Friday, August 7, 2015

Karma: Lost Souls

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that "our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."

It seems "misguided" may be an understatement and it's not due to scientific power. I've been noticing, over many years, that in our searching for spiritual truth, or higher awareness, some have allowed their power of fantasy to override their power of actuality; allowing flights of fancy to overrule common sense. I see some disputing facts, not theory or supposition, but hard core science facts, which is creating a mental imbalance.

I say imbalance because this particular flow of thought is reaching out to innocent minds causing mental dis-ease due to their need to prove the unprovable; creating anger and excuses when confronted. It's victimizing many in their process. Like a tidal wave that engulfs the unaware. A tidal wave so strong that it drowns out all thoughts of reason.

This helps me understand why so many are losing the ability to ground themselves in their physical reality; losing the ability to question and investigate. The flow has become stronger, knocking many mentally down. So much so, that when anyone reaches out to help ground them, they're pushed away. Their fantasy foundation, albeit unstable, has become their lifesaver; without realizing this lifesaver is also unstable and participating in their mental imbalance.

Everything is karma (cause and effect). What's causing this karma? What's our message? Is there a lesson in all this and why? Who profits from creating these lost souls? 

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