Monday, August 31, 2015

Can You Prove It?

Teddy Roosevelt once said, "Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground." This reminded me of the need to be sensible (grounded), while pursuing or proving one's ideas.  

Many times, I see or hear people asking others to accept something that I feel is illogical, only because of what I know. Maybe they're not seeing the full picture. Yet, their ego remains stubbornly unyielding, no matter how often errors are shown in their thinking. Perhaps it's due to still living in the past or their mind is in some conspiratorial or utopia present. It may be feasible or plausible, in their thinking, but can they prove it?

I've learned, if you cannot prove your point, you may need to revise your thinking or words. As General Honore once said, "Don't get stuck on stupid." Your opinion has to make sense if you want others to accept it. If they don't, take time to understand their point of view, as it may be your turn to learn something new. It's much more productive then grumbling about life or people being unfair, because they choose to stop listening.

After all, do you think proving something that's "unseen," with only saying, "because I said" or "because I want," would be accepted by logical or intellectual beings? No! It's only understandable that I, too, would be asked - can you prove it?

There are various ways of proving things, depending on the situation. I used a scientific method to make my point, regarding my research (see link below), but it took others' personal involvement (test subjects) for proof. Which is something Confucius said that made sense to me, "Involve me and I will learn."

Even in that scenario, it's still possible to have doubt from those who chose not to have any personal involvement. However, eventually, as more people have a similar experience, they too will become part of a collective, logical and tangible proof for believability.

I believe, if it's important enough, one should take the time to prove what they believe in, but not at the detriment of one's health. Is it truly worth becoming obsessed or possesed over proving something, to become physically or mentally ill? I, certainly, wouldn't want to waste my time, or energy, on being angry at the world or carrying a chip on my shoulder, because people didn't want to believe me. What would that prove, other than I'm being impudent and unreasonable? That's when an irrational mind may try to force facts. Those types of "facts" have been known to kill innocent people.

Eventually, even a scientific theory has to be proven or people will turn away due to the flaws in it. Something to think about the next time you don't succeed in proving your point. It may be the way you're presenting it, someone's not interested, or you don't have enough data to prove it. 

Eternity Proven:

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Variety is the Spice of Life

When I was younger, I used to shrug my shoulders and humorously say, "Variety is the spice of life." To me, it meant we're all different; to each their own. Normally, I said it when someone did or said something I wouldn't necessarily do or say. Similar to what many do today when they write SMH (shaking my head).

I saw this saying again, the other day, and decided to check into it. The one that we often quote today is from the English poet William Cowper (The Task 1785): "Variety's the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor." An earlier version is found in the The Rover (1681) by the dramatist Aphra Behn: "Variety is the soul of pleasure." Another similar saying would be from Greek dramatist Euripides (c.406 bc) in his Oresteshas: "A change is always nice."

Variety means that people and things are different. I've said this quote from Joni Cagle before but it worth repeating: "We admire the person that dares to be different unless they are different from us."

Variety can be flavorful, occasional change is nice, yet the downside is when people find fault with diversity, especially when it comes to other people. However, without variety we may create a stale human existence. There's no incentive or competition ... no challenges to our mind. Think about it. Can you imagine if everyone looked, walked, talked or thought alike? Robotic! Boring!

Yes, diversity may cause problems but it certainly won't cause boredom or apathy. Our differences have caused a myriad of emotions, including love and hate. This variety of life is also something to consider when we're sizing up or putting down another: anyone of these "differences" could be us in our next lifetime.

No? Are you sure?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Reflections: Teachers and Students

As another school year begins, I began to think of my grandchildren starting school and the difficulties they may experience trying to get an education. I thought I'd share a few things that I've learned, throughout my life, regarding teachers and students. It's only my perspective but it's from being on both sides of the fence. Hopefully, it might help.

1) Teachers must remember where they were when they were learning and come down to the student's level in order to bring them up to the teacher's level. Be patient.

2) Teachers shouldn't make students feel ashame to question what they don't understand. To me, ignorance is more shameful.

3) Teachers shouldn't assume that everyone will understand them. Sometimes, it's not the student's ability to learn, but the teacher's ability to teach.

4) Teachers do make mistakes too. Students should keep all their graded papers until they receive their report card. No one wants a D if they've earned a B.

5) Teachers don't know everything and students shouldn't assume they do. Cooperation and intuition may resolve problems faster than bad attitudes.

6) Teachers are never too old to learn. We can even learn from our students while they're learning from us. I know I have ... many times.

7) Teachers and students should be polite, respectful, understanding and humble. It's a win-win situation when negativity isn't part of teaching or learning.

Most importantly, everyone wants to be able to survive the school year. As Robert Frost once said: Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Well-Being First!

In order to be there for others, one must learn to restore or preserve their well-being first, even if others may find that selfish.

Would you try to save a person from drowning if you can't swim or have the proper equipment to save both lives involved?

Remember ... flight attendants tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first ... before helping another.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Walking Dead? Subliminal Subconscious Programming.

Subliminal refers to a communication that is not intended to be understood consciously, but to influence thoughts, feelings, and/or behavior at the subconscious level.

Subconscious refers to processes that take place in the human psyche of which we are not totally aware.

Those above definitions are the reason for my blog. It's regarding the innocent, mindless, but often deliberate, sharing of false information on social media. Apparently, based on guidance, the things we share as truth, without examination to verify it as such, often creates negative subconscious programming due to these intentionally false memes, or links. As well as the endless memes we see throughout the day which can create negative subliminal programming promoting a dumbing down of the populace.

All it takes is the eyes to scan it to leave it's mark on the subconscious. How we handle that data depends on each individual, but those especially vulnerable are the impressionable, young minds who rely on wiser minds to guide them. Yet, these subliminal messages can eventually hurt anyone over time. I see this flow of mental depletion with the comments being made on social media. Things that are being stated, without facts, as being truth. Things that have like-minded friends shaking their head along with me. Things I read which has me asking guidance: what the heck is going on?

For instance, and only one example, the Walking Dead show has some people believing that people can walk and be dead too. Those who know this isn't true will say it's only a show, yet I've seen comments that some feel this is possible. My question would be: where's the credible proof that people are dead and can still walk? But I know there isn't any. If a brain is dead it cannot command a body. So, how can a body walk and be dead? Walking numb, maybe, but not dead. Yet, I'm astonished that some people will disagree with logic and refuse to verify or validate this themselves.

Maybe I, or others, are not a credible source for them but here's one that should be credible. Today, I read an article about a police officer being shot in the head and, eventually, died from his wound. It was this comment that got my attention and another reason I decided to write this blog. It read, "The doctors tell us his organs are in great shape, but his brain isn't telling the rest of his body what to do."

Those who believe people can walk after death is only one instance of actual facts being ignore, or the lack of interest to thoroughly investigate before sharing, which can cause damage to our subconscious. Garbage in - garbage out. Oh well, let them believe what they want. It's their fantasy. I'll ignore it. After all, the mind I save should be mine.

Yet, it was guidance that reminded me, once again, we're all connected. We shouldn't ignore it. We do need to make the effort for fact finding. More importantly, the mind we save, now and into the future, will be our collective mind. Do we want to become mindless and heartless beings?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Ravens Are Racist?

Do you know that ravens are racist? Black ravens will kill or ostracize any white raven born, which makes a white raven very rare.

In all honesty, I watch a lot of animal programs and it's not the racism we face in the human world. It's a fact of life, in many wild animals, to kill off anything they think is weak within their species. 

Even domestic animals can do this. I've raised a lot of cats and have seen a kitten ostracized by a mother because she thought it was ill or something not quite right with the kitten. I decided to raise it but, eventually, realized why the mama cat pushed her away. As she got older, she was tagged with the name demon cat ... she was strange.

Nevertheless, we do know that wild life can do some pretty strange things. The study of many various species has shown us their behavior and sometimes things that we may consider inhumane. Yes, true, they aren't human, but they still have emotions.

Which may be something to consider when it comes to human behavior. Think about the many emotions of wild life creatures that can permeate into our minds. After all, there are no walls to prevent it and only our human social consciousness to protect us from becoming wild animals ourselves, because of their influences. 

Hmmm ... maybe influences like the black raven ostracizing the white raven because it's different.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Apache Wars and Peace

In the midst of the Arizona Apache wars with Mexico, the Mexican goverment, tired of the fighting, decided to ask the US to intervene to help with peace. Peace, as it generally does, came with a price; huge atrocities and heartaches were suffered by many.

As it normally is, there have been word of mouth stories spun over the years to promote sympathy for everyone involved, but these historical and documented words written by Captain Bourke about General George Cook (below) really grabbed my attention. They're so apropos with our current home and world events and should be seriously considered.

"Crook took Chalipun by the hand, and told him . . . it was no use to talk about who began this war; there were bad men among all peoples; there were bad Mexicans, as there were bad Americans and bad Apaches; our duty was to end wars and establish peace, and not to talk about what was past and gone. The Apaches must make this peace not for a day or a week, but for all time."

During the 1880s, the Apache nicknamed Crook Nantan Lupan, which means "Grey Wolf." More can be read about him on Wikipedia, or the Internet, but if anyone wants to read more about this time period, I've attached an interesting link.

However, the main reason for this blog was that I wanted to share General Crook's sentiment. If we only choose to live in the past, (not learn from it) with accusations and finger pointing, we make it more difficult to move forward. We may stay stuck in a hopeless quagmire, promoted by those who don't want peace, because they gain from our turmoil.

Warrior Soul Scars

Yesterday, I received this quote in my emails: "A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." ~ Christopher Reeve

This morning, as I was awakening, I received this message from guidance: "People succumb to many different situations (that they know is wrong to do in their heart) because they're weak in body, mind or soul. They're still walking the path in becoming a stronger soul with each experience life gives them. In the meantime, even with those who are strong, they will still cross paths with the weak. Be patient with them as others have with you."

Then, checking my emails this morning, I received this quote: "Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Interesting coincidence with these similar messages. These are a few of the things I've used to fight off my adversity, along with a strong will. I'm not a hot head. I don't look for fights. I don't pick fights. I defend myself. There's a difference. Many times the best fight is no fight. It takes intelligence, an inner knowing, along with being a warrior soul (as I've been told), to know that; to not be pulled back down to that level.

As Sitting Bull is quoted as saying: “Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, for no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is the one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity.” 

However, as strange as this may sound, it's actually the weaknesses in younger souls (minds) that creates a warrior soul and many have the battle soul scars to prove it. Anyone who's done battle, even outside the physical, will understand soul scars. You may not see them but they're felt as strongly and deeply as the physical ones.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Self Preservation

When we get feelings to move away from certain people, because of disloyalty or uncaring attitudes, it is not the same as feelings to move away from all people to isolate or conceal ourselves. People are important part of human interaction for learning and growth. Yet, first and foremost, our loyalty is to our self preservation and happiness.

It's best to move on if we are unhappy with the people around us and we're not able to change things. Why keep holding ourselves back from people who want to be loving and caring? What law says we have to tolerate those who choose to be unkind to us or others?

If that's their path, we don't have to take it with them. Release these people from our life with love and not hate. Hating someone creates illness within us not them. Part of letting go of "ego" is realizing defeat in a situation. It is better to allow defeat of a situation then defeat of ourselves.

Self preservation isn't selfish, it's self-caring.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Truth in the Universe

One of my dad's often used lines, when I was growing up, was: "that's your question, you answer it." I kid you not! It aggravated me each time he'd say it, but it also got me using my brain for something other than holding my ears apart. Like - problem solving. 

Is it any wonder that I grew up hearing that retort along with, "I'm not an encyclopedia, look it up," that I would eventually write a book about searching for truth? That I would teach the things that I was taught, by advanced, other-worldy teachers, in order to go beyond what we utilize here for fact finding? I think not!

Sure, my dad didn't have all the answers anymore than I do, but there's one source that does. The record keeper of all times. It's been called Akashic Records but I call it Universe. It's a wonderful source of information or records of all time and place when you learn how to use it correctly. Yet, like my dad's encyclopedia, or our current internet system, we still have to look things up there too, in order to solve problems or seek ultimate truth aka God's truth

Yet, in any trade we wish to master, this too takes time and training. If you don't want to learn, it's quite alright. However, please respect those who are accredited master metaphysicans and utilize it for you. Some information isn't always found by using Google.

Soul Searching for Truth

Monday, August 17, 2015

Soul Memory: Familiar or Strange Feelings

I had a friend write me with some questions. In summary, it was about why certain things can feel strange or familiar due to experiences or not having those experiences - either here or elsewhere.

This is some of what I replied.

Traveling around the universe is just as easy for my original soul to do as traveling around this planet is for me. Well, somewhat. There are places here I would want to see and some not so much. I'm sure it's the same out in the universe to experience different life out there - if life still exists out there as before.

I know everything is ever evolving. Some planets that may have had life on them could be gone. Super novas and all. One day, billions of years from now, it will happen here. Hopefully, we will start life on another planet and then this planet will only be memories as those planets once were.

Our soul is like a computer with internal memory. It remembers things our mind may not - unless our mind is awakened with our soul memory as mine is. It's what causes those familiar feelings that we have and we're not sure why.

Young souls may have less knowing about life (experiences) than older souls. Just as our seniors have more knowing than a toddler.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Karma: Trust Your Feelings

The next time you hear, or feel like saying, I hope karma gets him/her/them, think about this: karma is only cause and effect. It's not necessarily punishment, even when it may look that way.

If a person finds them self in need, it's cause and effect. Maybe their karma was only poor education or poor planning. However, it could be due to a past or current life transgression and their reaping what they've sowed. A person that feels the need to help or not help another, is also cause and effect. It applies to those who help a little or too much. It also applies to those who don't help at all.

It's not always what some see on the surface, like greed or compassion, but the karma between their souls ... truth in the universe.

When my oldest daughter told me once that I wasn't here to save the world, I thought about that and karma and realized that she was telling me to be careful of users and abusers. There's always someone ready to take advantage of another's kindness or good fortune. That's when I decided to put it out to the universe and let God and Council decide.

I've discovered that they use karma too. They use this to help them decide if we are to help or not. They look around to see if anything is deserving of my time, effort or money. Many times, I've received messages to help or not to help based on their guidance and what they see. They've used current life and past life to decide. It's not only the bad or good we're doing now, but what we've done before. An unpaid debt possibly or an unkind word behind closed doors. They weigh everything and then I get the decision. I find this has helped me a lot.

So, when someone chooses to help or not, keep this in mind. It's the collective flow that's involved between two or more people. Whereas, I may not feel inclined to be involved, it's only due to that karma between our souls. However, even though I may be asked not to help, I also know another is being asked to do so, because that's their karma. To me, that's an awesome system. I applaud and appreciate it because it works.

My daughter was right, I cannot save the world but I can trust my feelings.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Jesus Was A Socialist?

A friend of mine and I, occasionally, play devil's advocate towards a lot of current events or anything we feel needs a different approach. I think we do it to shake up the status quo. Sometimes, we have our disagreements but not often. Even when we do, we both have our big girl panties on and agree to disagree. Maybe that's why we're still friends.

She had posted a comment on Facebook, along with a link, regarding Jesus being a socialist, because of a run-in with what she calls a teabagger. As she says: "I loathed teabaggers not Republicans. There is a difference." So, I decided to add my two cents too ... with a touch of satire ... in order to amuse myself. ;)

In addition, anyone reading my true story book, or watching my true story videos, will know that Jesus was one of the ones to come to my rescue back when I was under a horrendous, psychic attack. I've since read, thanks to the internet, that he's had to do this many times with many people. Because of my experience, I got to understand his life more and even studied the Bible. It opened my eyes to many things that people refuse to see. I took the proverbial rose colored glasses off many years ago.

~~~~~ Here was my reply.

Well, if a socialist wasn't a term used back then, he was definitely a non-conformist. A healing rebel rouser. Well, that is if we can believe the stories; we know how bigger the fish becomes over time in telling it.

He may have also broken a commandment by coveting his neighbor's goods. Or maybe it was a deadly sin like envy of what others had that he didn't, bringing others (followers) into his bitter feelings of life and what he thought was unfair. Oh, and anger too ... temple and all. Tsk-tsk. Maybe more ... did he lust after Mary Magdalene? Who knows? Since his record has apparently been white-washed by the later establishment to hide their sins. Shameful.

But, what the heck, nobody's perfect. Yep, people will see he's above reproach because he's frigging Jesus for crying out loud. Don't matter how many people have been sent to earth by God ... even crucified before or after him. So Jesus should be worshipped? Dwelled on and praised over? For this only one? Over so many others? Not! I'm from a big family. A parent doesn't single out one child and praise them above others without consequences. Hate and jealousy for instance. What loving father would want that? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

And after meeting the original soul too (it's a walk-in life - several souls shared the body at various times - confirmed by other psychics, etc.), he would agree. He would still be a non-conformist and tell people to get their crap together and get off his case ("soul" is the actual word I heard).

Oh, and he told me once he was a hypocrite because he was telling people not to judge while he was doing the same thing ... judging. Go figure!!

Sounds pretty human to me. Making mistakes while trying to be perfect. What a burden to be on such a high pedestal 24-7 ... but it's Jesus ... he can handle it!

What terrible sibling brats we all are?! Dad said let Jesus do it. Fine! Then we'll sit on our jealous and sloth butts and let him, because dad didn't pick us. Oh-oh, more deadly sins!!

Oh, and for the record, the devil made me say all this. Not! ;)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Being Authentic

Today, I may write something that you'll agree with or it may cause you to chuckle. Maybe tomorrow I'll write something that could have you feeling combative or disappointed. I could even write something that may unite us in a kindred spirit or you'll be offended enough to unfriend and/or block me on some social media.

And it could very well be vice versa, but it's all good; it's all okay. I don't need your approval anymore than you need mine. That's what it means to be authentic ... genuine ... not fake. We are what we are. In each moment, we cannot be anything less or more.

First and foremost, no one can make another do anything without their permission. It's choices we each make, even subconsciously. So, to be upset means we've allowed it, just as we allow being happy. We allow discord when we think someone is trying to take away our programming: how we feel about ourselves or our beliefs.

However, each day, and in many situations, life's lessons are doing exactly that: adding or subtracting from our programming based on facing the truth within, looking at ourselves differently, and challenging our authenticity.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

PC Police Created a Nation of Whiners?

I was thinking how the Politically Correct Police have contributed to a nation of whiners and the woe is me victim syndrome. They remind me of helicopter parents. Those who hover around a child to keep them from being hurt by others. Only they are nation hovering, waiting for someone to say anything they feel is wrong or offensive so they can whip up a law suit, slap on a guilt trip, or make a new policy or law because someone's offended.

I was raised to dust myself off and suck it up. I feel this helped me succeed in all my many years of telekinetic attacks. I wasn't expecting others to do what I knew I had to do myself. I had been raised to develop a backbone and not carry a chip on my shoulder. I learned to stop blaming others for my behavior. It made me stronger. It toughened me up and taught me not to wear my heart on my sleeve and not be offended over another's opinion of me. I learned that life isn't fair all the time; it's unreasonable to think so. But life also taught me if I wanted to be heard I was to speak my mind, respectfully, but don't whine. I can generally handle weakness but I hate whining.

Anyway, since I was thinking about this subject, I decided to look on the internet to see if anyone else felt the same way. Amazingly, I found several articles about it, along with this survey and comments (link) that I thought I'd share. Seventy-five percent said yes, we were creating whiners.

Is it any wonder then why people are suddenly being drawn to those who chose not to be politically correct? They're seeing a weak nation being created and they're expressing their concerns with the angry social media comments about our whining weakness causing us to overly cater to other nations, as if we owe them. When I hear or read that someone feels another "owes" them, for some ridiculous reason, my dad's voice suddenly pops into my head and I hear him say: who said?

When someone loses a game in sports, do you hear the losing team whine and say we owe them? No? I haven't either. Do we go over to them and say we'll buy them things to make them feel better for losing? No? I haven't seen that either. Have we ever said we will give them back the trophy we won? No? Then why should it be any different anywhere or in anything else? Life can't always have a tie. Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. It's not to the whiners goes the spoils, it's to the victor goes the spoils. When did this get twisted?

Friday, August 7, 2015

Karma: Lost Souls

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that "our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."

It seems "misguided" may be an understatement and it's not due to scientific power. I've been noticing, over many years, that in our searching for spiritual truth, or higher awareness, some have allowed their power of fantasy to override their power of actuality; allowing flights of fancy to overrule common sense. I see some disputing facts, not theory or supposition, but hard core science facts, which is creating a mental imbalance.

I say imbalance because this particular flow of thought is reaching out to innocent minds causing mental dis-ease due to their need to prove the unprovable; creating anger and excuses when confronted. It's victimizing many in their process. Like a tidal wave that engulfs the unaware. A tidal wave so strong that it drowns out all thoughts of reason.

This helps me understand why so many are losing the ability to ground themselves in their physical reality; losing the ability to question and investigate. The flow has become stronger, knocking many mentally down. So much so, that when anyone reaches out to help ground them, they're pushed away. Their fantasy foundation, albeit unstable, has become their lifesaver; without realizing this lifesaver is also unstable and participating in their mental imbalance.

Everything is karma (cause and effect). What's causing this karma? What's our message? Is there a lesson in all this and why? Who profits from creating these lost souls?