Thursday, January 7, 2016

Venting: Historical-Religious Past Lives and Psychic Attacks

Please allow me to vent because I'm really tired of hearing this off the universe (for years) that I'm Muhammed. No, not from guidance, they would know better, it's a projected thought. Now, I'm "projecting back" out of frustration and just going on the record about how I feel. Here goes...

One: Shut the hell up, and move on, because you're seriously crazy. I can see how uneducated or unaware people can become deranged with this type of mentality - especially if they too are subjected by this insanity without understanding where the thoughts or emotions are coming from.

Two: Muhammed died and he had numerous spirits share that life, many who were his tormentors. Yes, tormented like other religious prophets of the past. I know how to find any of them. People, that know me, know I know how. Deal with it!

Three: My birth name is Charlene. My original soul had many past lives that I've recorded, but I am who I am today. Deal with that too! I made a video about it for anyone who cares to see. I did this only because I was trying to figure out my psychic attacks. Nothing more. I don't live in the past.

Four: I will not go public telling people I'm someone from the past because the past is gone. So, you can stop sending that crap to me - wanting to use it as an excuse to attack me. Now you see how I deal with your insanity. Back off!

Oh, almost forgot, I'm not God either. Something else that's been projected to me in the past. I mentioned that on a video too. What next? Jesus? Abraham? Do you think I'm as crazy as you are?

Get a life!


  1. pretty funny you say "get a life" when theyve never really had one :)
