Saturday, November 14, 2015

Angry Anarchist?

I was working on another blog about desegregation but I "heard" this word "anarchist" earlier today and decided to share it first, along with something I felt guided to write about it.

Anarchist: a person who seeks to overturn by violence all constituted forms and instituted of society and government, with no purpose of establishing any other system of order in the place of that destroyed. Mid 17th century: from Greek anarkhos ‘without a chief.'

I first felt that I heard this word due to the current terroist attacks in Paris but I actually think it's a message for many things that's going on around our planet. It made me think of chaos. The chaos I often see in the minds of angry people. I see the words angry and anarchist together and wonder why. I see these angry people and want to ask, why are you angry? No, seriously, why are you really angry? Because, I often sense they're hiding the real truth of their angry behavior and they're jumping on anyone's bandwagon of rebellion because of it.

Doesn't that defeat the purpose of no one ruling them? Aren't they still being ruled by theirs or another's emotional battles? Isn't someone or several someone's still calling the shots ... being the chief ... making them jump through hoops? Using their anger, or distaste for life, so they can be an easy puppet for another's cause?

Maybe their anger is from feeling victimized. But then, aren't they allowing themselves to be victims again and again? Are they trying to destroy a society or government because they can't destroy the someone that hurt them? Has society (or government) become their scapegoat instead?

An irrational anger is the other end of the spectrum of apathy. It still shows an emotional imbalance, which means you can be controlled while claiming you don't want control. Who or what angers you controls you. Quite the paradox.

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