Thursday, April 4, 2013

Holding Court With Our Souls?

Page 31 from my book ... Soul Searching for Truth: Many times our emotions may be influence by an unseen source ... someone else's emotions. We have learned that spirits exist, in another dimension, and can still be around us. They can influence our thinking without us being aware. Until now! Here is a technique that I use and teach to allow for more protection.

Connect your mind’s eye to your energy field, aka your aura, than look around to see who's around you or within you. Looking into this higher dimension, you will see and sense, within moments, who may be within your body or soul. Your guides will assist.

Let these beings know, by projecting your thoughts to them, that you are aware of their presence and wish to know if they require something from you. Yes, a conversation can be held. Telepathy, clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance, these powers of the mind permit this conversation.

Some of these energy beings may be of lower life sources, like animals, and could be there because they don’t know what else to do. Whatever the case, a cleansing of your energy can be performed even if that means incarnating the spirit into a new lifetime.

Helping with an incarnation also takes universal permission and guidance (more on that later).

Page 32: This picture (below) is what I used in my book but it was in black and white. At least you get to see it in color this way and it gives you an idea of what I mean by different unseen sources being around your energy which could be creating issues with your body, mind and soul. I give more description on what each image below represents in the book too.

We can have good or bad around us. 
Seeing is believing.

You can find an eBook version of this book, which offers more insight/tools of the trade, of Soul Searching for Truth at:

Another thing I've seen before, while meditating, showing what can be in and around our bodies, looks like various size stars. These "stars" are representing soul nucleus of different evolved spirits; smaller may represent lesser beings that could be animals and larger may be older souls. 

You can expand away from each soul nucleus to see what or who is there. This means it is in their thoughts what they currently are, whether that be, human, animal or any extraterrestrial beings. Their current thoughts of themselves will be a truth in the universe. Then you should follow the above advice from page 31.

Many people say we are "connected to the universe" and this is technically true ... the universe is multi-verse ... within us and around us. However, there are those that wish to twist these words into things that are not pleasant by placing younger, lesser mind spirits within our bodies to use as they wish ... mainly harming. Yet, not all are sent, some can just be there due to a pet crossing over, but it's mind can still be used against us due to the hate and jealousy of another wanting to attack due to it's own lack of higher awareness.

Furthermore, I have learned that you can turn the tides on this and use this same energy to help you once these beings are trained. They can become a protective force around you and for you. Basically, you have turned a negative into a positive.

This is the good and bad of having animal totems and guides around us. Once when my friend Janelle jokingly said she was going to send a pet to a teacher of mine, Zabrona, his instant reply was: "I'll send it back." Where these teachers come from, they do not want energy around them that can be manipulated by another's mind. They are ever vigilant in clearing their energy. That's how I learned about all this and that's why I share it. The expression "holding court with our souls" came from them. I felt this meant the same as going to a judge in court to resolve issues, only you are the judge and those around and within are on trial. It is up to you to discover what is going on and resolve the issues.

In conclusion, the eBook price is minimal but it costs due to the time I put into putting it together, my blogs and videos are free even though I still placed a lot of time into those too. I feel, in this way, I am covering all bases to get these messages delivered and keeping balance and peace in the universe ... and myself. :)

Just some things to think about!

Please feel free to share, 
comment or ask questions.

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