Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Truth - Facts - Reality - Fantasy

I was recently involved in a discourse about truth and how there are those whose realities are "their truth" but the facts still remain as unproven, based on what they profess as truth as opposed to scientific validation.

It was also stated that "no one needs to prove their truth" even though they spout off their truth as being believable regardless of how anyone with a touch of wisdom or common sense would feel about it. I cannot believe any science field would accept that level of understanding much less a court of law. Facts still need to add up scientifically and logically.

To not allow for viable belief, one would expect ridicule and disbelief. Been there myself and know how it feels. I decided to not whine and rebel but use my energy to prove my worth the best I could ... putting my money where my mouth is.

To continue, I was challenged
due to those that choose to live in their realities even when suggesting their truth may be manipulated and they are being led along due to their limited awareness as well as mind programming. Some resented my point.

Of course they would, it would be paramount to finally telling a child there is no Santa but only the essence of the season. Some children may rebel and refuse to believe this. Thank goodness my mother told my sister and I together. My sister was only interested in still getting presents and once this was confirmed we both transitioned with ease. ;)

Anyway, below was my final comment to my challenge of people having their realities, which is their truth, and basically, I should respect their truths. Truths that were based on mental fantasies not actual fact.

After all, how do I know what's truth?

Right? How do I know? How would they know what I know if they don't know me and what I do? How pompous of someone to think they know me when they don't? Or, in some cases, do they really care? Probably not, but they will still want to assume which places them on an inferior level to another who does know.

Q: Why do people still do these asinine things today? A: Limited awareness.

Deep breathe! I tell myself to be patient as I too have walked and talked the gullibility path.

So, I decided to share some of my training there, as I do here, and hope it helps. If it is a repeated training, already shared abd read on my blog, then please bare with me; some things are worth repeating.


The difference between truth and non-truths is the same as light and dark. Seeing is believing as well as feeling the truth of what's going on around people - guidance or not.

We all generally have a truth meter within us to call out another. It's what keeps us from falling victim to gullibility.

When I see darkness around someone, I know they are under a dark influence. When I see light aground someone, I know their energy is clear and not manipulated as in the dark energy.

We all have our personal experiences but within those personal experiences we also know when we lie to another, even when we say with our mouth that we aren't. Manipulating energy does the same. As the saying goes ... man speaks with forked tongue. This means you are saying with your mouth what your heart doesn't truly feel.

An empath, regardless of guides, if they are good at what they do, can sense those energies, and those energies, that are manipulating another, resent interference. So much so, that they attack anyone who interferes in their desire to manipulate, because of their fear of someone discovering what they are doing or why.

Personally, I could care less on who does what to who's ego but the truth will always be in the universe/book of truth/book of wisdom/Akashic Records/ or any name you want to call it. You can run away from it but it will still be there and one day you will face it whether you want to or not.

When someone covers their body with tattoos that is their personal choice, or reality, but not mine. If my body is not covered with tattoos but someone says I am, yet thousands say I'm not and universal truth says I'm not, then what truth would you believe?

You can beat "realities" into the ground but not truth. Why? Because your truth, even when deceptive, will come off of your energy, like the beacon on a lighthouse, and scream back at you ... as well as others who will see you for what you are, and not what you think you are, no matter how much that deceptive energy "enables" your truth or reality. For instance: "It's ok honey, I love you, don't listen to those bad people, they don't love you like I do." Get it. They love weak or hurt minds - it's like a magnet to a predator.

Empaths knows this. Empathy teaches us this. The flow of lies or truth is there in the universe. Anyone can get their panties in a bunch over it but it's not going to change a thing. It's still there to look at when the mask of delusion is lifted.

Someone could tell me right now that everything I experienced is an illusion. My comment would be ... So!

Why would I say this? Because I don't live in the past anymore then I live in delusion. God gave us five other senses to ground us and I'm quite happy having them to do so.

It goes without question, to most who know this, that what you ask to the universe will be what you get back. You have to be impeccable with your questioning. Like a computer program: GIGO (garbage in-garbage out).


As far as those who deliberately distort the truth, it goes without saying that the majority of the world may have told a white lie, for self preservation, sometime or another in their lives. I choose to ignore these to a certain point, unless it builds into continual deception whereas I may choose to call foul. As we all should ... their "truth" or not. After all, it is our world too, not just theirs.

I also choose to see people for their actions and not just their words, however their collective energy is what the universe uses to fingerprint everyone. I use that too. It will be evident if someone is on their own energy or if someone is messing with another's mind. Why? Because their emotions are in the universe too.

Furthermore, there are times were our memory may be tested in remembering truth. This can be a blocked or distorted memory that could be deliberate or not. Similar to - "jeez, I can see her face but can't remember her name!" Is it from a mental deficit of one's own doing or from another? I've seen both.

Yes, I have seen this distortion of truth or mental blocks being deliberately "astrally projected" to a being to set someone up; it's been done to me many times to prove it's validity. This may be done out of hate of the person who is receiving this distorted message or blocked thought ... or someone else is being used to do it. Just as a bully may do; by sending someone to do their dirty work.

Some say they do it to teach us ... To make us more aware. Hmmm ... not my type of teacher.

Also, there are times where we can have innocent spirit attachments that can cause issues too; like departed pets. They get into our energy and learn from us. In doing so, they believe what you believe and can overwhelm your truth which is still not the truth, but it is what you taught them. Sensing doubt? Check your energy for the reason. After all, you programmed them.

That's why one must always ask impeccable questions and don't assume anything when channeling truth off the universe. You never know what you will find. The energy around you may be only projecting your feelings back at you.

Sometimes, loudly so! We may voice these astrally projected thoughts, especially if it's a power thought that comes into our minds with force. However, those are the strange thoughts that we may counter with things similar to: "I didn't mean that!" ... or ... "where in the world did that come from?" ... or ... "what possessed me to say that?"

Understand? it's similar to when you're angry and start to call someone brat but something else comes out instead. Yet, you're too angry in that moment to care. It's happened to me more than a few times. I've seen it happen to others.

It's a truth, a reality to those that experience it, it isn't always factually proven, but is it a fantasy?

Yet, to me, knowing what I know, it's a power thought of garbage in - garbage out, but it's done to make a fool out of another so someone can feel more superior. It's an ego trip from someone who may have gotten busted and now angry that someone may be interfering in their game of deception; their mind games affecting your "reality." They know their truth isn't the truth but they don't care. Their intent is to make you look like a fool. Personally, I feel they are doing a good job of it because, after all, we keep allowing it ... or some do.

Some, like me, keep teaching to the wind and hoping the wind will change and you'll understand where those feelings if doubt are coming from and why.

Keep in mind that feelings of doubt or challenges to your truth should be your reason to question further. Don't go it alone, talk with family and friends who may further open that door of wisdom. I bounce things off of people all the time, because they could present a question or answer to help remove my doubt, help remove any programming of mental garbage, or help stop rumors that can also be detrimental to mine or another's well-being. To help me think outside my box. Debates can be mentally stimulating.

I know that all this valuable information, in searching for truth, may take time, because the emotional energy could get stirred up in any interrogation of facts. It's similar to what we have during a dust storm. Dust starts flying and we cannot see anything. We may have to wait until the dust settles to determine what happened. Ask anyone who has to investigate criminal intent, they know how daunting it can be; weeding through evidence in order to get to the truth.

When all questions are asked and answers given, and you still want to stay on your path, then so be it. Just remember to not whine when you get adversity in return, because you made your decision, just as they did. All whining shows me is that you may still feel unsure of your decision ... you are associating yourself as a victim ... or by the grace of the universe that someone may still be trying to tell you something. As in, your truth may be your truth but it's not the complete truth.

How do you know the difference? Talk to a well established and credible empathic psychic. However, please be careful in your choice, as I've seen many that are into their fantasies too. This is generally due to their culture upbringing. As in any matter of education, they are only as good as their awareness and their teachers. Question everything, even your teachers. If they are good at what they do, they will give you answers including having you answer them yourself.

In summary, I am not referring to dreams or wishes, as these dreams today are possibly our tomorrow's realities. I'm talking about someone's reality that is not factual based on collective reality or universal truth. You can push those reality buttons all you want but anyone with common sense will know what I'm taking about. Where's the facts?

If you really believe your truth is The Truth and no one else does, then, as I mentioned earlier: put your money where your mouth is. I know I sure did ... many times. Investigate, gather facts not hearsay, and present your data in an intelligent adult manner and not "because I said so!" If you want adults to listen, you have to be one.

I had a truth, it was my reality. It was a fantasy to others until I taught them to do what I know how to do. It is now their reality based on scientific steps for proof of this reality. Facts that begin to add up. That's what proves one's truth; not just saying it's my truth but proving it.

I make free videos to teach because it was more important for me to prove this reality then to become rich and powerful and lord it over people.

That was and still is my truth. I live in this reality that was once a fantasy because I took the time to share my worth in order to prove it through scientific facts.