Thursday, March 17, 2016

New Agers: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I woke up this morning receiving this feeling that the word karma is still being misused or misunderstood. I know there are a lot of new "new-agers" (for lack of a better word) coming on board everyday, so I want to share something that I've learned in nearly thirty years of being Awake (knowing about other dimensions), Aware (knowing other dimensions can communicate) and Enlightened  (knowing how to protect myself from other dimensions), which is: actions speak louder than words.

For example, if someone's out in the rain, looking like they need an umbrella, and you're nearby, bring them an umbrella or whatever item that can cover them (or you both), especially if you feel a strong urge to do so. I can honestly say, it works faster than praying for someone else to do it (to keep you from getting wet) or expecting another dimension will provide protection (stop raining). It is especially useful information when one is in doubt. Kindness should be a priority - in any dimension.

Yes, there are exceptions to every rule, including this one. However, as you become more advanced in your training, you'll understand those too. For instance, am I the one to save another or not? It may seem harsh, but not when you know the full picture. When you're more awake, aware and enlightened, you'll have your answer in a flash of insight. In the meantime, offer an umbrella, etc., if at all possible, because, in all honesty, it's everyone's karma and the universe has eyes and ears everywhere.

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