Tuesday, March 1, 2016


I have had causes that I've stood for but have done my best to do it in a peaceful and legal manner. This is evident in my blogs and videos. However, I've learned that causes can take time to make the desired changes. Yet, some causes may never change due to numerous reasons. They could, possibly, be irrational or unreasonable causes, based on wisdom of history and not wanting to repeat a painful past. Not everyone is savvy on history and the problems that have occured from our past or we wouldn't still be acting the way we do.

Or, maybe some just don't care. Some people aren't always ready to deal with new or better ideas. It has been known to cause anger due to fear of change. Angry energy that's going on around our planet is perpetuating more angry energy. Everyone seems to be jumping on whatever proverbial bandwagon in order to release any pent up anger. They may not even care what cause is involved, they're angry and want to vent, and it may not have anything to do with why they're angry. This often causes the bullying that is so prevalent today. It's a byproduct of their anger which may be channeled into self-righteous or self-gain platforms in order to feel justified in their actions.

To me, as I watch human nature in action, it appears that many haven't learned squat in handling their emotions, or "fighting for their beliefs" in a civilized manner. They're still provoked, like spoil brats not getting their way, and allowing the sulking to create ideas of blowing up things and people. As if that ever solved anything.

Apparently, I've been told, it seems we also have old souls returning, that still feel like warring, continuing their reincarnation in this manner. If this is true, then they haven't learned squat either. That's pathetic, because it entices young souls to learn from them. Their youthful energy is easily provoked with the turmoil of emotions they encounter in life. They don't have the kind of guidance that shows a more tolerable way of releasing that hormonal turmoil in a more positive manner.

It's not for lack of trying, we've had old souls returning and teaching peaceful ways but often to the detriment of their lives. Is it because we prefer hate and anger over love and peace? Of course, there are exceptions to every rule because I couldn't stand by and watch someone attack another, if I could protect them, just because I have a nonviolent idealogy. Even Jesus preached to turn the other cheek but those he angrily attacked in the temple didn't think he was being non-violent much less non-judgmental. I understand that there are times that we get pushed too far and have a right to defend ourselves or others. The point is, why are we still in this same mentality after all these years? Many people have done their best to show there's a better way to do things. Why do we still feel the need to crucify these peacemakers instead of learning from them?

After all this time, with all these master teachers who've return to guide, has it all been for naught? The often illogical and unreasonable hate continues and the angry and warring people may eventually destroy this planet. The meek may inherit the earth, if there's anything left of it or them. Yet, I pray the peacemakers continue to instruct and, hopefully, one day we'll all be enlightened with this awareness: peace without starts with peace within. Maybe then, we can finally be rid of ancient ideas that the only way to accomplish anything is with anger, fighting and wars.

Today's fantasy begins with one step for tomorrow's reality.

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