Sunday, November 15, 2015

Desegregation: All Races Matter

Recently, a friend shared a news article regarding black lives matter and burning the American flag (see link below). I responded and decided to share it on my blog too. However, I added an additional part on my flag comment (due to my blog picture), a "lastly" paragraph, as well as a quote and video regarding Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Thank you for reading.


All lives matter and it's time the segregating stops. Every time someone says that only one life matters, they segregate. I thought that's what we didn't want. I thought that's what Dr. M.L. King, Jr. (and others) marched and died for - to stop segregating. They (who do this) are disgracing his life's work by these actions because he was a man of peace (see video link below). 

When people tell me they only can fight to get their point across, this tells me they haven't learned to talk or reason. In that case, why would anyone listen? Their (some) actions speak louder than their words. Their actions in language, style even music says: I don't want to be part of anything but my beliefs. It's hypocritical. Yet, it's refreshing to see those of their race, with educated class, take them on and put them down. They're tired of it too. They know it's within everyone to change things without being neanderthals.

Also, I'll bet not one person would want to burn a flag if it's ever been handed to them because of the death of a loved one who's served. This blog photo is of me receiving my dad's flag at his funeral. To say it was an emotional experience is an understatement. This only tells me that people who do this must not have had any family that's served this country because they would be embarrassed and saddened by their actions. Thankfully, there are those who are respectful. There is a video on the news article that shows two Milwaukee police officers folding the burned flag after the protest. 

Also, an excerpt from the news article stated: The brother of Dontre, Nate Hamilton, was reported by the local Fox affiliate to have said, “I say destroy the whole constitution, because it never worked to begin with for black people.” 

Really!? Really!? Then explained to me how black men got the right to vote before women. When people talk like that, all they show me is someone who's uneducated.

Lastly, I can appreciate diversity and have a difficult time with those that cannot, whether that be in the variety of arts, talents, faiths or race. I also understand that we tend to segregate to what we feel more comfortable with, including arts, talents, faiths or race. However those diversities should, at least, be understood and respected, even if there's no desire to participate ... especially not hated and fought over. To each their own. I have friends of diverse races. I have friends that are black and married to white. It saddens me that this insanity may cause a riff, not only between us, but their spouses (significant others) and their families. It has to stop. I hope people know that not all white are racist and keep the perspective that it's hooligan mentality, to divide this country, and not black, brown or white mentality. Yes, I want a lot of things in my life too, but I don't go around burning other people's property, attacking innocent people, looting, rioting, burning our country's flag or shooting people to get it. I don't give my power away to another by blaming another race (or faith) when I don't get my way. I don't allow words to hurt my feelings. I also don't feel entitled nor privileged ... that's called maturity. Mature people destroy ignorance, not people.  Mature people try to resolve issues with communication and not brute force. Mature people don't attack but they will defend if under attack. Mature people see it as keeping the peace and protecting morality when misbehaving and troublemaking children get out of control and need discipline. I think even Dr. King would understand that this measure, if needed, would be done out of love and not hate. Because, mature people don't want their house turned into a "den of thieves."


News article link:

Video link:
Dr. King: Nonviolence is the Most Powerful Weapon -


Quote: The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy, instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

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