Friday, June 27, 2014

Zombie Conscience

My oldest daughter and I were discussing people putting their or other people's business on social medias. I told her that maybe it's because most people may feel they have nothing to hide, it's not that big of a deal, or maybe we've become desensitized to so many things, we just don't think about it anymore.

The amount of nudity, profanity and disrespect which is seen and heard today would have shocked the world in my youth but today it's like: nothing new ... move on.

Yes, sharing news is nothing new. In my younger years, we still did it and some of it was called gossip. Just pick up the phone and before long the news was everywhere and sometimes embellished. Hopefully, on social medias, we can see it in writing to make sure it's not hearsay or if it's truthful.

Long ago, "business" could be spread through sewing circles or saloon tales. Gossip, or sharing good or bad news, is not gender based either because everyone does it. Good or bad news, they both traveled fast. It's just faster today and often just as embellished too.

Obviously, telling anyone's "business" must still be important because it's done daily worldwide. We have the news and entertainment media spreading everyone's business. Every time we turn on the news, or buy a magazine, we hear or read about someone's business: private or not. Is this part of our desensitizing?

People are worried about government spying on their personal life, too, but in actuality it's our family and friends that could point fingers faster. "Keep your nose clean and you won't have to worry about it" was a saying I grew up with, and heard often, from my military father.

Maybe people's paranoia over "sharing business" boils down to what my dad also told me when I was younger: "if you're worried about what people are thinking (about what you're saying or doing), then don't say (or do) it."

I believe I understand my dad's reasoning now. It's as if we give people power over us when we do that. Don't get me wrong about any of this, I still care about things but maybe I've toned it down to what's a stronger priority with me and not every little thing as I once did. Desensitized?

I still have a conscience, but I've come to terms with many things. As long as I'm doing what I feel is right for me, as long as I am not doing anything illegal or immoral, as long as I'm not deliberately hurting people, as long as I abide by the Golden Rule, then I shouldn't have concerns about people getting into my business. Unless it's my bedroom or bathroom, or trying to steal what's not lawfully theirs to have. Who knows though? A hundred years from now, at the rate things are going, even that could become desensitized.

Having no-conscience may be a bigger concern. Programming that could effect our eternal soul. The word Zombie comes to mind when I think about having no-conscience. Something that's not new either. Throughout history we've seen immoral and illegal things done by many no-conscience, heartless beings.

Another thing I was raised with was: "only the truth hurts." I may have responded back to my father with: but it's not the truth! In which, he would have calmly replied: "then why do you care what they say, if it's not the truth?"

Maybe that's why we're becoming desensitized to so many things. The "who cares about what people think" attitude. What do we have to hide? Obviously, based on what people say about government spying, not a darn thing. If we're an open book to the government ... any government ... why the concern, fear or paranoia? Unless, as my dad also used to say: "what's the matter, got a guilty conscience?"

It always bothered me when he said that because it made me question myself. Did I? Are people vehemently reacting to privacy invasion because of a guilty conscience? In fact, is our privacy really being invaded or are we overreacting? What's the fuss about getting into another's business that's all over social medias, or the news, but not wanting anyone to get into our own? Seems too hypocritical.

Maybe that's why I share my life as I do today. A somewhat open book, without concern, fear, or paranoia, because I've also learned that feelings aren't always coming from me but can be another's. If people choose to project their business onto me, I will gladly send their feelings back ... with a clear conscience (not to be confused with no-conscience).

Yes, as I said above, the eternal part of me is more concerned about the "Zombie no-conscience" then a guilty or clear one. As the population increases and people seek an end to their means with no heart involved, how many more no-conscience people will be developed because of desensitizing people?

I saw a television show recently about a future, hypothetical virus causing a zombie mind. Well, I have news for them, joke about it or make scary movies, but the virus has been around for eons. Under control, somewhat contained, but for how long? How much longer before this Zombie Virus becomes more virulent, uncontainable, and we stop caring or feeling about everything; including being involved in people's business, including not being concerned about our rights against illegal or immoral activities, or only doing lip service with our activitism?

Look around us. Daily we are seeing the increased "out of control rioting insanity" of our world's "Zombie-looking mania" within our human race. We are also seeing the desensitizing of our emotions everywhere: who cares they're two people screwing on the street corner, that's their business. We see more and more mental disorders ... from minor to extreme. We are being programmed to believe drugs promote cures but some with only an intent to calm the mind. Calm the mania or keep us from thinking?

Will the world's desensitizing programming of a Zombie Conscience become the norm?

Time will tell.

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