Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Sign of Possession

There are numerous signs and degrees of possession but I will write about one in particular ... subjective thought. 

There are signs to look for in a subjective possession with any family or friend that you may be concerned about. One is a refusal to look at facts ... even scientific proven facts or data from multiple websites and various professionals ... while living in their "reality."

What you don't see in this conversation (picture below) is this person's statement of hearing voices and being guided by them. As well as who the voices are proported to be ... mythological creatures. 

This is the tail end of a conversation, as well as the end of it on my part, at least as far as I'm concerned. A discussion comes to an end, with me, when there is closed minded thinking even after presenting enough data to prove the person's reality is under subjective thought, but refuses to review or discuss it.

Seen this identical situation many times before ... due to "spirit" possessive.

All one can do is walk away and hope for the best. You cannot convince anyone they're being possessed when they close the gate to their mind to see beyond their current subjective reality ... or actually someone else is closing it.

This is the how possession controls. It doesn't allow facts or reasoning to enter the mind. It doesn't allow it's "victim" to investigate. It plays on low self esteem and when voices are involved it can entice the victim into believing it's the only one that cares for them ... sometimes inducing sexual favors from its target ... single or not. It plays on their mental programming, even if it's wrong programming.

Watch a video about a mythological being and the victim may be influenced by the voice that it is this mythological being. The victim may have already been influenced to believe this from subjective thought of the voice source or using others to convince them it's true ... due to their limited thinking. All playing into the voice source to victimize another prey, eventually bullying or attacking their prey if they stop playing along ... letting them believe the attacks are from another or it's to teach them enlightenment. 

How do I know? Been there done that over twenty five years of continually learning. However, I also learned to be a "show me prove it or shut up" realist that stays grounded and asks lots of questions. The answers better add up or I walk away from it. Some don't know to do this. 

Sad to say, these are the type who follow like sheep because they don't know their intuition can be subjected to, based on soul/mind growth. 

Yes, it can. 

It's no different then a child believing any fabricated story that's told to them ... allowing their innocence to be exploited. It's no different then the mentality of those that are convinced to "drink the Kool-Aid" due to blind faith. It's no different to those of low self esteem who desperately seek love or attention, even if it's all in the wrong places, because of misguided or blocked feelings. 

Where was their intuition or instincts then?

Those who are kept in the dark ... kept limited in awareness ... kept from seeing facts ... are ripe for the picking. Their intuition can be blocked. It is similar to a mental block. For instance, when you know a name of something or someone but can't say it.

If one is kept isolated from facts, by possible guidance around them, it's a good clue they're being used for selfish purposes.

I've learned that some guidance isn't always educated either; which may be a good reason for keeping their subject in the dark. No matter what dimension, we're only as good as our teachers and what we're allowed to learn.


  1. Hi, Atomarane, I have a question for you. It doesn't really have anything to do with this entry, but I feel it's important. Do you know, or have you heard of Theta Healing and a person called Vianna Stibal?

    I bought one of her books about ThetaHealing. I personally thought it was interesting how a person could heal from bone cancer so quickly, and how many people supposedly were cured from their illnesses.
    I decided to do some research, and what I found was, well, a bit confusing. At first I read from Vianna's website to see if what she offered was true. It seemed convincing, but there wasn't enough proof about her work.

    Then I went into another website that called ThetaHealing a lie, fraud, and many names. Apparently Vianna and her family were throwing lawsuits at whoever questioned her methods, and her followers were called a 'cult'. I did more research, and there were more claims from other people that Vianna was lying, or simply misguided by the so called 'Creator' she talks about.
    I still wish to read the book as some of the issues seem interesting, but I don't think I can fully trust the author.

    I wanted to share this with you because I found it interesting, and wanted to hear your own conclusion on the matter. What is you opinion?

  2. Haven't heard of her and what you did was an excellent way of discovering anyone trying to fraud the public. I commend your efforts. To cure anything may take time and permission from God/Universe and sometimes the answer may be no.
