Saturday, March 5, 2016

Mature Love

I've often been asked questions about relationships and love throughout my adult life but especially since making videos on You Tube. So I wanted to share something I've learned, which took me some time to discover.

My husband and I are still recovering from a cold. Just as we think we're getting better, we seem to relapse a little. Ugh. A cough can come on out of the blue. Yesterday, while eating breakfast, he suddenly started coughing and spewed his cereal across the table. Poor thing felt so bad but we cleaned it up and carried on. This morning, I noticed he had put a paper towel sheet at each of our places. I asked him why, since we've never done this, if we're only eating cereal. He said, it's in case we cough, we have something to cough into.

He often acts like Mr. Macho, his "it's a sign of weakness" thing, but it's little things like this that tells me how much he does care about things. Yes, he can be a frustrating pain in the butt at times, but so can I. Yet, I notice the little caring things too, as I'm sure he notices the things I do.

That's what relationships are all about. Not just the laughter, the loving, and the caring but the frustrations, the arguments, and even the disappointments. Also, its about earning respect and trust. To me this defines mature love as opposed to young love. In other words, love can be instant but love is always a work in progress.

Like a job, if you want to keep it, you have to work at it. You don't curse or steal from your employer expecting to stay employed. You can't expect an employer to be any less in order to keep employees. It's always a two way street. If you're giving and another is taking, it's not mature love.

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