Saturday, November 21, 2015

Nostradamus on Fear

I have this Nostradamus quote (below) in my Facebook notes from January 2010. I thought, with the current events, I should put it on my blog too. It's something I read back in the early nineties and kept it on my computer. It had a strong impact on me then and now. As a friend pointed out to me today, it's quite prophetic for today. Most, who know me, or have read my blogs, know that I've spent a lot of years helping people remove fear whenever possible. 

As far as prophecies, I still feel that some  can be changed by simply knowing about it. Similar to forewarned is forearmed. It's not always the case though, sometimes the emotions/situations are too strong to reverse without a stronger force to intervene. I had a vision with a message from Nostradamus, back in the early nineties, about that. He stated: "Prophets can see into the future based on the flow of emotions. We can often change the future based on knowing where these emotions are leading and sending people to help in that regards. However, we cannot always change what we see due to the hard core programming within the souls. This hard core programming is part of what I use to see the future. Teaching people can help release this but not always. Many times prophets see these blocks too, but we don't give up trying or hoping." 

~~~~~ Nostradamus Quote 

NOSTRADAMUS replied, "When people are desperate out of fear, then the doctor's job is to fight that fear and help them get strong. It alone is the cause of all damage. And fear comes foremost from unfulfilled desires. The one who tells people that life need have no cares, and is nothing but "jolly," is worse than the prophet. 

"When you become doctors you will encounter it. Fear is the door. Through it comes all sickness. It creates war and all other activities. Fear makes plagues and illusions. Only fear. It is always so. My prophecies do not spread fear. I am the writer of future history.

"The one who is reasonable can learn from my prophecies, how to find the right path to take as if he would have found footprints in the sand from someone who has gone before. Study the history of ancient cultures. The ancient people have left behind witnesses of inner silence, radiance, benediction and beauty, and the nations of the future will only pass on traces of plague and death. 

"Every new generation develops weapons of destruction more horrible than before. This development you can not stop because they have become slaves of their own fear. People can only become more reasonable if they can only lose their fear of each other and themselves."


This quote is in the book: Nostradamus and the Millennium - Predictions of the Future by John Hogue

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