Saturday, April 13, 2013

Rumors: Strange Dreams or Thoughts

I was reminded, due to a strange dream I had this morning, how false thoughts, rumors, gossip, or whatever you want to call non-truths or near truths, can permeate within our universal energy (thoughts in the universe) and formulate into a bazaar dream that has no sound logic to the dreamer, that is, until it is analyzed. Sometimes, these dreams are presented to us to clear up universal energy or to let us know what is going on behind closed doors, behind our backs, so to speak.

I haven't had a "hodge podge dream" for some time. I call it this kind of dream because it's a dream of many twists and turns. Seeing me, or other people that I know, doing or saying things that I feel would not occur in waking life.

I decided to analyze this strange dream, with the help of guidance, in order to receive clarity about it. In fact, I received so much clarity, that all I could say, while smiling and shrugging my shoulders in acknowledgement of what I was hearing, was, "Really!? That was interesting. This is what's going on out there? Seriously!? Yes, I remember that this is one way our energy can get scattered and confused and how these thought patterns are formed. I had put that training out of my mind, thanks for reminding me. What 'run-away thoughts' people can have when they don't know the truth? This is what they think? Oh well!! Some people have a wild imagination! Some people need to get a life of their own and not think of mine so much. Wouldn't you agree?"

They did and I decided to let them take care of the worse offenders, if necessary. Nothing like clarity to clear the air. 

So you see, false rumors may make us do or say things in our dreams that have us wake up and say, "No way!!!" These thoughts are not at all the truth within us, or could be twisted partial truths, and they can sure make for some crazy dreams. 

False thoughts, while awake, may also have us thinking bazaar things about ourselves, and our past, and we may push them out of our minds because, "hmmm, where did that come from? I never did that. I never said that." 

They may even have us say things, yet, at the same time, have us thinking, "why in the world did I just say that?" These may be projected thoughts off the universe to let us know something may be going on.

Now you know. It's not always what you think of yourself, but what others think about you. Thoughts or rumors in the universe. What's in your dreams? What are you thinking or saying that you know isn't true in your heart? This may be a clue for you and the answer will be in the universe.

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