Friday, November 20, 2015

Keep It Simple

In the book, Einstein: His Life and Times (1972) by Ronald W. Clark, there was a discussion between Louis de Broglie and Einstein on the platform of the Gare du Nord in Paris. Einstein told de Broglir, "that all physical theories, their mathematical expressions apart ought to lend themselves to so simple a description that even a child could understand them." This statement has often been simplified to his saying: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

I was taught to keep it simple because it helps those that are learning, which is supposed to be the teacher's objective. Keeping with this KIS method, I was also taught that we have physical beings and we have non-physical beings - everywhere - whether they are animals or beings that we call human. We have old souls and young souls. Even with them there are different levels of awareness, just as you see here on earth. Just like seeing a child that is called a prodigy or a grandparent that is senile. 

Different ages - different levels of awareness - different situations - anywhere. 

In getting answers, you want to go to the universe and ask for, and sense, the truth in any particular subject. It doesn't matter who holds that truth because that's what you want. In other words, you can ask a wise grandparent and they can tell you their truth but is it THE truth? There could be someone that has the ultimate truth, which the age or wisdom of one individual may not have that. 

So, who do you want to ask? One particular person or the truth in the universe? See?

Also, the truth that you are seeking can change. For instance, if you ask if someone you know is pregnant, in that moment she may not be, but in the next moment (day/month) that can change. Because our emotions can change, so can our future. What fate places in our paths can help that happen. Individual thought can be over-ruled by collective thought. Collective thought does not always come from the people we see. We can also be ruled by the collective thought of the unseen. Those that may be guiding us in order to hold a thought. For instance, to maintain a prophecy.

Furthermore, the more we know, the more we can understand. No matter what side of the fence we are on (physical or non-physical). It's a very simple method for truth seeking. As someone once told me: many things are really rather easy but people tend to over analyze things and muck it up for others.

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