I have spent most of my life trying to understand life. I'm aware of our ancestors fighting for respect, decency, and equality ... as I've done.
When I see those, who call themselves humans, undermined those rights, or do all they can to negate or disrespect the rights they have been given (not necessarily earned), I want to lock them up in a cage where they belong.
I can't even say they're prostituting their principles because they have little to no principles. Reasoning doesn't work ... I've tried that ... can't reason with unreasonable thinking ... especially if one's thought processes are being blocked. Ugh!
Besides it's not PC ... to each their own ... we all have to experience and learn from our mistakes ... because ... after all ... we are way too smart to learn from other's mistakes.
As my ex used to say quite often: buy them books, send them to school and they're still stupid. He was referring to those who were capable of doing better but obviously choosing not to.
Thanks for letting me vent ... deep breath ... back to normal programming.
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