Monday, August 24, 2015

Walking Dead? Subliminal Subconscious Programming.

Subliminal refers to a communication that is not intended to be understood consciously, but to influence thoughts, feelings, and/or behavior at the subconscious level.

Subconscious refers to processes that take place in the human psyche of which we are not totally aware.

Those above definitions are the reason for my blog. It's regarding the innocent, mindless, but often deliberate, sharing of false information on social media. Apparently, based on guidance, the things we share as truth, without examination to verify it as such, often creates negative subconscious programming due to these intentionally false memes, or links. As well as the endless memes we see throughout the day which can create negative subliminal programming promoting a dumbing down of the populace.

All it takes is the eyes to scan it to leave it's mark on the subconscious. How we handle that data depends on each individual, but those especially vulnerable are the impressionable, young minds who rely on wiser minds to guide them. Yet, these subliminal messages can eventually hurt anyone over time. I see this flow of mental depletion with the comments being made on social media. Things that are being stated, without facts, as being truth. Things that have like-minded friends shaking their head along with me. Things I read which has me asking guidance: what the heck is going on?

For instance, and only one example, the Walking Dead show has some people believing that people can walk and be dead too. Those who know this isn't true will say it's only a show, yet I've seen comments that some feel this is possible. My question would be: where's the credible proof that people are dead and can still walk? But I know there isn't any. If a brain is dead it cannot command a body. So, how can a body walk and be dead? Walking numb, maybe, but not dead. Yet, I'm astonished that some people will disagree with logic and refuse to verify or validate this themselves.

Maybe I, or others, are not a credible source for them but here's one that should be credible. Today, I read an article about a police officer being shot in the head and, eventually, died from his wound. It was this comment that got my attention and another reason I decided to write this blog. It read, "The doctors tell us his organs are in great shape, but his brain isn't telling the rest of his body what to do."

Those who believe people can walk after death is only one instance of actual facts being ignore, or the lack of interest to thoroughly investigate before sharing, which can cause damage to our subconscious. Garbage in - garbage out. Oh well, let them believe what they want. It's their fantasy. I'll ignore it. After all, the mind I save should be mine.

Yet, it was guidance that reminded me, once again, we're all connected. We shouldn't ignore it. We do need to make the effort for fact finding. More importantly, the mind we save, now and into the future, will be our collective mind. Do we want to become mindless and heartless beings?

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