Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Individual Souls

In November 2011, I had a question from a YouTube subscriber. As is often the case, I asked for inspiration from the universe to help me answer with truth and love.

Question: If I have an individual soul, will it still be individual when I die? Someone said when you die, you go back to the source. Like a the soul is a water droplet and when you die, you go back to the pond and your sense of self is lost because you merge with all of the other previous water droplets. I know so many people say so many different things, and I shouldn't let them get to me. But at this point of my search for the truth, everything seems possible.

Answer: Think of it this way, if you are in a room with two or ten people, or a concert with hundreds, do you lose your awareness of you and who you are among others? Probably not, unless it's an extreme high of happiness (party) or low of depression (funeral) that everyone is caught up in. However, you still remain you in all of that, right? So why would it be different elsewhere? God gives us many examples of life on this planet, we just forget to look at them for the answers.

I have walked the journey of many souls that have been around since the beginning or nearly the beginning and even since then from younger soul awareness. God didn't lose His consciousness and I would feel He wouldn't want us to lose ours. We couldn't help him much if we did, could we?

We can get caught up in a flow of collective consciousness, that we can become part of, until we possibly abuse that collective thought and then a change has to be made. Collective thought doesn't always mean it is right or truth, like slavery or witch hunts. That kind of thing. Then God may send many of us to change out a thought and He couldn't very well do that if we have all disappeared. See?

Look around you, you are not your family and your family is not you. Why would that be? Because God shows us we are unique and different. Just like no two snowflakes or fingerprints are alike, no two consciousness (souls) are identical to another. You have walked a different path then your family, even if thoughts may be similar, your thoughts or emotions are yours and not another's.

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