Friday, August 14, 2015

Jesus Was A Socialist?

A friend of mine and I, occasionally, play devil's advocate towards a lot of current events or anything we feel needs a different approach. I think we do it to shake up the status quo. Sometimes, we have our disagreements but not often. Even when we do, we both have our big girl panties on and agree to disagree. Maybe that's why we're still friends.

She had posted a comment on Facebook, along with a link, regarding Jesus being a socialist, because of a run-in with what she calls a teabagger. As she says: "I loathed teabaggers not Republicans. There is a difference." So, I decided to add my two cents too ... with a touch of satire ... in order to amuse myself. ;)

In addition, anyone reading my true story book, or watching my true story videos, will know that Jesus was one of the ones to come to my rescue back when I was under a horrendous, psychic attack. I've since read, thanks to the internet, that he's had to do this many times with many people. Because of my experience, I got to understand his life more and even studied the Bible. It opened my eyes to many things that people refuse to see. I took the proverbial rose colored glasses off many years ago.

~~~~~ Here was my reply.

Well, if a socialist wasn't a term used back then, he was definitely a non-conformist. A healing rebel rouser. Well, that is if we can believe the stories; we know how bigger the fish becomes over time in telling it.

He may have also broken a commandment by coveting his neighbor's goods. Or maybe it was a deadly sin like envy of what others had that he didn't, bringing others (followers) into his bitter feelings of life and what he thought was unfair. Oh, and anger too ... temple and all. Tsk-tsk. Maybe more ... did he lust after Mary Magdalene? Who knows? Since his record has apparently been white-washed by the later establishment to hide their sins. Shameful.

But, what the heck, nobody's perfect. Yep, people will see he's above reproach because he's frigging Jesus for crying out loud. Don't matter how many people have been sent to earth by God ... even crucified before or after him. So Jesus should be worshipped? Dwelled on and praised over? For this only one? Over so many others? Not! I'm from a big family. A parent doesn't single out one child and praise them above others without consequences. Hate and jealousy for instance. What loving father would want that? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

And after meeting the original soul too (it's a walk-in life - several souls shared the body at various times - confirmed by other psychics, etc.), he would agree. He would still be a non-conformist and tell people to get their crap together and get off his case ("soul" is the actual word I heard).

Oh, and he told me once he was a hypocrite because he was telling people not to judge while he was doing the same thing ... judging. Go figure!!

Sounds pretty human to me. Making mistakes while trying to be perfect. What a burden to be on such a high pedestal 24-7 ... but it's Jesus ... he can handle it!

What terrible sibling brats we all are?! Dad said let Jesus do it. Fine! Then we'll sit on our jealous and sloth butts and let him, because dad didn't pick us. Oh-oh, more deadly sins!!

Oh, and for the record, the devil made me say all this. Not! ;)