Monday, November 9, 2015

Religions: Gain Through Loss

Many times, we are afraid to let go of what we have, even when it includes turmoil. It's due to the emotional, including financial, attachments we have with our beliefs or possessions. Generally, we don't choose to change unless there is something we can gain by doing so. We want to be convinced there is something better we can have before we relinquish anything.


However, even with a multitude of "signs," we may still cling to these very strong attachments, which can blind us from seeing a better path ahead. Sometimes, this has been known to create a forcible decision to move us beyond what we have; nature's way of showing us that we can gain something better by losing what we thought was best.

This makes me wonder: are we too programmed, that we need to learn things the difficult way? Could this be our problem? When we drag our feet, over change, is it then forced upon us?

We've had many examples of outer or inner calamities, turmoil or upheavals to prove this. Acts of nature that destroys, in order to rebuild. Afterwards, gaining a better perspective that we didn't see before. Often seeing the good in the change, even with the hardship or violence that occured first due to not being able to see beyond our egos.

This had me thinking about our current world strife, a lot of it due to religious beliefs, and wondering if the upheaval is, again, nature's way of working towards something better. Forcing us to move beyond, creating hardships to relinquish personal attachments, because, once again, we couldn't see the light (truth) through the storm (ego). 

After all, we have been known to lose a house and gain a better one. We have been known to lose a job and gain a better one. We have been known to lose a spouse and gain a better one. On and on and on.

Maybe the religious strife is telling us we can lose a faith but gain our soul.

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