Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Mythology of Chemtrails

I made this video in 2009; I still feel the same way today in 2013. I had a lot of advice in making it and not just from my guidance.

It seems, from some current websites I've been reading, more people are jumping on "my" bandwagon. However, I am still seeing the influx of current believers who chose to wear blinders and I constantly ask myself why.

My guides once called them fear mongers and adrenalin junkies. I think they were being kind because their emotions were more like shaking their heads in frustration and vexation.

This is what happens when a flow gets started and no telling when it will stop. Reasoning doesn't seem to be prevalent in this moment. Always so fast to judge instead of discern.

Please read the video notes and do your own research. Really research! Because we can have more chemicals placed into our atmosphere from volcanoes exploding and weather conditions like hurricanes and tornadoes, among other things.

Also, ask yourself, are these people promoting things due your health or their wealth? Are they asking you to look up when you should be looking around?

There are important annotations on the video, if you look away you may miss them.

Chemtrails vs Contrails -

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