Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Allowing Fantasies: Do No Harm?

First, I want to go on record as stating I do not and never have condoned the actions of the barbaric and psychopathic group called Islamic State, or any other similar terroist group. Neither is guidance or, from what I hear and read, the general consensus of worldwide Muslims.

To continue, I received a message, this morning, while meditating. It's not meant to induce anger but only to promote critical thinking or, more importantly, soul searching. After I received this message, I kept sensing it wouldn't go away until I shared it. I didn't want to but I decided, eventually, their message was important. Here is the gist of it: "Why is allowing one's fantasy any more important than another's? Where do we draw the line? If we have humans, believing they are more than they physically are, asking us to believe it too, even when our eyes, minds and hearts tell us otherwise, then why should we allow that fantasy, but not another's, which our eyes, mind and heart is also stating is wrong?"

There were some emotions during this message, which I received and will share, along with some discussion which followed. It was in regards to us being so politically correct that we've "allowed this corruption" (that's what I heard) regarding the Islamic State. Since all things are created with the power of thought, we created it. My question would be why?

For instance, maybe a very long time ago, we allowed something simple to be accepted. No big deal, it's their fantasy. It's not going to hurt anyone. They're crazy and we know it. We'll ignore it. It will go away. But it doesn't go away. In fact, it creates another circumstance which pushes at our allowance. We now have to allow another's fantasy. It's a bit bazaar, but, after all, we allowed the other fantasy. No big deal. Right?

Maybe, we then start reaping more of what we sowed. More fantasies are pushed at us to accept them as reality, when there's no factual data to give it substance. Yet, we must allow this too, due to other's fantasies being allowed. In fact, we, currently, see these played out in front of us, daily, with mental, sexual, religious and political ideology. But hey, it's their fantasies. No harm done.

Yet, is there harm being done? Like a worm that eats through the skin of an apple and gets inside of it to eat away at it unseen. Slowly, but surely, it does wreak havoc; one bad apple can spoil the bunch. Does one's mental, sexual, political or religious fantasy deserve more allowance than another's? Even if it starts wars with others? Is this their fantasy too?

Throughout history, we have seen this played out quite often. People being crucified over their or another's fantasy. And ... here is the "worm in the apple" ... we allowed it. We have allowed the idealogy that we must be political correct in allowing other's fantasies, when we know it's wrong in our hearts to do it. We either ignored our intuition or could it have been our fantasy too. We allowed our compassion to overrule common sense and intelligence.

Finally, we've reached a state of awareness that tells us we've allowed many things that were wrong due to things not adding up. Not being factual. Not being accurate. Not being right. We've had our buttons pushed. Our strings pulled. We've played the game. Right or wrong .. it was our fantasy ... our desires ... our truth ... we wanted it allowed. After all, other's fantasies were allowed, why not ours? In fact, not only have we allowed it but we've put up with it. Possibly, due to the eons of guilty conscience emotions within all our souls. For instance, "What right do you have to tell me not to do something after what you've done." Right? You've probably heard it, said it, or both.

So, now we, apparently, have the Islamic State demanding their fantasy. We've allowed so much for other's, why not theirs?

I'll tell you why, because we still have the Jiminy Crickets of the world who try to be our conscience when our young minds may be blocked from awareness. There are some who choose not to allow. They have seen the progression of destruction because of their wisdom or their foresight. They did not want to put up with it and did not want to cave into the political correctness of the multitude. They keep guiding, even when we don't listen, often telling us: I told you so. Yet, often allowing us to learn from our mistakes.

Yes, many often say: do no harm. But are we? Are we allowing the harm to slowly creep in and take over? Will nature see a harmful path, and allow it to continue, without rectifying it? Or, chosing to use destruction, because we don't know when to yield? So, as I said above, are we currently reaping what we sowed with our world events? Why do we feel anyone's fantasy is any less important or less destructive than another's?

Is it only because some destruction is initially more obvious, like a swarm of locusts as opposed to an insidious worm?

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