Friday, June 20, 2014

Metaphysical Discouragement

With mercury currently retrograde, I thought it was a good time to reflect on confusion and distortion. Over the years, I've seen so much of this in the metaphysical community that it's no wonder why people eventually turn away. It can be discouraging, especially to ones who've been at this as long as I have.

Why haven't people gotten it? Is their density that dark that no light can penetrate it? Or is it due to the lack of unity within? 

You cannot tell people they're being mislead because their ego and "egos" around them, won't allow it. I've dealt with this before, it's not a pretty picture. Many times, I've been asked to intervene or eventually asked to move away if they won't listen to reason. 

I've come to a conclusion that some "karmically" have to learn the hard way.

Also, while listening to videos or reading blogs or comments, I often hear or see "channeled" information based on stuff that's been in movies that I've seen in the past ... maybe they have too and therein may lie the "programming problems" that I see throughout the community. Why didn't they channel this information before a movie or book? Did they? Where's the proof? How do we know that these weren't manifested thoughts of future books or movies "projected" during meditating or through the voices we say we hear?

Did they really see Greys, Reptilians or any other worldy species prior to any subjective thought from the physical world or before they connected to the spirit world and the human channel exploitation began? Or is it an ego that needs to be inflated by being cool ... being able to do what others profess they do ... even if they too aren't doing anything because they too are trying to be cool or somebody special? For instance: look at me, I see (or hear) that stuff too.

Yes, these are thoughts in the universe that I hear ... emotions that I feel. Someone's thinking/feeling them. I'm just channeling them to help you understand what we're up against. 

Historically, it was only spirits, angels or some such being they could relate to, based on cultural upbringing. It could have been the deluded or wild imagination of an artist's mind from centuries ago ... but does this make it a real creature? Today it's like a wildfire of other worldly species being presented. Where were they before? Or were they ever before? 

I'm not saying certain beings exist or not but I know minds can be deceived, especially weak, altered, or innocent ones.

Futhermore, I "sense" so many things that are deliberate lies coming from new age channeling, etc. They know they're lying but don't care. The things they write or say have doubt emitting from them but they don't care. They aren't channeling a universal awareness but a movie that they've been subjected to or from another's regurgitated fantasies ... but they don't care. There are also things they've looked up on the internet and not told by any higher being of light ... but they don't tell you this. These are thoughts that are now within their mind to be played upon. Thoughts to deliberately deceive them as well as others. They don't care because they're jumping on that proverbial bandwagon of placing themselves on a pedestal ... even if it's not facts but their fantasy. 

Yes, there is a difference in emotions. When you ask for truth from the universe, do you want facts or fantasy?

With an untrained ego, deceit can be easily employed. The highly trained ones, who are more on top of their game, can see/feel the veil of deceit being employed. Like any education, it takes time to learn and hone these empathic abilities too ... to sense doubt off the universe and to ask why? 

Even people who say they are empaths have been deceived because they aren't as attuned or tuned out at the time. I know we're all on different learning stages. I can sense that too. Been there myself. However, why do we need to be on guard, with our "internal truth meters," all the time? 

When I recently asked guidance about this, they agreed that's all part of a plan to destroy something good ... it's nothing new ... it's been throughout history. It's all part of a plan to malign unless the one being deceived catches on. There are people being set up to distort the facts, who are willingly duped, to stroke their egos, because they're limited in wisdom as well as knowledge. Nothing new there either. There's many reasons why a lot of people are experiencing so many things, including attacks, and not all are from extraterrestrials ... another ploy to deceive. 

I asked why the good ones aren't doing more about it. This is what they said, which kind of shocked me at first, but after everything I've been through during my life, it eventually made sense ... because I was feeling their emotions as I heard the words and know more was involved.

Guidance: Why do you think we've been doing things the way we do ... nearly covertly?  Don't you understand the power your mind holds and the ruthlessness of those that would and have abused it or would see you dead because of it? If those, who want to destroy you or people like you, believe that you're unbelievable then you're not a threat. The guidance that is being given to this world is like a child learning to walk ... one step at a time ... for protection in many things. We know what you're capable of doing ... we also know what they're capable of doing and have done. You can attest to this ... your body and mind has been severely attacked many times but you're still here due to this protection; even if you can't see it you know it's true. What you see as something holding you back is a fact to some degree ... in order to save your life. There are ruthless physical beings throughout ... mentally unbalanced too. This time period is not merely enlightening village shamans but world advancement which goes astray due to ego. We knew this could occur and we're overseeing it ... protecting who we can and when we can. Remember what we've told you before: you're not any good to anyone if you're not here. Unless you prefer to go out on the streets ranting like a mad woman and get yourself shut away or killed?

Me: Nope. What purpose would that serve?

Guidance: Then continue with what you know and feel is right.

After that, and still feeling a little disappointed in things, I felt like telling everyone I quit or to pass the torch to another, but something within me sensed that wasn't going to happen. I can understand why people who are truly aware become discouraged in dealing with mankind, especially when it's within the "metaphysical community" causing the negativity. 

I also felt it was one reason they started pulling me away from certain things some time ago ... protecting me when all hell breaks loose. I believe this is what saves my mind from all this metaphysical discouragement: I know I have a life outside of that other worldly awareness that keeps me grounded in my reality. 

In the meantime, being persistent and patient as always, I'll keep shining my light: discouraged, scarred and battle weary, but not diminished.

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