Saturday, August 29, 2015

Variety is the Spice of Life

When I was younger, I used to shrug my shoulders and humorously say, "Variety is the spice of life." To me, it meant we're all different; to each their own. Normally, I said it when someone did or said something I wouldn't necessarily do or say. Similar to what many do today when they write SMH (shaking my head).

I saw this saying again, the other day, and decided to check into it. The one that we often quote today is from the English poet William Cowper (The Task 1785): "Variety's the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor." An earlier version is found in the The Rover (1681) by the dramatist Aphra Behn: "Variety is the soul of pleasure." Another similar saying would be from Greek dramatist Euripides (c.406 bc) in his Oresteshas: "A change is always nice."

Variety means that people and things are different. I've said this quote from Joni Cagle before but it worth repeating: "We admire the person that dares to be different unless they are different from us."

Variety can be flavorful, occasional change is nice, yet the downside is when people find fault with diversity, especially when it comes to other people. However, without variety we may create a stale human existence. There's no incentive or competition ... no challenges to our mind. Think about it. Can you imagine if everyone looked, walked, talked or thought alike? Robotic! Boring!

Yes, diversity may cause problems but it certainly won't cause boredom or apathy. Our differences have caused a myriad of emotions, including love and hate. This variety of life is also something to consider when we're sizing up or putting down another: anyone of these "differences" could be us in our next lifetime.

No? Are you sure?

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