beck and call of billions of people on this planet 24/7. They have a name for that ... it's called slavery. We are enslaving our past prophets/prophetesses, gods/goddesses, saints, archangels or whomever in servitude of our needs ... keeping them from moving on because of our demands.

Selfish behavior?

Unloving behavior?

Indifferent behavior?

Lazy behavior?

I remember hearing once that atheism is God's best friend. At first, it made me chuckle, but then it made me wonder if it could be true. We don't always know the whys and wherefores of things ... even the greater purpose of things. Maybe our Creator assisted in this atheism creation to give him peace of mind/soul too ... the one being who carries the greatest servitude burden above all.

You may say no but it is plausible. After all, he's a pretty smart being. Right?

I think I know why there's so much unrest on this planet. As above ... so below. Whose soul are we creating spirit unrest in today with our prayers?

If I pray for peace to be upon all our souls ... no matter where or what we are today ... no matter who we were before ... will this too cause unrest?

I wonder. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Unconditional Love?

Have you ever had feelings of doubt when hearing the words unconditional love? Have you felt an unrealistic burden because of it?

Maybe this will help.

Guidance has been telling me for many years that there is no such thing as unconditional love. The proported, and falsely stated, unconditional love is only because most don't know the complete facts ... including the reasons Jesus came to earth to teach (his conditions).

Just because we don't know what they are doesn't mean they don't exist. There are conditions placed on everything ... even subtle conditions ... some are just assumed or expected.

To me, telling people they are to be unconditional in their love of someone may open a door to abuse from another who will take advantage of their compassion or gullibility

To me, having someone tell me to love them unconditionally allows them to walk all over me and to have me believe I need to suck it up because, if not, I'm placing conditions on the situation.

There's more to life than most know but we are advised, many times, to ask and we shall receive. However, don't forget, it's not always the questions we're asking but the ones we don't think about asking.

Do you know what Jesus' conditions were? I do because I asked.

You can too.

Monday, April 21, 2014


In my youth, a user wasn't someone who took drugs or operated a computer. They were people who manipulated others for personal gain and took more then they ever gave.
This is a word I'm "hearing" a lot lately. I have a feeling that guidance may be determining who are users around me, or others, and moving them on. They've done it before, at least around me.
Sometimes, you just have to move away from people who have no regards for you as a person and only have you around to get what they want ...when they want it. 
Allow them to fade away from your life. It's really okay to do so. If you sense yourself being pulled away from another, this could be the reason.
However, sad to say, the biggest users can be the closest to you and the ones who can do more harm because of it ... family. Only because we've bought into some "family loyalty system" which continually fails us due to it. Using the title of "family" as if it's okay to mentally or verbally be abused by them.
I hear this far too often.
I've learned that family should not be treated any different than friends. Respect, as well as loyalty, is a two way street regardless of any "birthright."
Don't forget, if we expect less ... we get less.
If we have users in our life, that continously abuse our kindness, whoever they are, then we are just as much part of the problem as they are. Don't be angry at them, after all we allowed it.
Yes ... we did.
It's best to move away whenever one can ... and with love ... by not allowing it anymore and just consider it another lesson learned. 
If you feel there may be anger involved, just allow the Universe to direct their attention elsewhere so they can be cleansed from our lives with no guilt ... no remorse ... no proverbial ties to bind us.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Sign of Possession

There are numerous signs and degrees of possession but I will write about one in particular ... subjective thought. 

There are signs to look for in a subjective possession with any family or friend that you may be concerned about. One is a refusal to look at facts ... even scientific proven facts or data from multiple websites and various professionals ... while living in their "reality."

What you don't see in this conversation (picture below) is this person's statement of hearing voices and being guided by them. As well as who the voices are proported to be ... mythological creatures. 

This is the tail end of a conversation, as well as the end of it on my part, at least as far as I'm concerned. A discussion comes to an end, with me, when there is closed minded thinking even after presenting enough data to prove the person's reality is under subjective thought, but refuses to review or discuss it.

Seen this identical situation many times before ... due to "spirit" possessive.

All one can do is walk away and hope for the best. You cannot convince anyone they're being possessed when they close the gate to their mind to see beyond their current subjective reality ... or actually someone else is closing it.

This is the how possession controls. It doesn't allow facts or reasoning to enter the mind. It doesn't allow it's "victim" to investigate. It plays on low self esteem and when voices are involved it can entice the victim into believing it's the only one that cares for them ... sometimes inducing sexual favors from its target ... single or not. It plays on their mental programming, even if it's wrong programming.

Watch a video about a mythological being and the victim may be influenced by the voice that it is this mythological being. The victim may have already been influenced to believe this from subjective thought of the voice source or using others to convince them it's true ... due to their limited thinking. All playing into the voice source to victimize another prey, eventually bullying or attacking their prey if they stop playing along ... letting them believe the attacks are from another or it's to teach them enlightenment. 

How do I know? Been there done that over twenty five years of continually learning. However, I also learned to be a "show me prove it or shut up" realist that stays grounded and asks lots of questions. The answers better add up or I walk away from it. Some don't know to do this. 

Sad to say, these are the type who follow like sheep because they don't know their intuition can be subjected to, based on soul/mind growth. 

Yes, it can. 

It's no different then a child believing any fabricated story that's told to them ... allowing their innocence to be exploited. It's no different then the mentality of those that are convinced to "drink the Kool-Aid" due to blind faith. It's no different to those of low self esteem who desperately seek love or attention, even if it's all in the wrong places, because of misguided or blocked feelings. 

Where was their intuition or instincts then?

Those who are kept in the dark ... kept limited in awareness ... kept from seeing facts ... are ripe for the picking. Their intuition can be blocked. It is similar to a mental block. For instance, when you know a name of something or someone but can't say it.

If one is kept isolated from facts, by possible guidance around them, it's a good clue they're being used for selfish purposes.

I've learned that some guidance isn't always educated either; which may be a good reason for keeping their subject in the dark. No matter what dimension, we're only as good as our teachers and what we're allowed to learn.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Cannabis: Good, Bad and Ugly

Legal or not, I don't like "weed" in any manner, but to each their own. I don't like anything that can control me, based on some hard life's lessons. I like to have full control over my body and mind as much as possible.

Getting drunk when I was younger showed me this out of control situation and it scared me to pieces. I still have an occasional alcoholic drink but wisdom, or fear, makes me behave. I learned my lesson but, sadly, many do not. 

I'm the type of person who believes that one is considered smart when they learn from their mistakes but even smarter if they observe and learn from another's ... less painful too, hopefully.

Hearing about people driving high doesn't make me feel any better than hearing about people driving drunk. Under that influence, you can become oblivious to rational thinking. Malicious subjective thought can destroy anyone under that condition ... taking out others with him/her because of it. 

I had a subjective thought when I was in my thirties, while driving to work, that prompted me to think about what it would feel like if I drove my car into an oncoming truck on the interstate. It happened a few times until one day I thought: what kind of craziness is this to think that way? Those thoughts went away after that. I often think about that time and I wonder about anyone that is driving on any mind altering substance and how easily influenced they may be. Scary.

I'm sure cannabis is no different than anything that controls if abused or misused; even food can become an addiction. Anything can have an affect on the brain but some things more than others ... some deadly. I might get sick on too much chocolate, for instance, but can I overdose on it? Will it impair my ability to think reasonably? Maybe, and sensibility keeps me from putting it to a test.

However, maybe people are too blind to anything negative happening, due to the "medical" proponents hyping it's properties, which makes me scratch my head in wonder. I wouldn't want to stop anything from helping anyone if it truly works. I've been through the gamut of medications and know there's good and bad in everything. In the wrong hands, bad, or evil, things can happen and they normally do ... why would this be any different?

Maybe in moderation this could be medicinally beneficial, but is it all it's proported to be, including other benefits of hemp, or is this another way to legalize a substance that can be abused and taxed like alcohol?

Can it be beneficial by making it legal and taking the power out of the drug lords violent control and putting the control into governments?

Will prisoners be released from jail? After all, it was still against the law at the time. Will that change anything? I wonder. 

Additionally, we know smoking isn't good for people but we know people have been smoking marijuana for a very long time. What current scientific clinical reports, if any, claim they actually cured cancer by itself ... without any other substance being applied also? In addition, how many people, who have smoked it, etc., still died from cancer? Where are those studies? 

Many times, I've had "feelings" that this legalizing is a setup and not just for medicinal or tax purposes. I certainly am not one to jump on any conspiracy theorists bandwagon, but part of me wonders if it's just another way of dummying down civilization to keep the peon zombies out of the corporate hair that everyone gripes about controlling them? A hyped up placebo to enhance people to fall into the rabbit hole. One less idiot to deal with.

After all, who's going to bother anyone when they are happy and high?

Get it?

No wait! That's right!

Can't "get" anything if one's brain is in a fog.

I realize that people are going to do what they want regardless. I just wish they would invent a vehicle that couldn't be driven without a passing a test of mental competency first.

Maybe one day they will. Time will tell.

I've seen many things happen while observing life. So, I'll just sit in my little corner of earth and continue to quietly observe and see what happens next. 

Life: Turning Negatives Into Positives

Let's face it, we will all have what we consider negative situations occurring throughout life. History shows us that it's very much a part of life, whether we like it or not. 

I have had more then my "fair share" of them, so I know this first hand. Many of them, I felt, were so dark, that I thought I'd never move beyond it. Yet, I eventually did, and only because I allowed myself to keep moving forward out of the darkness. 

Long before Dory, in Finding Nemo, suggested to "just keep swimming," I had already made, determinedly and patiently, "moving forward" as a way to help me.

So, I thought about sharing my philosophy about this because it's helped me many times in learning to handle my negativity. It's all about attitude and being as "realistically positive" as possible; along with the help of positive and caring family and friends; which is generally the best way to combat negativity. 

I've learned that some things can be ignored, some things have to be met head on and some things need outside intervention but everything should be done for a positive outcome. If not, do all one can to remove oneself from the situation as best as possible. The object is to change the negative attitude to a better one. 

Furthermore, even if the positive steps one uses may seem minor, or slightly obscure, everything helps ... use them. 

For instance, instead of saying "oh no, not again!" ... with a depressive emotion, which may set your mind into relinquishing your control over a situation ... cancel out the negative with a positive by saying something like "here we go again!" ... with the emotion of what can I do to better this situation. 

Place positive notes around your room to constantly remind you of your goals, too. 

This turns one's thinking into focusing more toward a positive direction. Resolving issues instead of being buried by them. Planning and working towards a better outcome.

I think of life as the same feelings of riding a roller coaster. We can take those ups and downs with a better attitude. Either fear it or know it will be over in no time ... because you (or someone) are working to resolve it.

Hang in there and hold on tight.

Remember, we may not be able to control every event that occurs in life but what we can learn to do is control our attitude about it. We can learn to use our knowledge and instincts to guide us too. We can learn to separate ourselves from what doesn't make us happy or put on our battle gear and prepare for the bumpy road ahead. 

Similar to an explorer on an adventurous journey not knowing what may be around the bend but doing everything to be prepared for it with the right equipment and guides ... and the right attitude.

So, when you feel yourself in that downward roller coaster slide, and fear starts to set in, scream or cry if you must, but shake it off as soon as you can. 

Don't feed the negative monster any more than necessary. 

Tell that negative part of life: not this time, I've got better plans to make. Then start making them ... using possible goals ... one day at a time ... one foot in front of the other. Don't look too far ahead while working towards your goals because it could become overwhelming.  Look towards the next hour or the next day. 

Before you know it, you'll be looking back and wondering what all the fuss was about. I honestly cannot begin to tell you how many times I've heard this from people, much less experienced it many times myself. 

Remember, in the majority of life's trials ... "this too will pass" ... yet, not always as we think it should be.  

Try not to play the blame game ... it's a waste of precious time. 

It doesn't hurt to pray for guidance too, but don't forget to listen for it, because meditating can be a wonderful stress reliever.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Memes: Don't Believe Everything You Hear or Read and Only Half of What You See.

Just a reminder to please not get caught up in anything, or share anything, especially inflammatory, before applying further educational investigation. Don't forget that news articles, even from the past, may be used to control people's thinking and do not always write the truth. We should all know this by now and be politely educating anyone about it, as my father did with me when I was a teen. He advised me: don't believe everything you hear or read and only half of what you see.
Wise words to live by. 
Now, onto the reason behind this blog. A friend of mine shared on Facebook what she said was a lying meme, regarding Abraham Lincoln, and advised it was done to incite hate. She wisely shared a website to debunk that meme and reinforced her statement through intelligent education.
Wise woman. 
Yet, at times, I've noticed on her posts, as in other's posts, things to rectify an error miss the mark, based on comments that I've seen. They apparently didn't read everything and just jumped on the thing that struck out in their mind and harped on that instead. People seem to be in too much of a hurry anymore. Slow down, take the time to read everything someone has posted before commenting, you may be smarter for it.
Also, because of her post, I found it humorously appropriate to share a picture on my blog of a meme with Abraham Lincoln on it, which advises people to be careful. You would be surprised in how many innocent people could be duped by this meme, thinking it to be real, because of not being educated enough to know about Abraham Lincoln and that he didn't have Internet back in his time. 
After all, not everyone on the Internet lives in the USA or knows its history, in fact, not everyone living in the USA does either. They might consider it as factual data. This same thing applies to memes to incite hate through lies. 
I see this much too often; people sharing false memes to represent some, supposedly, historical subject to create negativity ... instead of really educating people. Those past situations may not have any connection to what people need today and are only used to feed into someone's current discontent in order to favor another's cause.
Sadly, I see many websites doing the same thing with their, "remember the Alamo" mentality. I don't mind remembering any past, history can be interesting, as long as it's done to help us understand and not illicit more trouble. Even if we do discuss these negative past situations, it should be used to educate and not inflame hate riots.
My question, regarding things of this nature, is why keep bringing any history up over and over again, especially to create anger in others from the way it's done? We don't live in the past. To me, using the past to hate is like how I feel about people's opinions of me.
Is it going to pay my bills?
Why give it attention?
Obviously, it's not helping us to move on either if it's just stirring the hate pot around us. We must remember that, generally, these are mean spirited beings, unhappy with their lives, and are doing all they can to bring people down into their miserable state. It's like they can't find enough problems going on around the world to gripe about ... which there's plenty of it out there ... let's throw past history in it and use that to stir up trouble too.
Will it change the past?
Then why do it? 
I think of history as a tool to hopefully teach us to be better humans and not be the same of what we were back then ... which is why we can't move on when memes are created to deliberately stir up hate. It only tells me we haven't learned diddly-squat with that type of mentality and we probably won't ever learn if we keep allowing ourselves to be pulled back into it ... over and over and over again.

We become part of a vicious circle of hate begetting hate.
Get the picture?
Programming carried over and over again because no one wants to allow peace of mind due to the "look at what you did to us in the past" mentality.

If we don't block those thoughts of hate, who will? There are no walls within the mind world ... only our will to shield it, to educate it, to learn from it and to move on from it whenever possible.
Other than learning to read emotions,  communications, compromise, and cooperation are the keys to resolving issues. I understand we can't move on until we can move beyond what's holding us down or back but hate and ignorance certainly isn't getting the job done, much less spreading rumors. History has already shown us this doesn't work. So, why do we keep allowing it?
     Maybe it's easier to believe lies?
          Maybe it's easier to be stupid?
               Maybe it's easier to hate?

                    Maybe it's easier to be led astray?

Worshipping Integrity?

The continuous reporting of misinformation in the news has some public comments appearing, to me, as if these commenters are worshipping those who stand fast to journalistic integrity.


I applaud anyone of this nature, to be truthful in reporting, but to think we have to revere anyone, or put them on some kind of truth seeker pedestal, for doing what's right, doesn't say much for the world we live in.

Think about it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mythology: Fairies

Fairies were once considered malicious human spirits. "Much of the folklore about fairies revolves around protection from their malice."

Medieval fairies were not considered small or friendly. They were not a thing like the cute mythological winged creatures depicted today. Their wings probably derived the same as angel wings due to their spirit aura as well as their ability to astral project making them appear to fly.

Apparently, changing it from a malicious spirit to a cute spirit didn't help the malice situation.

The word origin was from fey (below). Fey normally meant someone "appearing touched or crazy, as if under a spell." Someone who was fey was considered possessed by a malicious spirit ... (a fairy?) ... afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement ... which sounds similar to the mental illness diagnoses of today.

It's interesting, when investigating word origins, how things have morphed to what we know today ... to what once was.

Word History:  The history of the words fey and fay illustrates a rather fey coincidence. Our word fay, "fairy, elf," the descendant of Middle English faie, "a person or place possessed of magical properties," and first recorded around 1390, goes back to Old French fae, "fairy," the same word that has given us fairy. Fae in turn comes from Vulgar Latin Fāta, "the goddess of fate," from Latin fātum, "fate." If fay goes back to fate, so does fey in a manner of speaking, for its Old English ancestor fǣge meant "fated to die." The sense we are more familiar with, "magical or fairylike in quality," seems to have arisen partly because of the resemblance in sound between fay and fey.

Also, try as I could, I didn't find any pictures of the "fairies" of old; the wingless tormentors of humans. The nearest was a 1788 picture called Prince Arthur and the Fairy Queen by Johann Heinrich. It depicts a tall human looking woman (no wings) and another wingless feminine spirit behind her.

It would probably be best to just think any spirit could be malicious or mischievous ... whoever they are or whatever they're called. Besides, today, as throughout history, they call these tormentors many other names.

Maybe we should call them schizophrenic spirits. Since that seems to be the going name in science today. After all, we sure can't fool science. They're absolute in their knowledge.

More information ....

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Genetics: Genocide and Sympathy

"Genocide: the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group."

I decided to blog about a comment I made on someone's Facebook post where I felt a different point of view was needed regarding the genocide of countries taking over countries. I'm not referring to the current situation with Russia and Ukraine, yet it's still part of the problem when land, people, food sources, and mineral rights (etc.) are exploited due to the over populating demands world wide ... and has been for eons. Whether it's considered deliberate or not, it's nothing new.

Let's call a spade a spade. It's throughout history. I'm sure Scotland felt the same way when the Vikings invaded. Or maybe even as far back as when Neanderthals invaded Europe ... originating as far back as Africa. The indigenous people here (USA) didn't just plop here either; they too migrated and began to increase their population in a new land.

When population expands, new land will be needed for the ever growing demands. The migrating forces aren't the real problem, it's the insane need to keep producing those migrating forces.

In this day and age, we should all know better ... but we don't. Hence population here in the USA had doubled since the sixties. Even with all the ways to destroy life it keeps overwhelming creating and expanding ... yet no one wants to recognize the base cause of it (sex) and take responsibility for it ... let's just keep popping out those babies like we have all the land in the world to put them in ... if we don't destroy this planet first with hate and wars.

Many people complain about genocide regarding their culture, faith, race, etc., but every generation, from the very beginning of recorded history, has been a part of what many consider genocide treatment. They raise their voice of hypocritical discontent while being guilty of the same ... even if it's a miner degree of it.

They too may have migrated (or their ancestors did), to another area of the world to live and share their culture within another culture, they too are part of the problem of overpopulation which creates other problems, they too are the problem of abusing resources, due to migrating, increased population and pollution, whether it be mineral, vegetable or animal, and they too are guilty of being indignant when it happens to them but lack sympathy when it's happening to another. Yes, they too are the problem of genocide to the countries they migrate to, even if they think they aren't ... because they bring their programming with them and start infusing it on their new surroundings .... wherever that may be.

Futhermore, to think it's anything new makes one a bigger part of the problem for not doing more research into history, along with co-creating the aforementioned issues in the last paragraph. They too become the problem when they stir up trouble instead of arriving at peaceful solutions to the problem.

Any human of intelligence will know the hows and whys of each situation, so instead of continually living in the past, blaming everything and everyone, let's point that finger back at ourselves and start making things right ... peacefully ... with intelligent thinking not barbaric behavior or have we given up on being reasonable? Is our ancestral, genetic programming too deep to change?

Have we given up with the idea of thinking with what's between our ears ... and only want to think with what's between our legs? Are we still working off that ancestral genetic programming of pillaging and raping? I have no problem with sex, only the abuse and misuse of it. All one has to do is watch the daily news to see it reported constantly. I can't even ask when have we become so base in our thinking because it's always been there ... some more so than others ... genetic programming that's so low it's considered animalistic not civilized humans.

Maya Angelou once said: "when we know better, we do better." To me, this means we must know better but we choose not to do better ... or we really don't know better. In this day and age, this makes me wonder why we don't.

Seeing the news, recently, doesn't convince me that we are becoming civilized and that we are still running off the fuel of our prior genetic, genocide programming. This also makes me wonder why. Why do we feel this genetic programming cannot be rewritten to serve a better cause or good? Why does every solution have to be after a fight ... after a war.

Sympathy: "feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune."

Then the discussion got into people not caring ... having sympathy for another's plight. I may have a reason why a lot of people feel they've had enough of that being used against them too. It also makes me ask why we still need to get involved with this type of user/abuser mentality: accusing someone of not caring just to push their buttons in order to get them to perform for them?

First, I want to state that I'm not referring about everyone. If what I say in this blog bothers anyone, do some soul searching because I'm generalizing, based on over 65 years of being on Earth and observing life, and not pointing fingers. 

To continue, why do these "helping" countries have to constantly get involved with other countries and their genocide problems, etc.? Especially when many are financially suffering, along with other internal conflicts, because of it. Especially when a lot of these "helped" countries want to stab them in the back later. I've seen it a few times when corrupt power is replaced with more corrupt power that portrayed friendship until they get in office and then they turn into the same thing.

Maybe they're users who never planned on paying back their debt to their helpers. That would make sense. It could all be part of their genetic makeup and shame on those, who did help, that didn't understand this first. Shame on them for being kind, considerate ... and gullible. 

Better luck next time ... if the next time is ever allowed. 

I've seen people on television demanding sympathy; to care and get involved more. However what I'm really seeing, in most cases, is asking others to fight for their cause ... without caring about the repercussions of those that do.

What I see is many "helping" countries depleting their resources while doing all they can to help whenever and wherever they can ... spreading themselves thin. Depleting these resources, that could help within their countries, because of constantly cleaning up the messes of others ... as if these "helping" countries are expected to do it all ... as if these "helping" countries have unlimited resources to do it all ... or if these "helping" countries can legally do anything at all without creating a war ... or if these "helping" countries should do everything but never expect compensation. 

What I see is the turmoil of the people of these "helping" countries, who have stuck their neck out so many times with barely a thank you and more often a hateful ... stay out of our business ... never considering the loss of life these "helping" countries suffered for helping other countries in their genocide troubles.

Maybe it's time these "helped" countries learn to be intelligent, learn to appreciate and not expect, learn to clean up their messes, fight their battles, and, most importantly, learn sympathy themselves and especially not believing everything their leaders are brainwashing them with, after they've been helped, in order to justify not paying back a debt. 

You see, my awareness, and empathy, has made me believe how important it is to remember that charity begins at home, especially when one's help is thrown back in their faces ... discovering they were gullibly used ... base on the demanding and misusing of one's sympathy against them.

Maybe it's time these countries, that have been helped by these "helping" countries, who have constantly stuck their neck out so many times for so many reasons, start understanding that helping people causes a backlash from the other side that didn't want anyone involved and start showing gratitude instead of stabbing them in the back too.

Maybe it's time to stop demanding this sympathy assistance and start showing some concern themselves for the ones who have given their lives and destroyed their families' lives for getting involved ... due to compassion of another's cause ... and not because they're there to steal one's resources.

Maybe it's time to stop biting the hand that feeds you.

The ones who escaped to these "helping" counties, to avoid persecution, and then start turning on them once living on the land they decided to make their new homes. The homes they are now involved in voluntarily, or involuntarily, committing  genocide to those who opened their countries to them.

Are you seeing history repeat itself here? Is genocide due to genetics? Is the accusation of a lack of sympathy also becoming a genetic programming, because of a misuse or abuse of one's kindness? Giving funds to another to help a country or whatever, because of playing on our sympathy to later discover our kindness was exploited. Are people tired of having their noses rubbed in another's crap? I believe so.

And ... we are being programmed to give freely with no expectations! Really?

Why shouldn't I expect my money to go where it's supposed to go ... to help where its supposed to help ... instead of some countries' greedy pocket.

As well as, why shouldn't one want kindness for kindness done ... including a thank you now and then. If we expect a one sided situation, that's what we may get. But always? That's just way to selfishly shallow for me. Too many times of that attitude and I'd turn my attention elsewhere.

Where's the sympathy? It's right there being genocide along with everything else!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Why Does History Repeat Itself?

Hubby and I watched an insanely cruel and bloody Vikings TV show last night. Afterwards, I told him I saw enough cruelty in real life, I certainly didn't need to be "entertained" with it. Fantasy or not.

However, is it fantasy? Throughout history (I had to study history to help in my genealogy research), I noticed the insane cruelty in many past generations ... as in this account of the horrible destruction of Jews, based on German prisoners' observation (see below link).

Was it fear of these German soilders' own death that led them into mass killings without showing signs of remorse in what they did? In the recorded history of the Vikings, it tells of cruelty towards their enemy. However the penalty for not performing, what their leader asked of them, would have been their immediate death. I'm sure it was how many felt during WWII ... as well as other time periods.

It's the survival mentality of: it's either me or you. Yet, even though we understand this, we keep repeating it ... over and over and over.

These conditions can become deep programming in the soul and carried forward lifetime after lifetime ... even used against the individual to suit another's ego. Programming that can resurface when the need arises.

Wondering why history repeats itself? I don't. In science theory, we are told that energy doesn't deplete or add, it transforms. Applying that idealogy to our physical energy, could we not say our soul/mind ... our thoughts ... can manifest into new form? That these new forms can carry a trail of genetic programming from our past just as our physical genetics can? Who's to say one is possible but another isn't without further study?

Unless one knows how to do emotional channeling, using our sixth sense to guide us towards truth, we may always be thwarted in discovering this soul information. One would ask why anyone would be thwarted in discovering anything? Well, throughout history it was used as a means to control. Why would this area be any different? Of course, fear, and not just ignorance, can play a big part of controlling another. Would being more aware of life after death, or reincarnation, be able to help remove fear?

Would being more aware of soul genetics help us to stop repeating history by knowing our programming? Would it help us to manifest better lives by rewriting or overwriting it? Or will we suffer the deep, inner programming forever?

I made many soul beginning videos on my Atomarane You Tube channel that even opened my eyes to the things that can go on without our awareness. Too many to not watch them without questioning something was going on ... something was adding up.

We all have emotions. We all have programming. We all have triggers based on programming and subjective emotions. Emotions aren't seen but we believe in them because we experience them daily ... ours as well as others. What if our programming has been manipulated by emotions that we've bought into as being ours but find out it was subjected due to another's ... an unseen other?

Futhermore, not all may be an outside influence. We can be possessed by our own soul ... repeating history. This video link below shares what can happen when it comes to inner illness carried over and over from past lifetimes ... just another part of history repeating itself ... possibly resurfacing even in mass form around our planet due to it.

What you don't know may harm you. What you don't know may produce history repeating itself. The power, desire, education, or disease from the past can resurface over and over. One of mine, based on my original soul, was a metaphysical background that was being used over and over ... programming from eons ago.

Of course, there are some invisible outside influences (guidance) which may be utilized to help and not hinder ... for many reasons.

There are many things to investigate while soul searching. What's in your soul that can help or harm you ... or another? What's in your soul that will repeat because of programming?

Why does history repeats itself? Maybe because we choose to not know what we cannot see ... even though we can still feel. We choose not to know why those feelings are there much less who may be manipulating them ... who may be pulling the strings ... who or what may be creating the drama of one's life.

Yes, there are many things to consider. After all, it's your past ... it's your future ... it's your history.

Gives a new meaning to the saying by a George Santayana: those who canot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Or ... does it?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Unstable Minds: The Quiet Ones

Today, an "introvert" student, a young male from Pennsylvania using two knives to stab 20 students, made me think of another sign to look for in possibly mentally unstable people.

A conversation that I had with my dad, when I was in junior high school, was about one of my younger brothers who was professing suicide. I asked him if he would do it. Dad said, most likely not, it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for.

He never did. I've learned that those type are generally attention seekers. Yet, we have to be ever vigilant on any form of mental instability and help whenever possible. Our intuition should be saying ... pay attention and help if we are able.

Just as my dad did with my brother when he sat him down and had a heart to heart talk with him. Just as he did with me when he had a military friend talk to me, when I was a teen, because I broke down in tears one day for no apparent reason. I later discovered this "friend" was a psychologist.
In today's world, we have too many people with their noses stuck in their computers or phones and not always seeing what's going around us ... not always caring what's going on around us. It's only part of the problem because even if we do see something, we may not know the complete picture to help us react, but we are also told not to over react.

I wonder what defines over reacting? I wonder what would have happened if my dad didn't do what he did for my brother and I?

To me, seeing something we know to be wrong and not doing anything about it reminds me of a quote by M. L. King, Jr. that a friend posted on Facebook today: "Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way."

I'm glad my dad, or mom, never looked away, because I learned from the psychologist that afternoon, outside standing on my porch, that I need to talk about my problems. I told him I didn't share my feelings because I felt no one cared to hear them. His words will be ingrained in my brain forever. "It doesn't matter if they care or even listen, you need to talk regardless. It helps to get things off your chest."

Now, I verbally talk and type talk to get it off my chest (unburden my soul). Some may consider what I have to say unimportant but I don't mind. I'm saying what I need to say to release my emotions. I even advise others to do the same by blogging. It doesn't matter if we have anyone read it because it's supposed to help us express ourselves not necessarily save another. As I told my family: I may not be here to save the world but if one person is helped because of what I do that's fine by me.

Maybe in doing so, someone will be guided by my, or another's, sharing of feelings and help them learn to do the same. It may help them realize they're not alone and hopefully seek help if necessary. After all, they have to allow that door of help to be open. With all the information and avenues of help today, it certainly boggles my mind why no one would seek help and would only allow violence to themselves or another.

Maybe it's the stigma of being tagged crazy by their peers. Maybe the information is on the Internet, like this website below, but we're not allowed to teach it in school. That should change, teachers and students both need to be aware, as well as stopping the name calling that could be associated with any mental condition.

I do have some compassion for them because I know mental instability can run deep ... sometimes carried over from past lives ... programming that may never go away in one lifetime, especially if their programming is used to go against them by another.

Yes, this can happen too. However, I'll save that for another blog.

Experiences of a Young Psychic Blog

This blog shares some amazing insight into the mind based on the author's personal journey. She's also an artist and has drawn pictures of what she has witnessed ... as this one from her blog.

I, and others, have experienced similar and mind boggling things ... suffering through emotions of confusion or fear ... thinking it's coming from us and not to us. Not always so ... not in the least.

Thank you Janelle for turning your experiences into a beneficial teaching to help others not fear the unknown but to study and know it. Knowing it for the truth that it is,  based on your dedication to know this truth and not run from it.

The things that we see with our mind can seem very real but can be subjective. Until one digs further, as she tries to do, we can be duped due to our lack of experiences and common sense. She has a medical background as well as a questioning mind ... she leaves no stone unturned in her quest for this knowledge.

Please click on the below link for the full story and check out her other blogs too.


Excerpt: Therefore, I attribute the possibility of our sense of inner knowing, though not a documented sense,  while shut down or quieted, is still functional at a different level. After all, we hear our alarm clock when it’s time to rise. We feel changes in temperature and wake up momentarily to either cover ourselves or rid ourselves sources of unwanted heat.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Devil's Advocate: End Times

Devil's Advocate: In common parlance, a devil's advocate is someone who, given a certain argument, takes a position they do not necessarily agree with, for the sake of debate.


I hate to play devil's advocate, with all the end of the world hysteria that I read and hear about lately, yet someone should. 

PLEASE stop showing ignorance and do more research. Your negativity could be subjective fear mongering and creating more harm then good ... including to yourself.

Earth has had catastrophic events throughout history. Today's time period is no different. Being aware and prepared helps ... along with newer technology ... to prevent us from being in the dark about them ... but they still happen.

The thing about earthquakes are that they happen around the world everyday. We generally only hear about the big ones, or more destructive ones, because there are too many to report them all. Seriously!

This would be a good website to start educating oneself.

Earthquakes are not the only area of destruction we have felt over eons. We have had major or minor flooding due to many reasons. Ice and snow storms have been a part of history as well as volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and mudslides from as far back as mankind has recorded them.

All pretty disastrous, to those of that time period, when they occurred. I'm sure they too felt it was the end of the world experiencing such events.

We are media savy today and the media loves to keep us entertained with world wide destruction and catastrophic events. However, they don't always enlighten us on the complete truth.

That's for us to do ... wisely ... and by using all available expert data like the website above or other websites that have reported historical events. 

Please keep in mind ... like the weather ... we have learned that forecasting isn't always accurate either. 

Using our instinct/intuition is important ... unless it's mired in fear mongering emotions. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Rant Warning!

I have spent most of my life trying to understand life. I'm aware of our ancestors fighting for respect, decency, and equality ... as I've done.
When I see those, who call themselves humans, undermined those rights, or do all they can to negate or disrespect the rights they have been given (not necessarily earned), I want to lock them up in a cage where they belong.
I can't even say they're prostituting their principles because they have little to no principles. Reasoning doesn't work ... I've tried that ... can't reason with unreasonable thinking ... especially if one's thought processes are being blocked. Ugh!
Besides it's not PC ... to each their own ... we all have to experience and learn from our mistakes ... because ... after all ... we are way too smart to learn from other's mistakes.
As my ex used to say quite often: buy them books, send them to school and they're still stupid. He was referring to those who were capable of doing better but obviously choosing not to.
Thanks for letting me vent ... deep breath ... back to normal programming.

Veggie-Vegan or Meat Eater?

A Facebook friend had a post about the controversy of being a vegan, veggie, or meat eater. She being a meat eater, as I, discovered though emails that not all can tolerate certain diets. That many, expecting certain outcomes from veggie or vegan diets, including spiritual outcomes, were disappointed and changed back shortly after.

She didn't want debates or arguments but a sharing of personal experiences. The same goes for me.

What is good for one may not be good for another. We are each alike and different in so many ways. We have to listen to our gut feelings ... for what we feel is right for ourselves and not another.

This was my response on her post.


I'm a firm believer there's good and bad in everything and moderation in everything is important for balance. I'm a moderate meat and sea life eater and I love my nuts, veggies and fruit.

Through research, I know that everything has emotions even plants. Maybe not human emotions but science has proven they can feel and do many things for their survival.

The Venus Flytrap is a meat eater. ;)

I wouldn't say I love animals but I have a great deal of respect for what they can provide for anyone or anything's survival plan, companionship, or enjoyment.

Respect is the key word because this was an important function of killing life for life in the olden days. One of the reasons our ancestors prayed after killing or before eating life. It was to give gratitude and not to ever assume or expect.


I have another Facebook friend who explained the difference between killing and murdering. It helped me understand that killing is all part of a survival condition necessary for many reasons. Whereas, murder was purely unreasonable selfish ego.

Another friend, while discussing the feelings of plants, stated: "now we will have meat eaters posting memes about plants screaming. :)"

Too late ... already being done. It's all part of a check and balance system ... or to attack when being attacked. People still don't get it. 

I also know, through research, that populations unchecked in any species can be devastating. Everyone and everything on this planet has a purpose or it wouldn't be here. We sustain life through life. We remove life for life. Life is eternal but life is ever changing.

Don't ever assume ... because life's tragedies may show us the err of being pompous. No one is perfect ... no one ... and karma will be glad to show us the err of our ways.

Be knowledgeable.

Be respectful.

Be appreciative. 

Be kind.

Be intuitive.

Be balanced. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Moms of Autistic Children Suing Disney?

This morning on the news, I heard that moms of autistic children were suing Disney due to the changes they made last year regarding disability favoritism.

I honestly think people sue at the drop of a hat anymore. The only ones anyone should be angry with are the many who took advantage of that system forcing Disney to change it. Over six years of working for Disney and over forty years of going to Disney showed me the major misuse of the system that required this change. I saw young adults renting wheel chairs, for one, just to get to the front of the attraction line. If I had eyes and ears to see things, certainly Disney did too.

This is a very good blog (link below) to read about taking your child to Disney that has Autism. She's a nurse with a disable child who is acting like an adult by her suggestions instead of being a spoiled brat having a meltdown along with the child ... or instead of the child.

I wasn't surprised to read the things she says she witnessed. The things I've seen at the parks, when it comes to adults and their children, I've seriously felt like putting the adult in time out. It's no wonder they can't control their children's meltdown when they can't even control their own. Not all of them, thank goodness,  but enough to have me take note of it. It made me wonder who really wanted the favoritism when I saw the child completely oblivious to anything while playing a video game or napping as the parent was angrily cursing an innocent cast member because of the new rule.

Jeez! Really! We ALL spend LOTS of money to go to Disney. Please think about that while in a tirade ruining the surrounding atmosphere because of it. Disney does so many things for so many people and for many reasons. Not everyone will be happy all the time but they do try to make it a happy place to visit.

Anyway, my curiosity had me do an internet search about the lawsuit and I came across this very positive blog, which I mentioned above, to help parents plan and prepare ... from one in the know.

I also noticed where Kathy, with assistance, made a cute video. I tracked it down and here is the link for it too.


Preparation is the key to success.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

As Above So Below

You may kill your enemy's body but you won't kill their spirit. 

This video shows what can happen in the universe ... in the spirit world ... while most physical minds are unaware. 

Restless spirits: as above so below. 

Do you know what's going on around your mind? Why you may be feeling the emotions your feeling? The answer to that question can be absolutely amazing. 

Soul Journeying - You Tube's TaylorAmelia: