Saturday, August 8, 2015

PC Police Created a Nation of Whiners?

I was thinking how the Politically Correct Police have contributed to a nation of whiners and the woe is me victim syndrome. They remind me of helicopter parents. Those who hover around a child to keep them from being hurt by others. Only they are nation hovering, waiting for someone to say anything they feel is wrong or offensive so they can whip up a law suit, slap on a guilt trip, or make a new policy or law because someone's offended.

I was raised to dust myself off and suck it up. I feel this helped me succeed in all my many years of telekinetic attacks. I wasn't expecting others to do what I knew I had to do myself. I had been raised to develop a backbone and not carry a chip on my shoulder. I learned to stop blaming others for my behavior. It made me stronger. It toughened me up and taught me not to wear my heart on my sleeve and not be offended over another's opinion of me. I learned that life isn't fair all the time; it's unreasonable to think so. But life also taught me if I wanted to be heard I was to speak my mind, respectfully, but don't whine. I can generally handle weakness but I hate whining.

Anyway, since I was thinking about this subject, I decided to look on the internet to see if anyone else felt the same way. Amazingly, I found several articles about it, along with this survey and comments (link) that I thought I'd share. Seventy-five percent said yes, we were creating whiners.

Is it any wonder then why people are suddenly being drawn to those who chose not to be politically correct? They're seeing a weak nation being created and they're expressing their concerns with the angry social media comments about our whining weakness causing us to overly cater to other nations, as if we owe them. When I hear or read that someone feels another "owes" them, for some ridiculous reason, my dad's voice suddenly pops into my head and I hear him say: who said?

When someone loses a game in sports, do you hear the losing team whine and say we owe them? No? I haven't either. Do we go over to them and say we'll buy them things to make them feel better for losing? No? I haven't seen that either. Have we ever said we will give them back the trophy we won? No? Then why should it be any different anywhere or in anything else? Life can't always have a tie. Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. It's not to the whiners goes the spoils, it's to the victor goes the spoils. When did this get twisted?

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