Monday, June 15, 2015

Bad Attitude

I recently noticed a Facebook "friend" had unfriended me due to her, obviously, not liking my recent point of view on a current hot topic. Which is interesting because I felt I was being very kind and educational about my opinion. This is someone that rarely made comments on my status updates or liked them, until this topic. I find it amazing what brings people out of hiding and ready to attack someone. Was she waiting for the right moment? Maybe she just needed an excuse to do what she really wanted to do.

I understand that people can feel threatened by another's opinion, as I told another Facebook friend recently: "Many times their truths are on a foundation of quicksand and they fear being sucked into it. It's fear that creates the hate and they don't want to face it. Many times, we only open a different concept and it's unacceptable."

That she did this is not perplexing to me, I had a sixth sense she would. Yet, what is perplexing is that some people may have a different point of view from mine but act as if I am supposed to placate their egos and agree with them all the time. If not they get a bad attitude and unfriend me as it's some sort of slap in the face. The "I'll show her" mentality. It astonishes me that anyone would think everyone should agree with everything. Who does that? Sorry folks, I'm just as entitled to my opinion as another and I will not be an enabler to what I feel is wrong in my heart. I played that overly caring card too long and what did it get me? Nada!

Maybe I've gotten crankier in my old age or maybe I'm less tolerant of what I see going on in the world. However, I will share what I feel is of value to me. If we disagree, so be it, such is life. Yet, if someone wants to develop a bad attitude, because I don't placate their ego, of what I feel is unacceptable, they can feel free to drop off my list anytime, because I can do without fake friends. I can also do without those who cannot or will not discuss issues without being arrogant, vulgar, or disrespectful. I'm open to other's opinions, even if I may eventually still disagree with them, and only because they haven't made their point logical enough for me to accept it.

Make a good point ... not a bad attitude. All that tells me is someone's walking on quicksand.


  1. You have a bad attitude about your friend with a bad attitude. Is that logical enough for you to accept? Ha Ha Ha
