Saturday, January 2, 2016

Torment and Torture?

Generally, animals aren't tormented and tortured by humans before killing them for food, even by others animals. Death is most often swift today, as well as in the days of old. Even though it's done, it's still often rare (based on overall human population) to hear about humans torturing animals, much less torturing before consumption.

However, man and woman, which are part of the "animal" species, throughout history have not always had the same consideration to their own kind. Even today, we still have some who think stoning is considered an appropriate thing to do to people, whereas most civilized societies consider it barbaric. As it should be. Is this how they kill their food sources too? Not likely.

What perverse nature some humans have within them, where they often treat these "lower life forms" with more respect then their own species? Makes one wonder. At least, it makes me wonder. Is this the nature of the beast within humans? A lack of empathy towards other humans?

I found this website (below) of medieval torture to prove my point. However, it's not only medieval times when tormenting and torturing is still employed today by anyone for any reason. All too often, I hear or read about psychic attacks, as well as continually experiencing my own because of helping others. I know the reality of them firsthand and often wonder why they continue. Why can't "they" behave? What's the purpose of this insane cruelty?

Some people say that humans are cruel by nature because they kill animals for food. I say it goes deeper than that and, like anything in life, we cannot stereotype. After all, it's pretty sad when you hear people say they care more about animals than other humans. Hmmm ... is this a reason? Maybe we should include humans in our feelings. We can start by not being cruel to one another, be more civilized, and stop blaming our food sources as a reason. 

Since, we obviously care more about them than other humans.

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