Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Meditating - It's Not New Age

I will talk about meditating in a moment, but I want to mention the first part of it, which is what we do in the beginning ... prayer. Yes, that's right, prayer comes before meditating.

Prayer means requesting ... to ask. I think, by now, that most know that prayers aren't always answered. At least, not the we may wish them to be or as fast as we may wish. However, nothing ventured - nothing gained.

Also, with regards to praying, I really resonated with this Bible passage (below) the first time I read it, regarding Jesus' feelings. I think I felt his feelings deeply because of things I have seen while growing up; seeing people publicly and outwardly lamenting and beseeching, that many times I felt uncomfortable, while watching, as if something didn't feel right.

Then, as I said, one day I read this passage and thought ... ah-ha!

Matthew 6: 5-6 - When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. They love to stand and pray in the houses of worship and on the street corners, so that everyone will see them. I assure you they have already been paid in full. But when you pray, go to your room, close your door, and pray to your father who is unseen, and your father who sees what you do in private will reward you.

This passage doesn't mean we shouldn't ever gather in small or large numbers, for spiritual elevation, enlightenment, or comforting, but to warn about "showing off" in public as if we think this will bring us greater rewards.

Also, it's a warning to not be a hypocrite in praying, because it will show that our heart is not in the right place.

Do we need a building to pray? Of course not! We can gather in a field if we want, especially if the "pure of heart" is praying with the right intentions. The difference will be known and the rewards, if allowed, will be based on this.

I believe in the power of prayer; that collective energy of combined thought directed for a common good can have a great impact, especially when unselfishly given.

So, why would Jesus say to pray in private?

I believe it is to meditate ... to help us be quiet ... to be in stillness ... to hear our answer ... just as he did in the garden; among other places.

In my awakening, I was taught that meditate means listening. It was so we could receive our answer. How can anyone hear the answer if they cannot still the mind long enough? Meditating hopefully provides this.

Whether it is a thought heard or an emotion felt, it is much easier when you have no distractions.

Meditation is not a "new age" thing to turn ones nose up against either. If so, I feel this disparages what every prophet throughout history was taught to do and taught their followers.

I feel it is still being taught today, because of the persistence of said past prophets. As they say: if at first you don't succeed try, try again.

Thank goodness for their persistence and that someone thinks we are worth it for them to remain persistent.

So, in summary:

Prayer = Request

It doesn't hurt to ask but don't expect. Some things may take time.

Meditate = Listen

You may not like the answer but that doesn't mean you cannot protest it. However one cannot protest what one doesn't know (hear).

This picture below is a good example of what I like to think of the combination of both; prayer and meditation. Jesus is represented in silent prayer with the halo around his head meaning his ability to receive divine messages and the "heavenly light" being directed to him ... to deliver these messages.


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