Sunday, June 7, 2015

Familiar Spirits

Some people will get this right away.

Some people may learn the hard way.

Think of your family and friends and how they were before they crossed over. Think about other's family and friends. Now think of them in the spirit world, still being the same personality they were before they left. Would you feel comfortable with them being around you? Do you know if they are?

I brought this up due to a question I asked my guides once. Why are people, who used to be friendly, now being indifferent or not as sociable? Is it me? Have I said something? Do I need to make amends?

They said: You don't, but there are those who don't want people knowing what they're doing to the minds of the physical. They will subject emotions to move them away because they feel you're a threat to their endeavors. If anyone needs to make amends, they do and not necessarily to you.

Ah, I see. I get it. Thanks.


  1. It sounds very similar to people who move on in life here in the physical. I think all the moving in during my life has made it a bit easier on me when it comes to friends coming and going in and out of my life. For those we truly love, I can imagine how much harder it can be to have them not making contact, but I like to look at the situation as they are either hard at work, or making new friends. The only thing I feel I can truly do is respect that and wish them the best. Anyway, I'm always happy to meet new people or to have shared time with someone. :) In the end, it seems only natural that this kind of thing would happen.

    Also, do souls truly keep their personalities from this life? I've read that there's this shower process that cleanses a soul or negative baggage they may be carrying from a life they have just left. That's not to say they forget that life, but that they are more at peace. I have also read that some will probably refuse to let go of those feelings or negative emotions, but eventually they will just move on with their sour feelings. Is it the same as this? I understand I shouldn't believe everything I read, but I found this too interesting to disregard.

    1. People come and go around us all the time. They will each leave some kind of impression on us. This is the same with non physical presence but we don't necessarily see them. We may feel their presence if we're attune. Egos do not die when a body dies. It takes time to reprogram any mind. The only way they could move on quickly from who they were before is through a new incarnation. Then they will shut down to past memories. Other than that, they can roam freely in the spirit world to help or hinder.
