Tuesday, March 22, 2016


To me, it seems that it's gotten worse, lately, with the paranoia I sense coming off most "truthers" and "conspiracy theorists." They're beyond believable (not that I have). Some have slipped so far down the rabbit hole, they seem beyond hope.

Even though they profess they know the truth, they do not have anything tangible to offer. They haven't proven a thing. Nothing they say adds up, at least with those that have logical minds. Maybe that's my answer. I often wonder what drug they're using to make them believe their fantasies or phobias. I've heard and read many stories over the years and seen the counter (scientific) reasoning, yet they won't be convinced otherwise that some bad guy isn't after them or they're being lied to by the world.

A little while ago, I heard these words, off the universe, regarding the mental state of some of these people  - paranoid schizophrenia. This is where someone has delusions that a person or people are lying to, or plotting against, them or others.

When I asked guidance why this was going on, especially with those within the metaphysical community, they said, "it's the way to discredit what you call psychics or spirituality. It's nothing new, just new people coming on board and being used. Their gullibilty is being tested. In other words, they are drinking the koolaid thinking they're not."

I asked if this was some kind of karmic lesson. They said, "Only if they allow it. There have been many good metaphysical teachers showing the way of truth. They're either being denied it or not choosing to partake. Either way, they'll learn sooner or later."

I got a strong feeling that they're still paying their dues on their path. This validated their answer to my question, that I had asked some time ago, about why were some people being pulled away from me and why was I being asked to move away from some. Guidance told me, "You're not here to save the world. As you know, people save themselves; they have to allow it. But that doesn't mean you have to put up with them while they decide. Besides, these people, whether being paranoid, schizophrenic, or both, contributes to the needs of those in psychology. A karmic path they decided to choose."

Chosing paranoia? Interesting.

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