Thursday, April 24, 2014

Rest In Peace?

Many times I've "heard" the words ... "let the dead rest." 

I think what guidance means, when that's said, is the unreasonable demands we put on enlightened souls, from the past, who have been placed on pedestals by humans. From those who may consider themselves unworthy of being as important as the ones they worship ... placing perpetual demands on these enlightened beings. 

We assume they are still spirits, not even knowing if they are currently incarnated or have ever incarnated since their precious historical one ... or ... if they are still "archangels in heaven" so to speak. This "drawing on their souls"  may create unrest in them no matter where or who they are today.

Think about it.

Certain cultures won't say the name of the deceased due to their belief of it calling them back to earth ... disturbing their souls ... not allowing them to move on. This is why many cultures have sayings like "rest in peace," which is similar to the Islam faith's saying "peace be upon his soul," when they talk about their prophet.

I wish we would all feel this way about the departed, especially the historical ones who may never get spiritual rest due to our feelings we place on them ....  whether they be good or bad feelings. When I hear these expressions, I wonder if it's all lip service because we forgot the true meaning behind them.

Do we really want anyone to rest in peace? To have a peaceful spirit/soul? It actually doesn't appear so. How can we, if we keep placing our demands on those, we consider good (or bad), to answer our prayers? 

Sadly, it made me think how very selfish we are.

It's as if they are supposed to be on the beck and call of billions of people on this planet 24/7. They have a name for that ... it's called slavery. We are enslaving our past prophets/prophetesses, gods/goddesses, saints, archangels or whomever in servitude of our needs ... keeping them from moving on because of our demands.

Selfish behavior?

Unloving behavior?

Indifferent behavior?

Lazy behavior?

I remember hearing once that atheism is God's best friend. At first, it made me chuckle, but then it made me wonder if it could be true. We don't always know the whys and wherefores of things ... even the greater purpose of things. Maybe our Creator assisted in this atheism creation to give him peace of mind/soul too ... the one being who carries the greatest servitude burden above all.

You may say no but it is plausible. After all, he's a pretty smart being. Right?

I think I know why there's so much unrest on this planet. As above ... so below. Whose soul are we creating spirit unrest in today with our prayers?

If I pray for peace to be upon all our souls ... no matter where or what we are today ... no matter who we were before ... will this too cause unrest?

I wonder. 

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