Saturday, March 12, 2016

Politics: Why Can't People Get It?

We need to get our priorities in order and stop the hate in our country. You vote for someone because of their values and that you feel they can carry off at least half of their campaign promises. You vote for someone not because of their race or gender, not because of your personal needs, but especially not because you hate their opponent. You vote for someone because of their qualifications. What they can do for our country. Maybe people would be dissapointed less, if they understood this. As my dad used to say, we can want in one hand and spit in another, but which one will get filled first.

Let them lay their cards on the table and then vote accordingly. People fight with you because they're not happy with your choice. Why does anyone need to know your choice? I don't care about your choice. Vote your conscience and I'll do the same. Pissing people off will generally and stubbornly make them dig in their heels. If you won't change your opinion, why do you think they will or should?

If reason or logic doesn't work, why should anyone be brutally forced to change their mind? We need to understand that we're only being "expendable puppets" to the Neanderthal-minded, instigating, troublemakers who could care less if we get injured or murdered.

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