Sunday, April 13, 2014

Genetics: Genocide and Sympathy

"Genocide: the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group."

I decided to blog about a comment I made on someone's Facebook post where I felt a different point of view was needed regarding the genocide of countries taking over countries. I'm not referring to the current situation with Russia and Ukraine, yet it's still part of the problem when land, people, food sources, and mineral rights (etc.) are exploited due to the over populating demands world wide ... and has been for eons. Whether it's considered deliberate or not, it's nothing new.

Let's call a spade a spade. It's throughout history. I'm sure Scotland felt the same way when the Vikings invaded. Or maybe even as far back as when Neanderthals invaded Europe ... originating as far back as Africa. The indigenous people here (USA) didn't just plop here either; they too migrated and began to increase their population in a new land.

When population expands, new land will be needed for the ever growing demands. The migrating forces aren't the real problem, it's the insane need to keep producing those migrating forces.

In this day and age, we should all know better ... but we don't. Hence population here in the USA had doubled since the sixties. Even with all the ways to destroy life it keeps overwhelming creating and expanding ... yet no one wants to recognize the base cause of it (sex) and take responsibility for it ... let's just keep popping out those babies like we have all the land in the world to put them in ... if we don't destroy this planet first with hate and wars.

Many people complain about genocide regarding their culture, faith, race, etc., but every generation, from the very beginning of recorded history, has been a part of what many consider genocide treatment. They raise their voice of hypocritical discontent while being guilty of the same ... even if it's a miner degree of it.

They too may have migrated (or their ancestors did), to another area of the world to live and share their culture within another culture, they too are part of the problem of overpopulation which creates other problems, they too are the problem of abusing resources, due to migrating, increased population and pollution, whether it be mineral, vegetable or animal, and they too are guilty of being indignant when it happens to them but lack sympathy when it's happening to another. Yes, they too are the problem of genocide to the countries they migrate to, even if they think they aren't ... because they bring their programming with them and start infusing it on their new surroundings .... wherever that may be.

Futhermore, to think it's anything new makes one a bigger part of the problem for not doing more research into history, along with co-creating the aforementioned issues in the last paragraph. They too become the problem when they stir up trouble instead of arriving at peaceful solutions to the problem.

Any human of intelligence will know the hows and whys of each situation, so instead of continually living in the past, blaming everything and everyone, let's point that finger back at ourselves and start making things right ... peacefully ... with intelligent thinking not barbaric behavior or have we given up on being reasonable? Is our ancestral, genetic programming too deep to change?

Have we given up with the idea of thinking with what's between our ears ... and only want to think with what's between our legs? Are we still working off that ancestral genetic programming of pillaging and raping? I have no problem with sex, only the abuse and misuse of it. All one has to do is watch the daily news to see it reported constantly. I can't even ask when have we become so base in our thinking because it's always been there ... some more so than others ... genetic programming that's so low it's considered animalistic not civilized humans.

Maya Angelou once said: "when we know better, we do better." To me, this means we must know better but we choose not to do better ... or we really don't know better. In this day and age, this makes me wonder why we don't.

Seeing the news, recently, doesn't convince me that we are becoming civilized and that we are still running off the fuel of our prior genetic, genocide programming. This also makes me wonder why. Why do we feel this genetic programming cannot be rewritten to serve a better cause or good? Why does every solution have to be after a fight ... after a war.

Sympathy: "feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune."

Then the discussion got into people not caring ... having sympathy for another's plight. I may have a reason why a lot of people feel they've had enough of that being used against them too. It also makes me ask why we still need to get involved with this type of user/abuser mentality: accusing someone of not caring just to push their buttons in order to get them to perform for them?

First, I want to state that I'm not referring about everyone. If what I say in this blog bothers anyone, do some soul searching because I'm generalizing, based on over 65 years of being on Earth and observing life, and not pointing fingers. 

To continue, why do these "helping" countries have to constantly get involved with other countries and their genocide problems, etc.? Especially when many are financially suffering, along with other internal conflicts, because of it. Especially when a lot of these "helped" countries want to stab them in the back later. I've seen it a few times when corrupt power is replaced with more corrupt power that portrayed friendship until they get in office and then they turn into the same thing.

Maybe they're users who never planned on paying back their debt to their helpers. That would make sense. It could all be part of their genetic makeup and shame on those, who did help, that didn't understand this first. Shame on them for being kind, considerate ... and gullible. 

Better luck next time ... if the next time is ever allowed. 

I've seen people on television demanding sympathy; to care and get involved more. However what I'm really seeing, in most cases, is asking others to fight for their cause ... without caring about the repercussions of those that do.

What I see is many "helping" countries depleting their resources while doing all they can to help whenever and wherever they can ... spreading themselves thin. Depleting these resources, that could help within their countries, because of constantly cleaning up the messes of others ... as if these "helping" countries are expected to do it all ... as if these "helping" countries have unlimited resources to do it all ... or if these "helping" countries can legally do anything at all without creating a war ... or if these "helping" countries should do everything but never expect compensation. 

What I see is the turmoil of the people of these "helping" countries, who have stuck their neck out so many times with barely a thank you and more often a hateful ... stay out of our business ... never considering the loss of life these "helping" countries suffered for helping other countries in their genocide troubles.

Maybe it's time these "helped" countries learn to be intelligent, learn to appreciate and not expect, learn to clean up their messes, fight their battles, and, most importantly, learn sympathy themselves and especially not believing everything their leaders are brainwashing them with, after they've been helped, in order to justify not paying back a debt. 

You see, my awareness, and empathy, has made me believe how important it is to remember that charity begins at home, especially when one's help is thrown back in their faces ... discovering they were gullibly used ... base on the demanding and misusing of one's sympathy against them.

Maybe it's time these countries, that have been helped by these "helping" countries, who have constantly stuck their neck out so many times for so many reasons, start understanding that helping people causes a backlash from the other side that didn't want anyone involved and start showing gratitude instead of stabbing them in the back too.

Maybe it's time to stop demanding this sympathy assistance and start showing some concern themselves for the ones who have given their lives and destroyed their families' lives for getting involved ... due to compassion of another's cause ... and not because they're there to steal one's resources.

Maybe it's time to stop biting the hand that feeds you.

The ones who escaped to these "helping" counties, to avoid persecution, and then start turning on them once living on the land they decided to make their new homes. The homes they are now involved in voluntarily, or involuntarily, committing  genocide to those who opened their countries to them.

Are you seeing history repeat itself here? Is genocide due to genetics? Is the accusation of a lack of sympathy also becoming a genetic programming, because of a misuse or abuse of one's kindness? Giving funds to another to help a country or whatever, because of playing on our sympathy to later discover our kindness was exploited. Are people tired of having their noses rubbed in another's crap? I believe so.

And ... we are being programmed to give freely with no expectations! Really?

Why shouldn't I expect my money to go where it's supposed to go ... to help where its supposed to help ... instead of some countries' greedy pocket.

As well as, why shouldn't one want kindness for kindness done ... including a thank you now and then. If we expect a one sided situation, that's what we may get. But always? That's just way to selfishly shallow for me. Too many times of that attitude and I'd turn my attention elsewhere.

Where's the sympathy? It's right there being genocide along with everything else!

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