Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Going Against Collective Thought?

Going against or challenging any "collective thought" can be paramount to creating one religion out of many. Paramount to removing all meat and fish sources off this planet to have everyone eat nothing but plants. Paramount in having every human being become androgynous with no sexual activity as we know it. Paramount to curing the plague or stopping a country war on it's onset. Paramount to stopping a hurricane or tornado. Paramount in having politicians tell the truth. Paramount in removing all vice from mankind. Getting the picture? Whew!

Okay, maybe the examples sound extreme, but they are all possibilities that could equal the same feeling a child may have trying to talk it's parents into going somewhere when they cannot afford it, or a teen trying to get the car keys for an outing after being grounded. I'm sure everyone has had an example of going against any collective thought, no matter how big or small, sometime or another in their life and achieving or not achieving the goal.

Recently, I was made aware that psychic attacks (mental and physical) are becoming collective thought which is one of the main reasons for wanting to write this blog. Know why? Keep reading, I will explain shortly.

But first, let me state that one must feel strong enough, as well as knowledgeable enough, to go against any collective thought in order to win. However, be careful, as most may fight back and seriously drain your energy. Then you may win, but at what cost?

Furthermore, don't forget why any collective thought was initially designed; many of which may have been established long before you arrived in this life. If you don't try to understand this, you could become disrespectful of the past and the many reasons for it. You could also be up that proverbial brick wall of changing established truths. This would be similar to changing an established belief of priest in the Catholic Church not being able to marry. See?

Also, there are those that may choose not to know why things were originally established as it might change their desire to challenge it; they just saw the other side of the coin. Something we sometimes fail to do when we have our minds set on things. An attitude like: Why do I need to know why things were established? It's my truth now to change it!

That is an arrogant and disrespectful attitude and you want people to listen to you? Right! My comment would be to say: Come back when you're an adult and can talk like one.

To continue, don't be smug and self righteous and don't become what you hate. Don't think that you know everything, or have all the answers, because this life may pull you into the next life in order to give you a better understanding ... and it may not be what you think it is. It may put you in a life that you judged, because you didn't truly understand what you thought you did, and that next life will be your "teacher" to help in that understanding. Karma! Ugh!

Keep in mind that collective thought fights back and most of the time very forcefully. I know, because I've been up against it for a very long time and not always willingly. My collective thought journey is finding truth within the universe from those that deliberately conceal it for their purposeful gain. Those that blanket our energy to manipulate and control through fear and ignorance.

Also, to help remove said fear and ignorance, I am doing what I can to teach what I know, while still understanding the forces I'm up against; this collective thought of those who deliberately veil minds to keep people from understanding more ... so people can be controlled.

However, in all this, I have come to learn that everything has a purpose for being here in this moment, as I mentioned previously, including the collective thought that I challenge. Caution is very important when opening another's awareness to a new (yet not so new) truth. There are those that may misuse and abuse this awareness ... they have and still do. We see this particular mind set daily and I see no end in sight. No end to the powerful forces of this particular collective thought of teaching mind power to those that want to know from those that fear us knowing; the battle continues.

Besides, if an original purpose is still there, and the reasons behind it are still valid, then challenging that collective thought may be fruitless. It would be paramount to dismantling a huge concrete dam with a screwdriver. Daunting to say the least and possibly bordering on stupidity.

I had a greater understanding about the power of collective thought, many years ago, when a student of mine asked my guide if we were going to have a hurricane that year and my guide asked him why he wanted one. Then he explained why he said it that way.

He said: You see, thoughts do create, and with your desire to know about these hurricanes you draw them to you. You are one of many on this land that sit and wait with the thought ... any day now, we're about due for a hurricane, we haven't had one in a long time ... and with that you will create your hurricane that you miss and so it will come. It's up to all of you to cleanse yourself of these thoughts and the hurricane will cease to exist.

Sounds too simple, yet too complicated, to challenge that concept, but can we do it? Can we change our collective thoughts, even the powerful or destructive ones? Some programming goes deep and, as I said before, may still serve a purpose. This may sound strange, especially when we see destruction from these things that are created. Why would any intelligent being allow it?

We need to seriously think about our challenges and pick our battles wisely. Changing some collective thought can be extremely overwhelming and has been know to take lives: as in the Civil War and freeing slavery, for example. It's makes me wonder when we will ever move beyond the physical battles and become more humane in our humanity. Until then, do not despair, there is hope. If you think your challenge is worth fighting for, and you don't succeed in this life, then you have the option of returning and trying all over again. As they say, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Finally, the collective thought of mental and physical attacks. No, I didn't forget that I was going to share this too. This may sound outrageous but here goes: some of these are being done to awaken the forgotten power within us. Somebody decided that in kicking our butts, literally, they will get our attention. Otherwise, as "children" we will want to play. Who wants to work? Right?

Is it working? Well, think about it. A multitude of people around this planet are awakening to the truth of these things, including understanding there are "teachers" in other dimensions. Many people are experiencing and understanding, first hand, the abuse of the misuse of power ... and they don't like it ... as well as fearing it.

A universal battle endures to teach us lessons of abusive power? Why? Because we asked for this awareness, been asking for it, and those in the know feel their way is best. Lessons learned painfully are remembered the longest. It's not what I feel is best, but I'm not in charge. My soul is not as old as others and these ancients know how often power has been abused. Stern lessons were considered necessary, if it came to that, and apparently, once again, it did.

One might ask, what would God/Universe do, when we constantly drag our feet in learning something that most feel we are years years behind in knowing? He may be up against our "lethargic or abusive collective thought" ... in becoming aware and more loving ... and decided to use whatever means to get us off our butts.

It's something to think about. Is this getting our attention? It sure got mine.

It reminds me of when parents would spank the butt of a child, and say - this hurts me more then you. Is God/Universe doing the same? Is it hurting them more then us?

I even heard once that this training (awakening) has caused a lot of our attacks due to physical people astral projecting before taking time to see what is really going on around them. Setting people up on purpose. When will they learn? When will they behave? When will they get it?

Yes, there is also the reason of those who attack because they choose to be evil. Its within their soul to do this and they are going through their lessons too.

I've heard other reasons too, however, I'm sure that saying all this has stir up enough controversy for now. By now you may be thinking, would God or any being of love, do something like this? Why indeed?!

Family frustration comes to my mind and my family isn't as large as His. It's been said that desperate people do desperate things. Maybe God and His hierarchy of infinite wisdom decided to throw their hands in the air and let all hell break loose. Anything is possibly.

Hmmm .... you thought you had problems changing or challenging collective thought! ;)

Finally, the very best of luck ... you'll need it ... in whatever collective thought you choose to challenge. There are plenty that I hear about all the time. As some say - "Go with God" - but keep in mind that He just might not be on your side. In other words, is permission allowed? Do you know the full extent of changing something? Might be a good idea to check first, if you want or if know how. Just a thought.

Now ... what collective thought are you challenging? Anyone for thinking away hurricanes?


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