Saturday, June 7, 2014

Our Scratched Record Thinking

I have been thinking about people who contact me about these ruminating negative thoughts. I am constantly reminding them to stay busy but I know, from personal experiences, they can come back once we stop being busy.

These thoughts are like a scratched record that repeats and repeats until you willingly and physically move the needle on the record. The objective is to learn to move the needle (replace those thoughts).

Every time you have a negative thought repeating, find a positive thought to replace it. You have to consciously do this ... just like moving that needle off the scratched record.

Like "Peace of Mind in Daily Life" author Ramez Sasson says, in his blog: "This mental noise is like a background noise that never ceases, from the moment of waking up in the morning, to the moment of falling asleep at night. Often, it even prevents you from falling asleep. It is a sort of inner voice that constantly analyzes everything about your life, circumstances, and the people you meet. It is a voice in the head that just keeps talking and talking! The mind also repeats the same thoughts over and over again, like in a loop, like a record that got stuck. If these are a positive thought that's fine. However, too often, these are negative thoughts that intensify stress, worry, anger or frustration. These are thoughts that you absolutely do not need."

You can read more here:

Here is a link to another blog I wrote called "Ruminating Thoughts! Argh!" It too has a link attached to another site about this topic.

Sadly, I have discovered that most want a magic wand waved over them to make the negativity go away, yet I've also discerned that this isn't the path of their soul. Too many times they've ridden the path of others to take the easy way and now its time for them to learn it differently.

Life shows us that even the flow of a river changes for a reason.

Sophocles wrote, in Philoctetes (c.409 BC): "No good e'er comes of leisure purposeless; and heaven ne’er helps the men who will not act."

In other words: God helps those who help themselves. Now it's time for them to move the needle off the record ... even if that's asking for help ... asking for advice ... so they can learn to do it themselves.

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