Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Below is a Facebook comment I made, regarding equality, racism and a few other current event issues. I thought I'd share it on my blog too. 


I'm all for equal rights and even stood for ERA when people were saying it would cause gay marriages. I marched in Tallahassee for it with the organization I belonged too. 

When women, who call themselves Feminist, got out of line with destructive behavior, other women had to show that not all were in the same mentality. We showed our gender by teaching and explaining how this mentality would push us back and not forward. 

My ERA March was in the 80's and here it is now that certain equality is being established. Rome wasn't built in a day. People need to earn rights and not think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter or that it should be handed to them at all. Earn it. Just as we all have.

As long as people continually riot and loot to show aggressive behavior, then they will continually be looked down on by me as petulant children and not adults. Not due to the color of their skin but due to their Neanderthal mentality that this is the only way to prove a point. 

You want my attention, like I told my children when they wanted to change my way of thinking, use reasoning and common sense - not temper fits. In other words - talk to the hand.

As far as being separated - yes people due that for many reasons. I'll separate myself from moronic or hateful behavior anytime. I'll separate myself from liars, thieves, rapists, murderers, barbarians, or any number of negative behavior, anytime.

If you have a problem within your home, fix it and stop blaming. When someone is too busy blaming they're wasting precious energy that could be used to fix the problem instead of being more of the problem. My feminine ancestors would be rolling in their grave if I was undoing everything they worked hard on changing. That's how I feel with what I see today, all the undoing that I and others worked so hard on to change.

Are we no more then rams busting each others heads or are we civilized human beings? Stop falling back on our ancestor's issues and stand on our own merits. From what I'm seeing there are issues in every race, organizations and/or governments. No one has Carte Blanche on having it good or easy. 

Am I to be upset over the millions of dollars earned annually by black actors or athletes? No! They earned their right to have it!

Besides, my skin color won't keep me from having cancer and dying no more than another's. How's that for perspective? In fact, let's keep all things in perspective. We're all not racist just because we're white but what do you call a black, Hispanic or Asian who wants to kill all whites? A racist? And that apparently is okay?

If people want justice then argue it on the mentality of intelligence not brawn. We don't live in the stone ages, stop trying to put us back there. Hate only begets more hate. History has shown us this. When will it sink in? 

How can we stop world wars if we can't stop wars within our homes? Yes, inside our homes, where it all starts, because babies aren't born racist from any race. 


  1. Darn right! Totally agree with this. I want to start people fighting with their words rather than their fist.
