Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Migration: Genocide or Extinction?

As a friend said: everybody's an immigrant.

I agree. At least, someone in our ancestry was. Even if we're born native to our country, someone came before us and the path they took wasn't always pleasant or peaceful upon arrival.
Throughout history, we've had migrating people that have invaded others who migrated before (ad infinitum) and they've always had their share of fighting and wars. Always!

To say otherwise would show a severe amount of historical ignorance. Not one time have we had any major migration anywhere that hasn't caused an upheaval.

In the past, they've used sticks and stones to fight their battles. It advanced to axes and arrows. Then to guns and canons. On and on, we continue to fight and war for land or new land.

Eventually, we have advanced to using bombs. We've seen where people have used vehicle bombs or setting bombs anywhere to make a point for their cause. Today the mentality is to use people bombs to blow themselves up, and others, to oblivion.

Experts have stated that migrations have caused a genocide in many cultures. I was thinking about that today, especially when I see the amount of hate that so many people still have for those that don't fit in with their idealogy. Are we eliminating a race? Are we eliminating another culture?

Or, maybe it's more than what we feel it is. Maybe we're using it as a reason to eliminate us. An unconscious flow to depopulate mankind. Are prayers being answered in an extreme way? Are we setting ourselves up for the most severe situation to depopulate mankind? Nuclear? Laser? Meteor?

Yet, I feel that even with humanity understanding population control, we will not be civil. Sadly, it appears as if it's too ingrained in our DNA to be otherwise. Science has proven that the planet rid itself of dinosaurs once. Are we next?

Something to consider. 

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