Friday, March 11, 2016

Blocking Negative Thoughts and Emotions

I did a blog earlier about questioning everything, including our thoughts. 

Question Everything -

This made me think of something more I can add to that. People have often told me that my videos have been very helpful, especially in being more aware that not all one thinks or feels, mostly negativity, is from themselves. We need to be aware of this so we can question that too. 

Something that may help question or block any negative thoughts or emotions is what I've taught my students, which is: anything negative isn't me. Even if you feel it is, tell yourself it isn't. Meaning those particular thoughts or emotions that are design to be mean or hateful to you or another. It's easy to "cancel them out" by mentally denying it. For instance, similar to when a child says something negative to another child and that child replies - So! Similar to saying - talk to the hand! Especially, if you're sensing it's meant to undermine you or another. That's a big clue. 

Yes, blocking negativity can be that simple. Of course, it might be difficult, in the beginning, but persistence pays. Think about it this way, how would you feel if those feelings that you should commit a crime or commit suicide, etc., were coming from another that's unseen? Would you still go along with it? Would you be angry? Would you say "so" or "talk to the hand"? Would you be sad and agree? Either way, whatever your decision, whether it comes from you or another, you still allow it. Wouldn't it be better to allow something positive for you? 

In addition, if a thought is received that you're too thin or too fat, for instance, it's up to you to decide if it true or how you react to it. It's up to you to use it in a negative or positive manner. After you become more aware of these thoughts, the emotions behind them will guide you. This will let you know if they're helping you or not.

Lastly, here's a video I made about blocking thoughts. It was a challenge I put out about understanding where thoughts can come from and why. And why some thoughts, understandably, may not have your best interest at heart. 

Blocking Thoughts & Emotions - A Challenge -

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