Thursday, January 21, 2016

Psychopaths: A Depraved and Indifferent Future?

Strange meditation this morning. I felt this was a warning. Hopefully, forewarned is forearmed but from what I've seen of human programming, it takes an "Act of God" to change things. Let me know how you feel about it. 


"One day, on this current path, humans will show no empathy and be morally and socially disconnected, due to demanding their wants, and not wanting to discriminate against other's wants because of it. They will witness murders and shrug their shoulders, because there's no law against it. They will witness a myriad of violence and depravity for the same reason, because murdering people is their 'want.' After all, why are we demanding our wants but don't understand the path it leads towards other's demanding their wants? Where does one draw the line in what's right for one but not another?"


Next time, we see something on the news or social media, that we don't like, or hate, just, apathetically, say these words: because that's what they wanted. Try it. I did it a few times and it's a mind blow experience. Wow!

It made me feel that it will be a future world of psychopaths: people who may appear outwardly normal but have “moral depravity” or “moral insanity,” in that they seemed to possess no empathy, no sense of ethics, or of the rights of other people.

It would not be a world "run by psychopaths" because everyone will be indifferent. In a psychopath's mind, they don't have feelings of right or wrong? Est id quod est!

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