Sunday, June 29, 2014
Why I'm Proud to be an American
Friday, June 27, 2014
Zombie Conscience
My oldest daughter and I were discussing people putting their or other people's business on social medias. I told her that maybe it's because most people may feel they have nothing to hide, it's not that big of a deal, or maybe we've become desensitized to so many things, we just don't think about it anymore.
The amount of nudity, profanity and disrespect which is seen and heard today would have shocked the world in my youth but today it's like: nothing new ... move on.
Yes, sharing news is nothing new. In my younger years, we still did it and some of it was called gossip. Just pick up the phone and before long the news was everywhere and sometimes embellished. Hopefully, on social medias, we can see it in writing to make sure it's not hearsay or if it's truthful.
Long ago, "business" could be spread through sewing circles or saloon tales. Gossip, or sharing good or bad news, is not gender based either because everyone does it. Good or bad news, they both traveled fast. It's just faster today and often just as embellished too.
Obviously, telling anyone's "business" must still be important because it's done daily worldwide. We have the news and entertainment media spreading everyone's business. Every time we turn on the news, or buy a magazine, we hear or read about someone's business: private or not. Is this part of our desensitizing?
People are worried about government spying on their personal life, too, but in actuality it's our family and friends that could point fingers faster. "Keep your nose clean and you won't have to worry about it" was a saying I grew up with, and heard often, from my military father.
Maybe people's paranoia over "sharing business" boils down to what my dad also told me when I was younger: "if you're worried about what people are thinking (about what you're saying or doing), then don't say (or do) it."
I believe I understand my dad's reasoning now. It's as if we give people power over us when we do that. Don't get me wrong about any of this, I still care about things but maybe I've toned it down to what's a stronger priority with me and not every little thing as I once did. Desensitized?
I still have a conscience, but I've come to terms with many things. As long as I'm doing what I feel is right for me, as long as I am not doing anything illegal or immoral, as long as I'm not deliberately hurting people, as long as I abide by the Golden Rule, then I shouldn't have concerns about people getting into my business. Unless it's my bedroom or bathroom, or trying to steal what's not lawfully theirs to have. Who knows though? A hundred years from now, at the rate things are going, even that could become desensitized.
Having no-conscience may be a bigger concern. Programming that could effect our eternal soul. The word Zombie comes to mind when I think about having no-conscience. Something that's not new either. Throughout history we've seen immoral and illegal things done by many no-conscience, heartless beings.
Another thing I was raised with was: "only the truth hurts." I may have responded back to my father with: but it's not the truth! In which, he would have calmly replied: "then why do you care what they say, if it's not the truth?"
Maybe that's why we're becoming desensitized to so many things. The "who cares about what people think" attitude. What do we have to hide? Obviously, based on what people say about government spying, not a darn thing. If we're an open book to the government ... any government ... why the concern, fear or paranoia? Unless, as my dad also used to say: "what's the matter, got a guilty conscience?"
It always bothered me when he said that because it made me question myself. Did I? Are people vehemently reacting to privacy invasion because of a guilty conscience? In fact, is our privacy really being invaded or are we overreacting? What's the fuss about getting into another's business that's all over social medias, or the news, but not wanting anyone to get into our own? Seems too hypocritical.
Maybe that's why I share my life as I do today. A somewhat open book, without concern, fear, or paranoia, because I've also learned that feelings aren't always coming from me but can be another's. If people choose to project their business onto me, I will gladly send their feelings back ... with a clear conscience (not to be confused with no-conscience).
Yes, as I said above, the eternal part of me is more concerned about the "Zombie no-conscience" then a guilty or clear one. As the population increases and people seek an end to their means with no heart involved, how many more no-conscience people will be developed because of desensitizing people?
I saw a television show recently about a future, hypothetical virus causing a zombie mind. Well, I have news for them, joke about it or make scary movies, but the virus has been around for eons. Under control, somewhat contained, but for how long? How much longer before this Zombie Virus becomes more virulent, uncontainable, and we stop caring or feeling about everything; including being involved in people's business, including not being concerned about our rights against illegal or immoral activities, or only doing lip service with our activitism?
Look around us. Daily we are seeing the increased "out of control rioting insanity" of our world's "Zombie-looking mania" within our human race. We are also seeing the desensitizing of our emotions everywhere: who cares they're two people screwing on the street corner, that's their business. We see more and more mental disorders ... from minor to extreme. We are being programmed to believe drugs promote cures but some with only an intent to calm the mind. Calm the mania or keep us from thinking?
Will the world's desensitizing programming of a Zombie Conscience become the norm?
Time will tell.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Genesis 1:27
Genesis 1:27 ► So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
My question then would be, if God created us in "his" image, but created female too, he couldn't have been just a he. Wouldn't that make sense? What image did God actually have back then? It couldn't have been androgynous either because it would be neither male nor female. Maybe it's time to ask?
And in the words of my youngest daughter, when she was about five years old and I told her she looked like daddy (meaning his side of the family), she loudly declares, with tears in her eyes, "but I don't want to look like a man!"
Could that be why genders, etc., were created? We didn't want to look alike anymore? Bored with the same godlike looks? Whatever that was.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Metaphysical Discouragement
With mercury currently retrograde, I thought it was a good time to reflect on confusion and distortion. Over the years, I've seen so much of this in the metaphysical community that it's no wonder why people eventually turn away. It can be discouraging, especially to ones who've been at this as long as I have.
Why haven't people gotten it? Is their density that dark that no light can penetrate it? Or is it due to the lack of unity within?
You cannot tell people they're being mislead because their ego and "egos" around them, won't allow it. I've dealt with this before, it's not a pretty picture. Many times, I've been asked to intervene or eventually asked to move away if they won't listen to reason.
I've come to a conclusion that some "karmically" have to learn the hard way.
Also, while listening to videos or reading blogs or comments, I often hear or see "channeled" information based on stuff that's been in movies that I've seen in the past ... maybe they have too and therein may lie the "programming problems" that I see throughout the community. Why didn't they channel this information before a movie or book? Did they? Where's the proof? How do we know that these weren't manifested thoughts of future books or movies "projected" during meditating or through the voices we say we hear?
Did they really see Greys, Reptilians or any other worldy species prior to any subjective thought from the physical world or before they connected to the spirit world and the human channel exploitation began? Or is it an ego that needs to be inflated by being cool ... being able to do what others profess they do ... even if they too aren't doing anything because they too are trying to be cool or somebody special? For instance: look at me, I see (or hear) that stuff too.
Yes, these are thoughts in the universe that I hear ... emotions that I feel. Someone's thinking/feeling them. I'm just channeling them to help you understand what we're up against.
Historically, it was only spirits, angels or some such being they could relate to, based on cultural upbringing. It could have been the deluded or wild imagination of an artist's mind from centuries ago ... but does this make it a real creature? Today it's like a wildfire of other worldly species being presented. Where were they before? Or were they ever before?
I'm not saying certain beings exist or not but I know minds can be deceived, especially weak, altered, or innocent ones.
Futhermore, I "sense" so many things that are deliberate lies coming from new age channeling, etc. They know they're lying but don't care. The things they write or say have doubt emitting from them but they don't care. They aren't channeling a universal awareness but a movie that they've been subjected to or from another's regurgitated fantasies ... but they don't care. There are also things they've looked up on the internet and not told by any higher being of light ... but they don't tell you this. These are thoughts that are now within their mind to be played upon. Thoughts to deliberately deceive them as well as others. They don't care because they're jumping on that proverbial bandwagon of placing themselves on a pedestal ... even if it's not facts but their fantasy.
Yes, there is a difference in emotions. When you ask for truth from the universe, do you want facts or fantasy?
With an untrained ego, deceit can be easily employed. The highly trained ones, who are more on top of their game, can see/feel the veil of deceit being employed. Like any education, it takes time to learn and hone these empathic abilities too ... to sense doubt off the universe and to ask why?
Even people who say they are empaths have been deceived because they aren't as attuned or tuned out at the time. I know we're all on different learning stages. I can sense that too. Been there myself. However, why do we need to be on guard, with our "internal truth meters," all the time?
When I recently asked guidance about this, they agreed that's all part of a plan to destroy something good ... it's nothing new ... it's been throughout history. It's all part of a plan to malign unless the one being deceived catches on. There are people being set up to distort the facts, who are willingly duped, to stroke their egos, because they're limited in wisdom as well as knowledge. Nothing new there either. There's many reasons why a lot of people are experiencing so many things, including attacks, and not all are from extraterrestrials ... another ploy to deceive.
I asked why the good ones aren't doing more about it. This is what they said, which kind of shocked me at first, but after everything I've been through during my life, it eventually made sense ... because I was feeling their emotions as I heard the words and know more was involved.
Guidance: Why do you think we've been doing things the way we do ... nearly covertly? Don't you understand the power your mind holds and the ruthlessness of those that would and have abused it or would see you dead because of it? If those, who want to destroy you or people like you, believe that you're unbelievable then you're not a threat. The guidance that is being given to this world is like a child learning to walk ... one step at a time ... for protection in many things. We know what you're capable of doing ... we also know what they're capable of doing and have done. You can attest to this ... your body and mind has been severely attacked many times but you're still here due to this protection; even if you can't see it you know it's true. What you see as something holding you back is a fact to some degree ... in order to save your life. There are ruthless physical beings throughout ... mentally unbalanced too. This time period is not merely enlightening village shamans but world advancement which goes astray due to ego. We knew this could occur and we're overseeing it ... protecting who we can and when we can. Remember what we've told you before: you're not any good to anyone if you're not here. Unless you prefer to go out on the streets ranting like a mad woman and get yourself shut away or killed?
Me: Nope. What purpose would that serve?
Guidance: Then continue with what you know and feel is right.
After that, and still feeling a little disappointed in things, I felt like telling everyone I quit or to pass the torch to another, but something within me sensed that wasn't going to happen. I can understand why people who are truly aware become discouraged in dealing with mankind, especially when it's within the "metaphysical community" causing the negativity.
I also felt it was one reason they started pulling me away from certain things some time ago ... protecting me when all hell breaks loose. I believe this is what saves my mind from all this metaphysical discouragement: I know I have a life outside of that other worldly awareness that keeps me grounded in my reality.
In the meantime, being persistent and patient as always, I'll keep shining my light: discouraged, scarred and battle weary, but not diminished.
Lay Down the Swords
When I was in my youth, I heard an expression: crossing swords with yourself. It meant you were actually fighting yourself but blaming others.
For instance, you whine that no one likes you but you do everything to make sure no one does. I can't get a date, but you stay home and watch TV. You complain that everyone judges you and you hate them for it, but instead of doing anything to improve the situation, you make it worse.
Do you want people to like you ... not judge you? Do you really want improvement to a current situation?
Then stop fighting with yourself and mean what you say.
Half the battle is won when you realize the problem. The other half is won when you resolve the problem.
Lay down the swords.
What Color is Your Soul?
Maybe, just maybe, when we take pride in ourselves, not based on race or beliefs, this world may be a better place for everyone.
When we remember our soul's journey, we remember that we are not one faith or race.
We remember that we are part of everything and eternal.
Ask yourself then, what color is your soul?
What faith is your soul?
What were you before ... in a long ago past?
What will you be ... in the very far future?
When we understand the answers to those questions, it leads us to wisely ask next: Why are we soul-destructive instead of soul-productive?
The one thing that will continue when the physical part of us stops breathing is our soul/mind.
What are you feeding yours?
Monday, June 16, 2014
Conditions, Conditions, Conditions!
I've always considered myself a realist, so it's no surprise for me to come to a conclusion, after analysis, that the word unconditional (not limited by conditions) is a word that doesn't make sense. If we look closely enough, everyone or everything has conditions in life.
Conditions (v): have a significant influence on or determine (the manner or outcome of something).
Believe it or not, we can, with our very existence, subconsciously place conditions on the people in our lives: family or friends. These conditions, I feel, creates the ebb and flow of life's relationships.
Even nature has conditions ... think about it.
However, recently I came across the words used in wartime: unconditional surrender.
After contemplating this phrase, I began to realize that maybe the word "unconditional" could make sense; possibly in the hate or control of another. Those two emotions seem to be more rigid than love should be. Or, am I deluding myself? Maybe "unconditional surrender" has hidden conditions too.
To me, love is yielding. It's not unconditional because it understands conditions are there, yet it bends when needed. You may say that's unconditional but I still see many conditions involved in order to learn ... to evolve.
Hate is unyielding. It has conditions and does not bend. It wants that so-called unconditional surrender. In doing so, it can stagnate learning. It's my way or else.
However, there can be "my way or else" in a loving home. A parent may want their children to grow up with the conditions of understanding, discipline and order; teaching siblings to get along with one another to insure a peaceful home. All for the right conditions to create a better person.
That's not a selfish love, because there will still be kindness, rewards of good behavior, as well as other acts of caring that will be shown within the home.
The selfish love or hate has none of these. It is uncaring and unkind. It wants to bully into submission. Those are the conditions that are used to do so.
So, you can see why I've had an issue with the word unconditional. Conditions seem to be in so many things ... all part of survival. Yet, it's the type of conditions, along with who's doing it and why, that holds the most importance.
Maybe instead of unconditional love we should be saying altruistic love. The love that is for the good of all not just the one.
Altruistic? Hmmm ... even that suggests conditions.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Dialogue With An Intolerant Mind
What people show on the surface is not always their true self, as we've seen lately with sociopathic, mass murderers like Elliott Rodger; which I wrote about in one of my previous blogs.
I wrote: Too many people in the US are afraid of getting sued at the drop of a hat. All that collateral damage that makes us all suffer the laws that are made to "protect the innocent" but hinders us from doing worthy things because of stepping on the toes of the ignorant who cannot see the good that was being perpetuated and sue people instead. It sucks!
After analysis, I realized she had been cold shouldering me since I made a correction comment on one of her many animal pictures. I had been getting feelings about this every time afterwards, when I hit the like button on any of her comments or pictures, that she was avoiding me. I realized, with this occurrence, that she fits the stereotyping of those who can dish it out but cannot take it.
One must understand tolerance for others if they want tolerance in return. One must understand that the calling for one may not be the same for others. Let your conscience be your guide to whatever you are called to do and then do it. Keep in mind the Golden Rule when doing so and you'll know you're being guided with good intent.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Pernicious Path
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
I happened to mentioned to a friend of mine the other day: If I dwelled on everyone that stabbed me in the back I wouldn't have a life.
Later, I started thinking about this message I was guided to say to offer comfort. I looked back over my life and was surprised over the number of times that this had happened to me ... including with family members ... in the past as well as current times.
Was it a message of some sort? Was I too nice? Too loving? Too gullible? Too trusting? Or is backstabbing just a way of life?
Last night, I was reminded of a backstabbing of biblical proportion.
My original soul was asked to return to a physical form to guide and in doing so, many jumped on the bandwagon to offer help. A few that my soul knew had it in them to provide protection and support ... and I felt could be trusted more than others due to the long history together.
Anyone reading my true story, "Great Flame Within," knows what happened ... soul removed ... along with my torment and torture throughout my life which hasn't ended ... among other things. And, as I was reminded last night, all due to backstabbing from the highest of places ... those that were supposed to be trustworthy in the universe.
Now I know why my guard is up when it comes to trust. I can still feel all those sharp instruments in my back.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Strong Unyielding Mindset
Over the years, I've learned it's not just the physical person's attitude, or the physical influences around them, but the emotional energy of the unseen family around them too. They can create the biggest attitude, which can influence the mind of the person they're around, because of being unaware they are there.
I had a discussion yesterday from a Facebook "friend" who has the ego of no acceptance of anything but her truth ... based on another comment I had made in the past on one of her posts ... even when guidance suggested there's more to what she knew, understood, or saw.
I had avoided controversy with her since, because of her past, "somewhat condemning" comment to me, and would only occasionally like her posts to show no hard feelings. However, I agreed to guidance suggesting to help her, with another point of view, on a post about leaving food and clothing outside for the homeless, that was being done in a third world country, (why can't the USA do the same?) but got unfriended and blocked in the process, after offering several logical reasons of seeing problems in doing anything similar, as well as being personally attacked and calling her out on it but still doing it with consideration of her feelings.
This is not the first time this has happened to me with a Facebook friend. Many times I ignore a lot due to my philosophy of picking my battles wisely. However, there are times I read things and think ... whoa ... they must not know what I know ... maybe I should share my feelings ... my perspective.
However, some people cannot abide in looking at the other side of the coin though. So be it.
If you're willing to place your truth out to the public, be willing to have it analyzed through discussion or even rejected. I have no problem discussing anything ... I feel it opens many doors of learning new things. It's part of my curious nature and my willingness to understand more. I don't profess to know everything but I feel I would hinder my learning if I refuse to civilly discuss things. To me, it has to add up ... make sense. If not, it's not logical and my mind cannot accept it. That's how I treat people .... that's how I want people to treat me.
I know, from past experiences, that there are those whose mindsets are so strong, no help can be forthcoming ... as in the recent case of Elliot Rodger's recent California mass murder/suicide. If anyone read his manuscript called My Twisted World, you'll know what I mean by a strong mindset. I can see where help was ever present, ideas were there to help him see beyond his limited and judgmental thinking, but he was not having any of it.
Why? Was he a target being used outside our realm of thinking ... for some past misdeeds or a higher purpose?
Is this women's unyielding mindset for the same purpose? Is her limited thinking to protect her, use her, or harm her?
Time will tell.
I have discovered way too often, through observation and personal experiences, that a strong, unyielding mindset is not always good, especially when argument is given to help see beyond it. Her being guided to unfriend me shows me she (or someone) cannot handle conflict or controversy ... even if it was meant to help her ... as in the case of Elliot Rodger.
My advice is to move on and away from anyone that reminds you of this type of personality ... especially if you don't feel strong enough or educated enough to intervene. They don't want help or understanding. Not until they are, karmically "busted down off their pedestal" from the universe ... including any possible collateral damage ... will they be ready to move on beyond their feelings.
This is what I've been discussing with the universe regarding Elliot Rodger ... and people like him ... a pompous, interfering soul from the past who was reaping karma. Karma that included those around him because of failing to learn from the teachers who were sent here to show the way of protection ... to see the signs ... based on intuition and not just eyesight or hearing.
Is being stubborn to keep you from being used or to keep using you?
How will you know if you close off from additional information?
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Our Scratched Record Thinking
I have been thinking about people who contact me about these ruminating negative thoughts. I am constantly reminding them to stay busy but I know, from personal experiences, they can come back once we stop being busy.
These thoughts are like a scratched record that repeats and repeats until you willingly and physically move the needle on the record. The objective is to learn to move the needle (replace those thoughts).
Every time you have a negative thought repeating, find a positive thought to replace it. You have to consciously do this ... just like moving that needle off the scratched record.
Like "Peace of Mind in Daily Life" author Ramez Sasson says, in his blog: "This mental noise is like a background noise that never ceases, from the moment of waking up in the morning, to the moment of falling asleep at night. Often, it even prevents you from falling asleep. It is a sort of inner voice that constantly analyzes everything about your life, circumstances, and the people you meet. It is a voice in the head that just keeps talking and talking! The mind also repeats the same thoughts over and over again, like in a loop, like a record that got stuck. If these are a positive thought that's fine. However, too often, these are negative thoughts that intensify stress, worry, anger or frustration. These are thoughts that you absolutely do not need."
You can read more here:
Here is a link to another blog I wrote called "Ruminating Thoughts! Argh!" It too has a link attached to another site about this topic.
Sadly, I have discovered that most want a magic wand waved over them to make the negativity go away, yet I've also discerned that this isn't the path of their soul. Too many times they've ridden the path of others to take the easy way and now its time for them to learn it differently.
Life shows us that even the flow of a river changes for a reason.
Sophocles wrote, in Philoctetes (c.409 BC): "No good e'er comes of leisure purposeless; and heaven ne’er helps the men who will not act."
In other words: God helps those who help themselves. Now it's time for them to move the needle off the record ... even if that's asking for help ... asking for advice ... so they can learn to do it themselves.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
The Thief of Anger
It takes practice but the minute someone says something that triggers anger in me, I try to step back away from the anger portion and ask myself if this person is worth me getting ill over.
---- End