Sunday, June 14, 2015

Boundaries: Drawing and Crossing Lines

I decided to write this blog due to two things. One reason was due to a comment a young lady wrote yesterday about not wanting to watch a video because it might draw bad stuff to her. Yet, after making videos and blogs about this subject, by now we should all know that there are those elements who will take advantage of innocent or ignorant minds, regardless of what you watch. We can be influenced by many things and in many ways. Look at how our movie industry, news, personal videos and social media are influencing our thinking.

The other reason was due to what occured during this morning's meditation. I heard a "discussion" about "allowing fantasies" which I felt I needed to share as well. It made a lot of sense in how it was presented because we seem to be caught up in a lot of self-undoing with fantasies versus realities, as well as authentic versus fake, lately. Many times we've heard: "it's my fantasy (reality or truth) and it should be allowed; I'm not hurting anyone." 

Yet, aren't we hurting another in anything we do or say? Someone reading this could be offended by it, whereas another could be agreeable. 

How far do we take our allowing? How far before some inner knowing tells us enough, I draw the line? Yet, due to our allowing of other's fantasies, we also keep allowing ourselves to cross those invisible lines we draw. After all, we're not doing anything wrong. Or are we? 

Here's guidance's argument about this today. Hang onto your hats. 

They said that each situation in life first becomes acknowledged, possibly rebelled against initially, and then pushed into acceptance with the wearing down of our reserves. We learn to accept, but maybe not completely accept, because we want to be compassionate; not be unkind or uncaring. We want to show acceptance, yet some inner warnings may be asking us how much more do we accept?

They continued with more reasoning. We started dropping our reserves on proper behavior in what we considered right or wrong. It starts out small, chipping away at our principles. Then bigger situations are presented and we do what we can to be accepting. So far, we've allowed a lot of things to influence our minds that was once considered incorrect but is now correct today. 

So, we should ask ourselves this: what next? If all the things we've allowed, to date, are due to allowing others to have their fantasies or truths realized, which are influencing or can hurt others, even if we choose not to watch or partake, creating a flow which can keep pushing at our lines we establish, then yes, what next?

There are people who believe in many things, including mythological beings, that science has debunked based on extensive research (reality) but they still believe it because it's their truth; hanging onto their fantasies as if it's a life line of sorts. We say, well, it's their fantasy and they're not hurting anyone; allow it. Except, their fantasies now sweep over into other's minds and continues to escape their personal boundaries, affecting other's boundaries in order to justify their truths. Do these fantasies make it anymore real? Absolutely not! Can it hurt others? Absolutely!

There's nothing genuine about their fantasies no matter how someone twists the meanings to fit it. With the latest news regarding the LGBT community and the demands to accept their situations, we should ask - what next? Because we all know this is a reality. There's always a what next. Also, please don't whitewash this logic they're presenting as if anyone is being hateful. They, and I, are above this. I have family and friends in the LGBT community. 

That's not their point, however this is their point. If we are to understand and accept the fantasies of some, then why not another's? We are asked to understand and allow that someone's fantasy is an animal or a mythological creature in a human body. We are asked to understand and allow that some feel they are alien hybrids, with no scientific data, but it's their fantasy. We are asked to understand and accept that a femine or masculine energy is corrupting the human form and we should allow their fantasies. Even if this may include serious surgical operations, instead of doing what's necessary to preserve the human form, including the mind, because we need to accept and allow their fantasies. 

Pay attention now. 

Why then are we not understanding and accepting other's fantasies? Who's to say that a rapist, a terrorist, a rioter, a thief, or a murderer aren't into their fantasies? Shouldn't we be allowing their truths as well? You may say ... but, they're hurting others! Again, aren't we all with what we allow, to some degree, with each flow of thought that permeates into our conscious mind? After all, it's their truth. Isn't it? Why aren't we allowing it too? 

Can we really have one without the other?

As the young lady mentioned, about not wanting to watch a video, she felt the thoughts in it would harm her. She doesn't understand that thoughts don't have barriers ... authentic or fake ... fantasy or reality. They can invade the mind to destroy and corrupt, not just aide and abet. Sure, you may say that none of it has caused major catastrophic events, but can we be sure of this? After all, thoughts can hold power and can be manifested into many things. 

Many state that lines are meant to be crossed. Will those be crossed too? You may say no; never! I will never allow those things! It's pure chaos!

Well, where was your line yesterday? 

Where is your line today?

Where will it be tomorrow? 

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