Sunday, June 8, 2014

Strong Unyielding Mindset

Over the years, I've learned it's not just the physical person's attitude, or the physical influences around them, but the emotional energy of the unseen family around them too. They can create the biggest attitude, which can influence the mind of the person they're around, because of being unaware they are there.

I had a discussion yesterday from a Facebook "friend" who has the ego of no acceptance of anything but her truth ... based on another comment I had made in the past on one of her posts ... even when guidance suggested there's more to what she knew, understood, or saw.

I had avoided controversy with her since, because of her past, "somewhat condemning" comment to me, and would only occasionally like her posts to show no hard feelings. However, I agreed to guidance suggesting to help her, with another point of view, on a post about leaving food and clothing outside for the homeless, that was being done in a third world country, (why can't the USA do the same?) but got unfriended and blocked in the process, after offering several logical reasons of seeing problems in doing anything similar, as well as being personally attacked and calling her out on it but still doing it with consideration of her feelings.

This is not the first time this has happened to me with a Facebook friend. Many times I ignore a lot due to my philosophy of picking my battles wisely. However, there are times I read things and think ... whoa ... they must not know what I know ... maybe I should share my feelings ... my perspective.

However, some people cannot abide in looking at the other side of the coin though. So be it.

If you're willing to place your truth out to the public, be willing to have it analyzed through discussion or even rejected. I have no problem discussing anything ... I feel it opens many doors of learning new things. It's part of my curious nature and my willingness to understand more. I don't profess to know everything but I feel I would hinder my learning if I refuse to civilly discuss things. To me, it has to add up ... make sense. If not, it's not logical and my mind cannot accept it. That's how I treat people .... that's how I want people to treat me. 


I know, from past experiences, that there are those whose mindsets are so strong, no help can be forthcoming ... as in the recent case of Elliot Rodger's recent California mass murder/suicide. If anyone read his manuscript called My Twisted World, you'll know what I mean by a strong mindset. I can see where help was ever present, ideas were there to help him see beyond his limited and judgmental thinking, but he was not having any of it.

Why? Was he a target being used outside our realm of thinking ... for some past misdeeds or a higher purpose?

Is this women's unyielding mindset for the same purpose? Is her limited thinking to protect her, use her, or harm her? 

Time will tell.

I have discovered way too often, through observation and personal experiences, that a strong, unyielding mindset is not always good, especially when argument is given to help see beyond it. Her being guided to unfriend me shows me she (or someone) cannot handle conflict or controversy ... even if it was meant to help her ... as in the case of Elliot Rodger.

My advice is to move on and away from anyone that reminds you of this type of personality ... especially if you don't feel strong enough or educated enough to intervene. They don't want help or understanding. Not until they are, karmically "busted down off their pedestal" from the universe ... including any possible collateral damage ... will they be ready to move on beyond their feelings.

This is what I've been discussing with the universe regarding Elliot Rodger ... and people like him ... a pompous, interfering soul from the past who was reaping karma. Karma that included those around him because of failing to learn from the teachers who were sent here to show the way of protection ... to see the signs ... based on intuition and not just eyesight or hearing.

Is being stubborn to keep you from being used or to keep using you? 

How will you know if you close off from additional information?

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