Saturday, December 31, 2016

Mental Illness Free-For-All?

Happy New Year's Eve everyone! I decided to end this year with a blog due to a very thought-provoking video I received this morning from a friend (link below). It's, actually, an event that happened over a year ago, but it's the first time I've heard about it. 

To begin with, I'm not writing my blog about the people in it. I'm focusing on something that was mentioned. It was in regards to transgenders and mental illness. It got me thinking: what if we applied this same "redeeming" attitude to anything we may designate as mental illness, as in alcoholism or bi-polar (both mentioned in the video)? In other words, accept and allow. What will be will be. Don't interfere. Let them be and do what they want. If we have begun using the reasoning that it's genetics, why wouldn't that reasoning apply to all situations? 

Now, before anyone starts huffing and puffing, please hear me out. 

For some time, I've been getting "feelings" about our current direction: why we have called some things mental illness, yet have been manipulated into accepting them, now, as normal (and vice versa)? I've even blogged about how our compassion can be used against us. It's perplexing? Why are we placating a rabbit hole mentality in some cases but not others? Are we in denial? This video shows how extreme things can and have become in being bullied into acceptance and the double standards some use to manipulate others. When do we apply the breaks? 

When do we stop being pulled down that rabbit hole with them?

Yes, we should try to understand each situation completely. That doesn't mean we should be bullied into submission. Maybe rejection is just as important or necessary. There should be this little light of reasoning, within all adult consciousness, which allows a check and balance to everything. It's no different than a child trying to manipulate a parent into agreeing over something, when the parent has more facts and should be putting their foot down. Yet, the parent gives into the child, against all sane reasoning, just to stop the whining. Duly noted by the child ... child wins. 

Which has me wondering, lately, who's running the country (world), the child or the parent?

After watching the video, and before you start saying but - but - but, ask yourself: if terroists are mentally ill people, should we allow them to be who they are? If pedophiles are mentally ill people, should we allow them to be who they are? If rapists are mentally ill people, should we allow them to be who they are? When will those behaviors become acceptable too? Aren't we supposed to help people - with any illness - get better?

Or - do we keep making excuses?

Of course, I've heard the argument that as long as they're not hurting anyone, but themselves, it's okay. Seriously? Does that apply to suicidal people? I knew a teen girl who pulled her hair out when she was stressed. Are people who cut themselves acceptable? How do we know that one person, telling another they're hurting them self, for whatever issue they've reasoned, didn't lead others to do similar?

So, to me, that argument is not only invalid it's nonsensical.

The flow of human creation doesn't stop or start with one human being. Think about religious fervor and how it set out to conquer and convert even at the cost of human suffering under the guise of someone's rights. If actions define a person's character, and we find that character to be repugnant, don't we try and change it in order to keep it from spreading?

So - are we being a bully for stopping a flow of thought before it gets out of control?

I've been told that allowing doesn't mean putting up with. As I mentioned above, a child can wear a parent down with whining and temper tantrums. Some parents choose to give into this behavior. This often leads some becoming adults who think they are entitled to everything because of it. Entitlement, in my professional opinion, is a mental illness too. Should we allow this as well? Were they born this way - genetically speaking? Were some also born without the ability to reason? What about those who are always fighting social causes or those who are perpetually angry? What about people who are always in denial? 

Wouldn't all "their feelings" be "genetic" too? 

What makes people do what they do? Do we "allow" them all?  Regardless of how one feels about another, do we allow people to threaten another bodily harm due to a difference of opinion (video)? Is that sane? Where do we draw the line? Are we to walk away from all idiosyncrasies, including the most abhorrent, and become apathetic? I hope not, because having a mental illness free-for-all doesn't sound logical or heathy. 

Ben Shapiro Comments On Transgender Zoey Tur Incident!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Love is Divine

Love is divine and cannot be fitted into some natural blueprint you draw yourself. As you know, nature has a wisdom of her own, and with her laws of attraction and rejection, between the sexes, she renews and carries on this human race through this great mystery called love. She makes people strong to face the many trials and troubles of life and to help us find this life still worth while. It is unwise for people to consider their wisdom higher than hers, yet many try.

Of course, sexual love is a vital force in these relationships, to be freely expressed and fully enjoyed. After all, why do people get married? Yes, underneath all those sweet kisses and promises runs the fire of the loins. But remember, the only reason ever to marry anyone is that you feel absolutely sure you couldn't live without this ideal mate.
You see, a relationship between two people isn't just the starting of babies, but much more. It is happiness, comfort, forgiveness, understanding, unselfishness, and unity. It is the discovery of complete oneness between two souls; the only place where two people can express their love completely.
To nurture this feeling we call love, it takes words, deeds, money, and time to keep a relationship going; with the hope that all you put into it will be returned. It is surprising to see how love can fill the chasm between two people that may be from different worlds, personalities, and beliefs. Without love we feel the full agony of loneliness and discontent. With love we feel peace of mind, body, and soul.
Be practical in your love. Before marriage consider all things necessary for this perfect union. What about disposition, reliability, and whether you agree on religion, raising children, and money matters? These are important things to consider in a relationship, right after you decide you're in love. Most important of all is the desire of the loins. If you are not sure of that, even the rest being perfect will impair a union of souls.

Love doesn't always come, even when the soil is prepared and conditions seem perfect. Yes, love is divine, but walks its own way. It cannot be forced ... only followed.

This was, originally, written by me in the Spring of 1966 when I was 18. I was engaged to be married that summer. I revised it a little in 1991. Today, I amended it, before putting it on my blog, due to grammar and punctuation. In reflection, I realize many people channel while writing, painting, or composing. I'm sure this was no exception.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Depression: Empaths and Winter Holidays Blues

In December 2012, I had shared, on social media, a personal experience about unexplained feelings of depression and decided to share it on my blog.

Sorrow is often felt by empathic people throughout the year, however even more so during the winter holidays. Sometimes, it's due to heightened suicides that can occur, during that time, but I've noticed that it can also be worse during any distressing times, like recent world events. This can make it more difficult for empaths. It's like we're hit doubly hard.

It's wise to keep your defenses up, especially if feeling an overwhelming amount of sorrow coming at you and for no apparent reason. I learned about this because it often happened to me as I was growing up. Eventually, I learned that it wasn't always "my feelings" that I was sensing.

The first time that I can recall it happening to me, we were living in Italy. I was only nine and started crying for no reason at all. My dad even asked me why. I replied, pathetically, through my tears, "I don't know." It was the same night that he took this picture of me studying. He thought it was due to homework stress, but I couldn't relate to that. It was a very strange feeling, yet I knew it wasn't over homework. I just shook it off and it went away.

As I got older, the winter holidays always hit me the hardest. I didn't understand why because I love this time of year. It was after I was "awakened," and being taught the things that can go on "out there," that I learned this is, especially, the time you can pick up "sad" spirit attachments, because they may be looking for comforters. Their sorrow draws them to empathic and/or sympathetic people for the comfort and healing they need and, sometimes, it can become overwhelming for us, as well as those that guide us.

Another thing, that I learned, is that the departed may go to God, but God may send them to others to help with the work load: sending only what He knows we can handle. Other situations may bring them to you on their own, possibly due to a past life or current life situation.

In conclusion, I learned an important lesson from my dad: a busy mind doesn't have time to think about things that may be bothering us.  Maybe that's why it's important to stay involved with family and friends during the winter holidays - or any occasion - that may bring on depression. It not only keeps us busy but lifts our spirits from those winter, holidays' blues.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Personal Story: God's Healing Help?

First, I'd like to say that you don't have to believe in God for him to be real. He doesn't need our validation. He doesn't have to be a "he" either, I just use that pronoun due my personal feelings.

Anyway, I'm saying this because I want to share something. My husband picked up a case of water this past Sunday, something he's done often, but this time he was still recovering from a mild shoulder injury from a month earlier. He didn't feel anything, at first, but the next day, he started feeling more muscle pain. All the things we were doing this week didn't seem to be working, to the point that yesterday we discussed calling his doctor to make an appointment because he was still in excruciating pain.

Last night, as we were going to bed, I suggested that he meditate before going to sleep and send healing energy to that area. However, I went one step further, I went into an All Call with guidance and the universe to ask God to intervene. I felt something wasn't adding up because my husband had told me it seemed to get worse at night. Hmmm... why would that be? The more I checked, it appeared that there was something going on with his shoulder which wasn't coming from him. He was under psychic attack. I asked if he could be released from this negative energy so he could heal and then I fell asleep still waiting for an answer.

This morning, he woke up telling me that he was feeling much better but he knew he still had some healing left to do. A little later, he surprised me with this statement. He said, "I prayed to God to help me so I could heal. I told him I didn't deserve this." I turned to him and said, "that's interesting because I asked God to help you too."

Was it God? Angels sent by God? The mysteries of the universe? He's not in excruciating pain today. What do you think?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Taking Care of Oneself

Occasionally, I like to share the wisdom of others, especially from my friends. Janelle is not only a close friend, an avid student of the universe, but also an artist on a couple of my books. She wrote this (below) last year on social media and gave me permission to share it, but today I decided to put it on my blog when I read it again. It's a good reminder to be loyal to those who deserve it, especially to oneself.

Taking Care of Oneself - Janelle Wilson (12-14-15)

I have learned that there is a time to let go to take care of oneself. There is no selfishness in letting go when another wishes to ignore help.

There is also no shame in rationalizing that worry and anxiety will solve nothing.

Compassion however is selfless and an act of love, and it's what keeps people together.

In this life, I've learned that I may not be the person, event, or teacher to walk others to the help they need.

In order to take care of oneself, we must let go when it is necessary, even if it isn't easy.

If I understood this years ago, I would have saved myself heartache from those who could have cared less about how harmful they were to themselves and others.

I don't believe anyone needs to hold on to toxic people. I know this because I understand there are those who don't wish to try, and no amount of love can force change.

People have to want to change.

I hope that this insight may help others who are having a rough time on the holidays due to whatever reason.

Keep smiling and be grateful.
Love even if you don't like.
Be gentle to yourself.

This picture, of Janelle, was taken in 2014 at Daytona Beach, Florida. It was on her second visit here to see my husband and I since we first met, via YouTube, years before. She has a wonderful sense of humor along with her philosophical and serious side. Besides the artwork she did for me, you can see more on her website:

Monday, December 12, 2016

Yes or No?

Pythagoras is noted as saying: "the oldest, shortest words - 'yes' and 'no' - are those which require the most thought." This was something I learned through personal experience. These two words require "the most thought" because of needing to know when to say which one and why. 

Eventually, I learned that I had to, ocassionally, step away from any situation that may be demanding an immediate commitment, a yes or no answer, even for a moment or two. Doing this gave me time to weigh the situation. To ask myself if my response was coming from me or if my mind was being affected in order to appease another's wishes.

Before learning this, I was a serious "people pleaser." Saying no was one of the most difficult things for me. Which means, I often felt used because of it. One day, a friend said: "You know, it's ok to say no. In fact, the more you say it, the easier it gets." She was right, it works and I have no difficulty saying it now - when I need to do so. I've also learned not to feel guilty over it as well. In fact, under certain circumstances, the life I save may be my own.

Lastly, this was another difficult but very important lesson that I, eventually, learned: whatever you decide, commit to it and don't look back later with regrets or a sour attitude. If it doesn't turn out as you thought it might, or things don't go well with the relationship later, don't forget that you, ultimately, allowed your decision. Learn from it and move on. If for no other reason than allowing your peace of mind.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Diversity: What's Normal?

Some people think others need to conform to their little box of idealogy. As I told someone the other day, who was interviewing me, I post a variety of things on social media because it's my way of showing how diverse I am.

Yes, I'm a metaphysician, but I'm also a wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister and friend to many. I'm diverse in my awareness and creativity. I've been taught many things in my life. Some things, like my psychic awareness, I use to help others, as well as myself, but I also love reading, traveling, sewing, crafting, vlogging and blogging. I may not be the best, at the things that I do, but it, generally, brings me happiness.

Additionally, I've learned to share my diversity while learning from others. If people enjoy nine things that I do but one thing causes them discomfort, then they need to decide if that one thing is holding them back from enjoying the other nine things. If it is, then let it go and move on. I don't agree with everything people say or do and I don't believe they need to agree with me on everything. I, certainly, don't want my happiness causing others to be unhappy. But I cannot control their feelings, that's their choice.

Lastly, mean-spirited people can often rob others of their happiness by pulling them into to their misery. Maybe it's their "normal" behavior, but I'm often reminded of a message I received a long time ago from our Creator, regarding people saying we need to be allowing: "allowing doesn't mean putting up with." In other words, no one's "normal" behavior (including mine) should be, continually, robbing another or others of their happiness. Make the choice to move on - separate - disconnect - cut the cord. As the saying goes: "Life's too short to be miserable."

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Political Correctness: Cultural Marxism

I have a long time spiritual friend, Helen, from Cyprus. Occasionally, she writes something on Facebook and I swear she's channeling some of my feelings and writing them down for me. This day is no exception. I have permission to share her words but today I decided to put them on my blog, along with an outstanding seven minute video she also shared, in order to reach outside of Facebook.

Quote: They have created group upon group of people and labeled them all and then tell you not to label anyone because then you are being oppressive, prejudice, racist, phobic and you are a bully, an attacker etc so basically if you are a white, heterosexual, meat-eating Christian then you are a victimiser by default. You will get blamed for every single thing that happens whether now or in the past because you are not a minority and therefore an abuser and those who say they don't want to be labeled still take advantage of their label as a tool to bully and oppress the above.

If you are any other race that is not white apparently you cannot be racist when you make racist comments against whites. If you are anything but heterosexual then you cannot be called phobic for having prejudice or throwing insults against heterosexuals. If you are any other religion apart from Christian, again, you are not deemed as being Christian-phobic if you insult Christ, Mary or the saints, etc.

If a member of one of those groups, such as a gay man, steps outside the label and model they have created for him, like being a gay Christian for example, then they attack him and bully him down. If a woman stands up and says she supports men and the male role she will be attacked because she is supposed to be in the feminazi group because she is a woman.

The world is suffering from CULTURAL MARXISM and even if you are one of those who has been stuffed into a pigeon hole and labeled, do not succumb to allowing anyone to define who you are.

What is Cultural Marxism:


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Soul Essence: Born to Hate?

The other day, my youngest daughter was distraught over her oldest daughter's school experience: teens being their often hateful teen selves. Someone mentioned that kids are taught hate, they're not born that way. I countered with, why couldn't they be born that way? If we've come to understand that a person can be born gay, why can't someone be born with a hate gene? For that matter, any number of genes that scientist are still studying under the name of junk or mystery DNA, which I wrote about some time ago.

Anyway, as most know, through my videos and blogs, I don't look at just the physical genetics, I also look at the soul genetics. I've studied this for years. What makes people different? What drives people? I've learned that it's not always one lifetime but could be many lifetimes of programming? People can be born with physical genetics but we often overlook their eternal soul genetics.

What causes people to be born any certain way? What can trigger any emotion within them?  Sure, we can be born into a family, and take on a physical look from parents or grandparents, but what gives us our character? For instance, look at large families and the characters of each individual within them. Are they all the same? They can be brought up a certain way, taught principles and beliefs, have similar outside influences, but they are still unique.

Yes, environmental situations and accidents can create physical and mental changes but did this take place - each and every time? Yes, parents can teach bad or hateful behavior, but did this occur - each and every time? I've seen children who act kinder than their parents, including scolding a parent for being hateful. Furthermore, and as an example, why does a large family produce only one gay child? One transgender child? One with any particular addiction issue? One sociopathic child? One hateful child? Or none of the above? Was it the upbringing? Society influences? Was it within the soul?

There are many things that can create hate, being born with an angry soul is one of them. I've met people who are perpetually angry, mean-spirited, sullen, hateful, or verbally caustic in their behavior. Was it one life that created it or did they bring it with them? If they brought it with them, are they perpetuating that emotion - the "hate begets hate" scenario?

Also, do we keep telling ourselves they were born that way and ignore it? If that's the case, why bother with anyone being born any certain way? But we do, because we see things that we deem as abhorrent and want to change it. We see things we choose not to respect or understand. Cruelty is one of them ... hate is another. 

And, as an afterthought, I feel animals are not immune. That's why my sister named one of my cats the demon cat from hell. I only had one cat out of many that was born this way. Nothing wrong with her. Never gave me or my aforementioned daughter trouble, she just hated everyone else.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Be Careful What You Wish For...

As the saying goes: be careful what you wish for. Its often followed by: you may get it but it may not be what you thought it would be.

It's the same with having our prayers answered. We have to be very impeccable with those too. Someone may be sent to answer our prayers but we may not see it at first. For you see, God has used and continues to use some of the most unlikely people to bring about change to humanity.

Understandably, their paths are often littered with pitfalls to prevent their success. They've been mocked or crucified for going against the status quo. Being "chosen" doesn't mean an easy path and it's, definitely, not for the weak in spirit.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

NWO - Globalization

Wow! Hold onto to your hats. What a mind blowing message I received this morning! So, you think we're not being puppeted? This all started with me asking about the Bush family. I couldn't understand why they were going against their own party politics just because of Trump. After all, they all have skeletons in their closets too. We know all politicians do. Some just hide it better.

So, guidance put the puzzle together for me. They reminded me, this morning during meditation, about the elder Bush being slammed for his NWO beliefs. They said, and I paraphrase, remember when people were outraged over his beliefs (see video below) and despising him for wanting to sell out America? Of course, he was a Republican wanting a NWO and people hated him. So, they hate Republicans now? It's the Republican's fault? Well, let's put a Democrat in office. We can manipulate them too. We can use Clinton's nafarius past to keep him aligned to the plan. Good little minion. How convenient that his disgrace opened the door up for our next puppet, we have Bush Jr. in office. Let's keep it going, he knows the plan. Back to hating Republicans again? Fine, we'll put another Democrat in office, but let's make it more appealing by using a black man, using him for the NWO. His background is ripe for the picking, but we'll change the name to Globalization, so they think it's a different program coming from the Democrats. They're coming along just like the good minions they are. And since the younger Bush was defeated by an outsider, no problem, we have a back up plan to make sure we keep this going. We'll support this woman, who has already been introduced and ensnared by this idealogy, so we can still perpetuate our dream.

Honestly, folks, you can't make this crap up. It could be a dramatic movie for all its twists and turns. You see, it's not party politics - it's a goal - the puppet masters don't care who they use. Brexit upset their plans. Trump is upsetting their plans. Think about it.

Lastly, think about why we were vehemently against the NWO ideal, when it was the Republicans, but are being pulled into Globalization (the same thing) by the Democrats, as if it's okay. Only because it's YOUR party this time? Seriously? Good little minions.

George H.W. Bush NWO Speech: 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Semantics: It's All Paper

Semantics: Fact checkers stating that it's false, concerning that the State Department didn't lose $6 billion, because, what actually occured, they had misplaced the paperwork to back it up.

So, lost paperwork or lost money? It's all paper. Six of one, half a dozen of another.

In the real world, if I had "lost" $6 billion, due to "missing" paperwork, I would have to find the paperwork or I would be in jail for embezzlement. In the real world, any individual or business would be denied tax write offs, if there wasn't proper paperwork.

Obviously, the government world works differently. In fact, couldn't the government also falsify paperwork and get away with that too? How would we know if they "produced," in any manner, paperwork, in order to cover their behinds? Do they have fact checkers? Can we believe everything we read and hear from our goverment?

Besides, their reputation for insane contract spending is a matter of record. Well, civilian records, because the government tends to, obviously, lose theirs. But, let's be good little boys and girls. Let's believe we're in good hands. Let's smoke that dope or drink that kool-aid. Let's be useful idiots. After all, what's a billion here or there anyway? It's only money. Our money! Our nearly $20 trillion national debt money!

Quote: "The $6 billion figure comes from a State Department inspector general report that found paperwork for various contracts had been mismanaged. The $6 billion was not missing or stolen — it had been doled out in a number of contracts — but the paperwork was missing." - Politifacts

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Clinton and Trump: Archetypal Manifestation

I posted the below Carl Jung quote, on my metaphysical school site, and, suddenly, I was thinking about the characters of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, along with the often mob mentality I've seen on social media. Jung said an archetype is a typical character of human nature and in groups we can subcumb to the lowest emotion within that collective conscious.

This made me think about the collective thoughts regarding Trump and Clinton. Especially, if we consider some of the names they are being associated with like crooked, liar, or narcissistic. Especially, when we think about ourselves in relationship to them. Are they a reflection of our society? Of us? If so why? They didn't come out of nowhere. We're not experiencing them for no reason. I feel that they are here to make us look at ourselves - our society - our world - good or bad. They are a phenomenon; a pure archetypal manifestation of a real part of our collective psyche. 

Are we to learn more about ourselves because of it? Can we make changes? Maybe so, if we owe up to it. If we don't, it will not go away. It will return to the collective unconscious in order to gather more force and will come back with a greater prominence. That's what lessons do: keep teaching us until we get it. Often with more difficulty.


A group experience takes place on a lower level of consciousness than the experience of an individual. This is due to the fact that, when many people gather together to share one common emotion, the total psyche emerging from the group is below the level of the individual psyche. If it is a very large group, the collective psyche will be more like the psyche of an animal, which is the reason why the ethical attitude of large organizations is always doubtful. The psychology of a large crowd inevitably sinks to the level of mob psychology. If, therefore, I have a so-called collective experience as a member of a group, it takes place on a lower level of consciousness than if I had the experience by myself alone. ~ C.G. Jung (The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Collected Works 9i)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Useful Idiots

"In political jargon, useful idiot is a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause." - Wikipedia

Recently, I saw a comment on Facebook, that used it, and decided to investigate further. In doing so, I discovered a website that I thought I'd share. Needless to say, after reading that website, I've discovered where I've been used, ocassionally, as a useful idiot. Live and learn. 

Here is an excerpt from it:

"The term “useful idiot” is thought to have been coined by communist mass murderer Vladimir Lenin. It describes naive communist sympathizers in the West (liberals). While Lenin and the Soviets held these stupid liberals in utter contempt, they also saw them as useful tools for dispensing propaganda.

You will often find useful idiots (aka libtards) lounging about in a Starbucks with friends, discussing the shortcomings of America over a frappuccino. Useful idiots are a mix of urban hipsters, brainwashed college kids, busy bodies, self righteous do-gooders, silver pony-tailed hippies, (now college professors), quirky wannabe-intellectuals, hysterical females, girly-men, and Michael Moore devotees.

Useful Idiot Libtards aren't necessarily bad people, and in many cases, are exceptionally warm and kind hearted. Many have high IQ's and hold advanced degrees. They can hold files full of factoids in their brains, but lack the capacity to weave them together to find a coherent pattern. Though they fancy themselves as "free thinkers", they are actually the most authority worshipping (politically correct) and servile creatures you will ever meet. When it comes to independent critical thought, they are astonishingly stupid .....and very dangerous! To paraphrase the late great Senator Joseph McCarthy, libtards are "the unwitting hand maidens of the Communists."

It is important to note that many "conservatives" are just as deluded as useful liberal idiots. They spend all of their energy attacking low level libtards, feminists, environmentalists etc, while refusing to confront the real power that pulls their strings. From lofty perches high above the cloud level, the untouchable Globalists laugh as the "right" and the "left" beat each other up.

The good news about useful idiots, is that when one of them finally figures out how he has been played, he often becomes fanatically anti-Communist / anti-Globalist. There is hope for them...or at least some of them."

In addition to the above excerpt, by going to the website, you will see several interesting comparisons, along with pictures. In addition to the two I listed below, you will read about immigration, feminism, socialized medicine, foreign policy plus much more. 

The Globalist/Communist: "Through our well paid psuedo-scientists and wholly owned media, we must aggressively promote the false science of Global Warming. The fear that this generates will enable us to raise taxes on carbon, erode national sovereignty, stifle economic progress, and gain control over private property and industry. Global Warming is one of the greatest power grabbing scams we have ever concocted! During periods of colder weather, we shall use the term 'Climate Change'.

The Useful Liberal Idiot: "Man made Global Warming is a proven fact! The science is settled! Only uneducated, anti-science, right wing flat earthers continue to deny it. Scientists who deny Global Warming all work for Big Oil. We need to address this problem now or our children are going to suffer."

The Globalist/Communist: "We must promote sexual promiscuity as a means of destroying the traditional family unit via adultery and unwed motherhood. This will financially ruin millions of divorced men and force millions of unwed mothers and their children to be dependent upon our centralized government."

The Useful Liberal Idiot: "Sex is natural and fun. Everyone should do it. The old fashioned hangups over pre marital sex and monogamy were forced upon society by the Church as a way of controlling people."


Now, I, for one, see these opinions (comparisons) as a time to reflect, especially if it causes me to spit and sputter with any instant rejection. Why? Because, I've learned, I'm getting my programmed ego in the way, and it may not reflect any new evidence. I've taught myself to back away and look at it with questions. Am I being pulled into any firestorm of emotions, swept along by the tsunami of falsehoods being perpetuated as truth without tangible facts? Has there been new evidence presented? Did I misread or mishear something? Am I being duped by my own ignorance to current data. Instead of shutting down to information, shouldn't I be taking the time to allow my reasoning and common sense to think things through?

As I've often said: When in doubt, check it out. You see, I don't want to be a useful idiot, a tool, a cretin, a sheep, or any other phrase that says I'm following anything without careful analysis via observation and investigation. I don't want to be a member of a crowd with no voice of my own; repeating only what I've been told.

How about you? 

Blog picture and description is from the website: "The stained glass window below was originally from the Beatrice Webb House, former Headquarters of Britain's Socialist Fabian  Society.  It depicts the leading members of the 1890's Fabian Society (Sydney Webb & George Bernard Shaw) remolding the world according to their desires. The inscription reads: "Remould it nearer to the heart's desire." Beneath the floor of their workshop, unsuspecting Useful Idiots worship their propaganda books. The gods of Socialism / Globalism above openly mock the unsuspecting Useful Idiots below!"

Friday, September 30, 2016

Power Tactics

I've spent many years teaching people about thoughts in the universe and how they can be powered into our minds. Any thought can filter into our minds. The only way to prevent it is with our mental wall we build to protect ourselves. We learn to do this in order to reject thoughts that go against our education and beliefs or to keep from overly reacting to them. Lately, it seems that many aren't heeding this universal wisdom and are being subjected to by a nefarious, tactical mental warfare.

For instance, below is the actual list by Saul Alinsky regarding power tactics that he outlined in his 1971 book "Rules for Radicals" and not what some are promoting on the internet as his - with their political twist. Alinsky's list is devoted solely to tactics and does not specify any particular targets of those tactics.

I decided to share this list because it's much of what we're seeing going on in many countries. If this wasn't so horrendous, (in some of these places, including America), it would make me chuckle. Only because of this one thought I had while reading them: who's trying to out tactic who and why?

After all, if I understand these power tactics, you can bet others do too. So - who's really fooling who? Read below to see what I mean.

Power Tactics:

Always remember the first rule of power tactics: Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.

The second rule is: Never go outside the experience of your people. When an action is outside the experience of the people, the result is confusion, fear, and retreat.

The third rule is: Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.

The fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.

The fourth rule carries within it the fifth rule: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.

The sixth rule is: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. If your people are not having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.

The seventh rule: A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Man can sustain militant interest in any issue for only a limited time, after which it becomes a ritualistic commitment, like going to church on Sunday mornings.

The eighth rule: Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.

The ninth rule: The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

The tenth rule: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.

The eleventh rule is: If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.

The twelfth rule: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. You cannot risk being trapped by the enemy in his sudden agreement with your demand and saying "You're right — we don't know what to do about this issue. Now you tell us."

The thirteenth rule: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Dream: Soul Stealing?

I had a strange dream this morning which was kind of dark and mysterious. I felt that I was an invisible observer. Looking down on what was occurring. There were some things going on before this particular part but that's vague now.

What I do remember was what occured just before my alarm clock woke me. It was a woman and man going after another woman. They killed her by decapitation. Shocking! Horrendous! But it was what followed that puzzled me. The man and woman started to walk away. I followed as if I was a spirit watching them and they didn't know I was there. I slowly moved forward until the man was behind me and the woman was in front of me. The man spoke but I didn't hear him. I only knew he said something because the woman turned to the man and said: it's funny hearing you talk with her voice (meaning the one they killed).

Now, I do understand about stealing souls due to ego, someone wanting another's soul for a past life glory seeking, or interchanging souls for numerous reasons. I've had my experiences besides making videos and writing books about mine and other's. Which is why that, and my shamanic training, has taught me that it doesn't change out the personality, the voice, much less the gender (as her comment may have indicated). If our current programming is changed, it's subtle, unless the mind is being greatly influenced, been injured, or under attack. I've also learned that the personality may want to change. They go along with the influences for numerous reasons; one reason is for attention. Then there are the innocent minds that don't have enough maturity to protect themselves.

Lots of things to consider when investigating things like this, which is why that ending part of the dream puzzled me. That is until I realized, later today (as more information started filtering in), that the dream wasn't just for my benefit but for others - two to be precise. The more I meditated on what was going on, I began to feel that my mind had been influenced by a recent crossing over of an older man that needed a greater understanding of this soul interchange, spirit possession, and the dark/demonic side of life. The other was a young man who was still physical but led a life of fantasy - not well grounded. Both had been connected with my energy and influencing each other while dreaming.

These influences (soul connections) can happen to anyone at anytime which is why we may suddenly start having vivid or strange dreams after a long period of time without them or start having strange waking thoughts, including suicidal (especially, if someone leaves their life in that manner an attaches to us). Yes, we can have our minds influenced in our waking state as well as dream state. It doesn't have to be just the spirit world either. It can be by others who are still living who may be dreaming or even awake. That's because we can astral project consciously while awake or unconsciously while dreaming. Whatever may be affecting the minds of those who are consciously or unconsciously connecting can influence us as well as vice versa. As the saying goes: we're all connected. 

As far as the decapitation part, along with the attitude of "stealing" someone's soul due to it, there are those who feel it gives them more power, but they often forget it can give them the bad and not only the good. Besides, to me, that just wreaks of someone watching too much Highlander; that you have to decapitate someone to take their power. No, not me, as I haven't thought about this movie in years and it wasn't done with a sword like in the movie. There wasn't any "quickening" in my dream either, which I feel is a tad too theatrical. I'm inclined to believe that "beheading" part may have been influenced by this younger man who seems to need more grounding. I hope he gets it.

I'm now humorously compelled to end this blog with the "immortal" words from Highlander: There can be only one!

Okay, back to reality. 😉

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Human Suffering

Some time ago, I had a friend ask about human suffering and why we have these hateful attacks including psychic attacks. She suggested that we shouldn't return the hate, to anyone that causes us harm, in order to keep from causing more of it. She added, "some people are constant instruments of hurt and pain, how do we prevent them from hurting us all the time?"

My reply: To be aware, educated, and intuitive are all instruments to help us avoid most of this hate, hurt and pain. You would think humans would be empathic enough, from all the eons of suffering, to understand it without having to keep living it over and over again.

Hate, hurt and pain may still happen, but, hopefully, we will see the karma in it and rise above it faster - instead of brooding or resenting. We can also learn to be stronger and hopefully present a "bigger picture" to those that care enough to improve their lives.

Yes, when it comes to why things happen, I've learned that there is, generally, a bigger picture involved. I don't often understand the full meaning behind it or may never know. Many times, in my life, I've looked back over something that I felt was bad and realized something good was created over it. That proverbial hindsight.

What amazes me about people is their need to fight instead of talk and reconcile. I suppose that some programming goes too deep to resolve. It's like this planet is in a constant, hateful turmoil and we can only hope something good will occur, eventually. However as long as people have hate in their hearts, are trained to fight, then the need to release those emotions, in an animalistic way, may be forever with us.

That's why teachers come back to ask us to reconsider our programming of violence and show us ways of bettering our lives. They must be wore out by now. However, when I see the hate of people slamming someone of something they did 20 or 40 years ago, or slamming people of our history with hate, those lives that are no longer physical, I seriously doubt very few have gotten any message from any teacher. 

Also, we may not be the instrument to help someone. I've learned that if I'm not helping someone, I could be inadvertently hurting them. I've gotten smart enough to let them go and move on. This creates a need for them to look elsewhere for help and maybe be directed to the right person to do it. In doing this, we also release our own hurt.

In this case, it's a win-win situation but only if both parties understand. Normally, people don't want to understand and only want to hate in return. This hate creates the need to attack, including these psychic attacks, which perpetuates our human suffering - ad infinitum.

Picture: Tragic mask on the façade of the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm (Holger Ellgaard -Wikimedia Commons)

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Consequences of Our Rights

Many times, I've noticed people who are demanding their rights may not understand the definition, which is: "that which is morally correct, just, or honorable; a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way." If we are going to protest against another's rights, while demanding our own, at least be logical, because we could lose the argument. 

For instance, when we sign up to work for a company, or the military, they have rights too. They are morally, and often legally, allowed those rights. If we don't like them, don't work for them. If we find them unjust, we have the right to leave. When I worked for Disney, they had a dress code. Sometimes people grumbled about it. But Disney wasn't breaking any moral or legal code by demanding it, and we had the right to work elsewhere. 

Additionally, if people don't want to respect our flag, or stand for it, it's their right to do so. Just as our goverment has a right to demand military personnel obey the flag rules or pay the consequences. A sports player has the right to sit during our national anthem, but a company has the right to take away their endorsements, because they feel they didn't uphold their moral, honorable, or legal end of a contract.

On a personal level, it's no different then when our children, acting out on their perceived rights, generally discover, sometimes the hard way, they weren't going to supersede their parent's rights.  

Also, "free speech" doesn't mean it's often moral, honorable, or legal either. That's the problem with our world today. Many don't speak to others, or treat others, with the same respect that they wish for themselves. Most act out of impulse without considering the repercussions.

So, it's okay for people to demand their rights but in doing so we have to understand there are consequences. 

Are we willing to pay them?

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Here we go again! Lately, my thoughts have had interference when trying to say duo (or something similar). Paying attention to my past experiences about word interference, today I decided to listen more closely and heard the word I was actually suppose to know: duplicity. I looked into the definition and it states: deceitfulness; double-dealing, underhandedness, dishonesty, fraud, fraudulence, sharp practice, chicanery, trickery, subterfuge, skulduggery, treachery.

This means I've been warned or I'm being warned of something. I felt it was in regards to something current. I received two words right afterwards: Politics and Clinton. However, anyone who has read my blog on my 9-11 experience, knows this can be a distraction from the real truth. Yet, I don't want to discount anything.

Anyway, that's all that I was given before a huge wall blocked me. When I sense a wall like this, I've learned to back off due to something, or someone, protecting me. I think the wall is temporary and I'll know more later. In the meantime, I decided to share in case it's to help another.

Here's my 9-11 blog, for anyone who hasn't read it, to understand more of these "word game" experiences I've had. It includes a 1994 picture of me in front of the Twin Towers.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Personality Changes

Has anyone ever experienced this? Let me explain something I've been noticing for some time.

We often think we're guided by higher beings: guides or angels. I've discovered that this isn't always the case. Sometimes, we may not have anyone around us. Sometimes, we can have our ancestors, current family or friends doing the guiding, even creating problems.

For instance, have you ever had a change of direction, good or bad, after a loved one, family member, or even a friend crossed over? I've been reflecting over my life and the many changes of family and friends attitudes. I thought most of it was just our moving on, which can happen. Sometimes, it can be a gentle separation or an angry attitude when it occurs.

However, I didn't put any common denominator onto it ... until recently.

Now, this isn't with everyone, or every situation, but I did find it uncanny when I started seeing spirit interference more often then necessary. I first noticed this particular situation when a friend had a grandmother cross over and within a few months she became argumentative which was definitely out of her normal character. It escalated to the point of having a falling out. Since then, I've noticed this with some other family and friends.

I've also experienced friends, who were once considered very close, becoming indifferent after family or a friend had crossed over. I noticed a family member just shut me out after a parent crossed over. One friend suddenly unfriended and blocked me within a few months after her dad crossed over but not before noticing her personality becoming more angry. Another friend became estranged after losing a couple of loved ones within several months of their crossing over.

These are only a few examples of what I've experienced over the years, so I decided to meditate on it to see if it was just coincidence. It wasn't and it's also why I started having these feelings to investigate. The "invisible world" can have an impact on our personalities, especially when we don't know they're around. They can be living out their physical life fantasies by attaching themselves to another in order to do so.

This isn't a problem if you start feeling you need to take up sewing or cooking, for instance, when you've never been inclined before. However, what if they didn't like someone that you did? What if they thought you shouldn't be around another due to that person's ideology that didn't fit in with theirs? What if you started having religious or social beliefs that you never had before? What if you started having unexplained feelings of doubt, mistrust or anger towards another?

As you can see, a crossing over, of someone you knew in the physical world, can start creating possible possessive influences depending on your strength of character. A big clue would be a sudden battle of wills within you and how you felt about someone, or something, as opposed to how you're now feeling. Another would be a significant personality change that others may notice or mention. Did someone familiar recently cross over?

These are questions we should consider. Not to blame but to be more aware of what else could be influencing us. From what I've been encountering, there are things that can create personality changes other than mind altering drugs, disease, or brain injury.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


I don't expect anyone to accept or like my opinion. My opinion is based on my current experiences and education. Negating my opinion by being hateful, or calling me names, won't change my opinion, unless it's my opinion of you.

Educating me on a different perspective works much better than mental bashing. However, even after presenting your facts, my opinion may still remain, because you didn't convince me enough to change my viewpoint.

Keep this in mind while trying to persuade someone to your side. Your experiences and education may still be limited compared to another's and they may be sensing your naivety. It's quite possible that your opinion may be the one that needs upgrading and not their's.

As I wrote in another blog, a bad attitude isn't helpful either. This can happen when we get too attached to our opinion and become closed minded.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Illegal Immigrants: America, Here's Your Sign!

With all the hubbub in the media about illegal immigrants in our country, I couldn't help but be perplexed over those who don't understand the policy and procedures of other countries' immigration laws and why anyone in America would want us to do anything less - unless they haven't taken the time to compare other countries' laws. So, I hope no one minds that I rant a little. Fair warning.

I have been to numerous countries as a tourist and lived in Italy as a child. Everyone has their rules - their requirements. I remember visiting Costa Rica years ago and our tour guide said we could move there as long as we could prove we had a monthly income big enough to support ourselves. Makes sense. What goverment wants to support anyone moving in, much less take away jobs from their citizens? I'm sure there were other protocols to follow besides proving income.

Anyway, it's not difficult to imagine, based on our illegal immigrant issues, why we have so many financial problems over it. Check out websites on the costs and procedures for exporting illegals. That's only one cost out of our pockets over this insanity.

In fact, this website states: "Apologists for illegal immigration try to paint it as a victimless crime, but the fact is that illegal immigration causes substantial harm to American citizens and legal immigrants, particularly those in the most vulnerable sectors of our population — the poor, minorities, and children." Read more here ~

Maybe apologists are wrapped up in their foolhardy behavior, because they're seeing this problem with narrow-minded spectacles, or they're working for the opposition. Spending our tax dollars on this, as opposed to other things Americans really need, just doesn't set right with me. Why should it? It's like taking food out of our mouths - so to speak - forcefully. And we just keep taking those sucker punches from other governments who allow it. Yes, we often, historically and foolishly, allow our compassion to be used against us. I'm sure they know this, but are indifferent to our difficulties due to their self-serving needs. As far as I'm concerned, if they turn their backs on our issues created by their citizens, then they're condoning their criminal behavior.

To me, it would be similar to all my children sending over their children to have me care for them without any regards to my financial needs, or emotional welfare, while they spend money and time on whatever they want to do. Or worse, telling me that if I want them to leave, I need to see to their return, ignoring their responsibilities. That's how I feel about countries who keep allowing illegals into our country from theirs. It's like, subconsciously, sending their "children" over to us, to take care of them, while they do whatever they want. As well as playing ignorant to the situation, as if their unspoken words are telling us: you have them, you take care of them, we don't want them. If we keep allowing it, who's the fool?! Not them! Do you think they give a damn? Hell no! Selfish people don't care. Selfish countries don't care. I'm disgusted with our country's apparent need to wear the fool sign - allowing other countries to feel this way about us too.

Anyway, I decided to, randomly, pick a nearby country to see their immigration policy requirements. I found this blog about Guatemala. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if other countries have this or tighter laws. They enforce them, why should we be made to look like a tyrant when we want to enforce ours?

Excerpt: "However, if you want to work for a Guatemalan company in a paid role or have a business, you’ll need to become a resident. Many foreigners come to Antigua with their tourist visas and try to land jobs as bartenders or at local restaurants. This is illegal. You’ll be deported, fined Q10,000 if found, and likely never allowed to enter the country again. While many people decide to engage in the activity anyway, do know that Police does conduct immigration raids in Antigua from time to time. Not a good outcome for a job that is likely to pay far less than comparable jobs elsewhere." Read more here ~

Immigration raids! Deported, fined, and never allowed to return! Imagine that! All I can say is thank goodness not all Americans want to override common sense by being fools, much less want our country to have this moniker, but as the saying goes: if the shoe fits, wear it. I wonder if these countries are concerned over being called racist for protecting their people. I sincerely doubt it. Why would they? Why would anyone buy into that absurdity? They should be more concerned over being called fools for acting unwisely or imprudently, especially when it comes to the culture, social, moral or financial wellbeing of their people.

I realize that no one likes being called derogatory names, and, maybe, putting the word "fools" across the map of the United States (blog picture) is harsh, but I hope it serves the purpose of a wakeup call on this increasing illegal immigration issue. In fact, in my opinion, even allowing open borders, in this day and age is illogical and unreasonable, as well as being proved disastrous. However, if you feel I'm wrong, open your front door and don't turn anyone away. Let's see how long your resources hold up, especially if there's no outside support. Let's see how long it takes for your neighbors to think you've lost your mind. Let's see how long it takes before you're faced with a rebellion.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Dream: Advising Donald Trump

Not sure if it's the solar eclipse or mercury retrograde energies, maybe both or more, but this morning, I had one of those hodge podge dreams of crazy stuff that jumps around and then finally settles into one thing that I seem to remember with more clarity.

This is the part that I remembered. I was sitting across from Donald Trump at a boardroom table giving him advice. It was only the two of us and I remember telling him that he may fall but he'll never stay down. He will be successful no matter what.

Then it changed to me struggling to warn him about who he has around him that's giving him advice and something about being careful of a financial advisor. However the warning of financial advisor was projected to me by a spirit off to the left of him. Also, I felt as if someone (spirit) around me didnt want me to tell him. I was in this brief mental tug of war to tell him or not. Finally, I managed to get my thoughts collected and let him know what I was feeling.

The weirdest thing (not that the rest wasn't already weird) was that we were sitting in this room as if we were in a mild fog permeating around us both. Visibility was there but somewhat limited (somewhat like this blog picture I made). I could tell he was being very attentive to what I was saying. Then everything dissolved around me and I woke up.

Normally, guidance helps me with interpretation but when awakening, I noticed something else was going on. I had this energy around me that was grayish and dense - fog like. I wondered if it was the residue from the dream. I was picking up a lot of various emotions within it and started feeling as if I was in an all call of many minds.

Since, at this point, the dream was being blocked, I started concentrating on my awakened mind and what was going on. I felt I had been pulled into a collective dream but for what purpose is still unknown to me. When I get blocked like this, I don't make it worse by pushing at answers. I know, by now, if it's meant for me to know more, I will. It pays to be patient, especially with mercury being retrograde. Time will tell.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

A Positive Side of Bigotry?

With the political rhetoric going into the usual name calling, I decided to look into the more recent one of bigotry. The definition of a bigot is "a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions." Intolerance definition is "an unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own."

Now, folks, I don't want to point fingers but from what I'm seeing on various media locations, a lot of people fit this category, including me. Yes, enlightenment doesn't prevent intolerance and it can often promote it. For instance, I understand a lot (or try to), but I'm reminded (often) of one command that I received from our Creator many years ago: "allowing doesn't mean putting up with."

The word bigot is often used in a negative manner but can it have a positive side? After all, I may understand why people do what they do but should I always allow it? As a few examples, if an adult feels it's acceptable to molest a minor, I may understand the situation (possibly due to possession by their own soul or another's), but I don't have to accept it. If people want to run naked in the streets (insisting others do too, much less watch), become drug addicts or alcoholics, blow up buildings or people, rape and pillage, or riot and loot, I may know why but I don't have to tolerate it. Why should anyone?

Furthermore, what if a person says they chose to be gay or transgender, for instance? If doing all I can to understand the reasons and discover they actually didn't choose but were under a hateful possessive attack, should I allow it - tolerate it - accept it? Yes, I may know the reasons but that doesn't mean I have to accept the reasons. Who would?

You see, those who chose to go against the "do no harm" behavior can be in many dimensions and can create karma for many reasons. Did you have a choice? Are you sure? How would you feel if you discovered your "chosen" path was chosen for you and why? Would you still allow it? Would you be angry? Would you want to fight back or accept your fate? 

Yet, what if you discovered your unhappy or vilified life was chosen for a greater plan due to the collective concerns (thoughts) on earth; for instance, over population? Does the possession become more tolerable or would you want to change it? Did you have a say in anything before this life and would you care more now that you understand more? How's your tolerance level holding up now?

For all the reasons mentioned above, plus more, no one should tolerate that which they feel is intolerable. Parents generally don't tolerate misbehaving children. Teachers generally don't tolerate misbehaving students. I don't have to tolerate hateful behavior. Yet, intolerance, in a positive light, may occasionally represent an important, or sometimes much needed, check and balance system for humanity, bringing order out of chaos.

Lastly, my life's journey, which gave me my education (my opinion), taught me that there are many things that shouldn't be tolerated. I'm open to discussion but my opinion will only be changed based on another's opinion resonating. It has to make sense; it has to add up. My children never persuaded me with foot stomping and demanding. Neither will an adult acting the same way - in any dimension. I'm allowed to be intolerant towards your opinions, demands, or bullying tactics under those circumstances. If this type of intolerance is bigotry, then I'll proudly wear the title of bigot.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Practice What You Preach!

Sometimes, I feel we're becoming extreme hypocrites. I think of that saying: do as I say, not as I do. As if we're allowed to do or say things, yet we condemn another for doing or saying anything similar. Why? Because we have some higher expectation of another that we don't enforce on ourselves?

For instance, the other day an acquaintance said that politicians, especially presidents, shouldn't use profanity. Well, maybe not but they have. Andrew Jackson, when ridiculed over misspelling a word, during his political campaign for president, said: "It is a damn poor mind indeed which can't think of at least two ways to spell any word."

An internet search can show the many politicians who have - in public and in private. CNN even reported: "While President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Clinton were not known to have cursed publicly, numerous accounts from White House insiders over the years tell a different story -- that both often using the f-word in conversations and arguments inside and outside the White House."

Yes, it's hypocritical to expect others to behave better than ourselves. Most people, that I know, have used profanity and in public. Who gave us the right to expect others to live above the standards we place on ourselves, much less get upset when they don't?

It's similar to our condemnation over politicians forgetting something they've said or they're not allowed to change their minds. Heaven forbid!! Most people I know have changed their mind over how they originally felt about a topic or often regretted a negative impulse. Again, why should we expect any politician to be more superior to us? Aren't they human too? They can't make mistakes? Isn't it hypocritical to think we can err but not them?

Maybe people use the excuse of putting another on a pedestal so they don't have to excel themselves. It may be easier to point fingers of blame but it's definitely not smarter. Many see through the ruse and know it's idiotic. In fact, here again, it's okay for us to call people idiots but not a politician? Really? Of course, all one has to do is read comments on social media to see that many people are. This isn't a judgment - it's an observation.

In regards to observing, I often think our politicians are unconsciously voicing many of our feelings and not just their own. After all, they too are connected to universal emotions. Some may be more colorful at voicing our feelings, because they may not have the filtering that some of my family and friends say they don't have. Why? Because many, apparently, don't choose to be politically correct anymore, including our politicians. If we don't, why should they? 

However, it's easy to change. First, we can stop placing politicians, or anyone, on a pedestal. This only gives our subconscious an excuse to redirect the hate of ourselves onto another - in order to blame them for what we often feel lacking within us. Second, and most importantly: practice what you preach!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Women's Rights: Abrahamic Religions

Over the years, I've been told that women are supposed to be subservient to men, based on holy books, but I've also read otherwise. We seem to quote what we feel is right for each of us, which is why I decided to do the same in this blog. I'm sure there's similar thoughts in other faiths but I decided to only use the Abrahamic Religions.

To begin with, Abraham and Sarah were close and you can tell there was love and respect between them. Based on my last blog, her gender wasn't dismissed when it came to God making a decision. Her intuition and wisdom were important enough for God to tell Abraham: Whatever Sarah says to you, do.

Also, Muhammad held the women in his life with esteem. For instance, why would Muhammad seeks permission from his wives if he didn't value their worth? Muhammad was ill. It turned out to be his final illness. He was in the house of his wife Maymoonah and asked her to call all his wives to him. When they gathered, he asked their permission to stay with his wife Aisha, during his illness. Volume 1, Book 11, Number 634: Narrated by Aisha: "When the Prophet became seriously ill and his disease became aggravated he asked for permission from his wives to be nursed in my house and he was allowed."

Even Jesus was against displaying inequalities. Women were part of his followers. Jesus' teachings, recorded in all three Gospels of Matthew [20:25–26a], Mark [10:42], and Luke [22:25], indicates that Jesus forbade any hierarchy in Christian relationships, presumably including both women and men: "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you." 

These are only a few things but it had me wonder why some current cultures, who say they follow these Abrahamic religions, consider women inequalities acceptable? Is it really protection, as they often insinuate, or subjugation? Have they forgotten that these things, I've mentioned above, are also included in our holy books? I know there are times where people "cherry pick" from them. There are times when there's also discord over them, but I believe I know why: free will. 

Yes, we've been given free will to guide us and help us on our current path in order to keep us from living in the past. Free will, which is individual as well as collective, to keep us moving forward. What Creator would want his children to become stagnate? Even our current technology indicates we've moved on from our past technology and many around the world are using some of it if not a lot of it. That's a big clue in my book. 

Furthermore, we were also given a Golden Rule to follow. To me, this is the ultimate rule to guide us. No doubt the meaning could be twisted too, but it seems difficult to believe that our free will would interpret it to mean that men are to subjugate, be cruel to, or lord it over women anymore than woman are to do anything similar to men. 

I can't imagine the prophets, which many say they love, would approve. 

I can't imagine the women, who were in their lives, would approve. 

I can't imagine God would approve. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Does God Take Sides?

Can we pray to God for help? Absolutely! However, it might be a good idea to keep in mind that if anyone chooses to bring God into the equation, and if he wishes to get involved, he may go with what's right for many (higher purpose) and not because of someone's idealogy, race, gender, or political opinion.

For instance: In Genesis 21:9-12, Sarah confronted Abraham over his passive and tolerant attitude toward Ishmael’s destructive behavior toward Isaac. She insisted that he get rid of Hagar and Ishmael. Abraham was reluctant to do so and the Bible stated that Sarah’s demand was very upsetting to him. Nevertheless, God took Sarah’s side and said to Abraham: "Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called."

It was not a matter of who had authority over whom; it was a matter of what was right in that situation. Sarah happened to be right and God requested that Abraham carry out her wish. However, if we investigate further, we may see a deeper meaning. The reason for taking her side was due to a planned future. That's the side which was actually taken. Sarah was only an instrument for that plan. 

This taught me that we can ask but that doesn't mean we'll receive, especially if we don't know what side God may have already chosen and why.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

God Tells Job: Walk A Mile!

When studying the Bible, for a degree, back in the early 90s, I had a friend tell me to read the book of Job. I asked her why and she said that my life reminded her of it.

After reading it, my first reaction was to think: God, we need to talk! But knowing God's response to Job challenging him, I knew my efforts would be similar - futile. After all, there's a lot of things I would have to take into consideration in order to understand, which would take me walking a mile in God's shoes, so to speak. Not sure I, or anyone, could or would.

For instance, people lament over the various and numerous harshness in life and wonder why God allows it? I can almost hear that voice booming down asking us the same thing: why are you allowing it? Our thoughts create our reality and our reality isn't always pleasant because of it.

Consider, for instance, our plea for harsh karma to be bestowed on evil people. Yet, maybe in God's awareness the evil people were used to handle other's prayers. Maybe on this higher awareness, God allows the punishment to be minimal, in the next life, while still answering our plea for retribution, and places their souls into bodies in areas that has some form of suffering. We asked for karma but is this what we meant? Can you think of another reason why we have these areas on earth ... this hell on earth?

This is why I knew my response would be similar to Job's. Why was I suffering in this life? What have I done before? But my suffering was less than others. Was I paying my "karma" off and things were getting better? Are these children, that go hungry or homeless, being used as vehicles of the souls that were or are being punished per our requests? Wishing "karma" on the soul? No? Think about it. I know I have. And that's why I also know that we want answers but we don't always want to hear the truth in them.

And that's why God threw Job's "lawsuit" out of court. As this website explains: "Finally, God responds. But in legal terms, he throws out Job’s case on a technicality. In his oath, Job claimed to know everything about God and how the universe works, so God reprimands him. Where was Job, questions God, when he laid the earth’s foundations? If Job is so wise, he must have been present at creation, God adds sarcastically. Job has no reply. By suing God, Job gets an answer, even if it isn’t the one he wanted."

If you want to read the eloquent challenge God gave Job, to throw his case out of court, you can read it here:

It's shows why we shouldn't assume anything about anyone unless we "walk in their shoes," including God's. As a final note, Job must have paid his dues because he had his health and wealth restored.

Picture is from William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Going With the Flow?

Going with the flow may not always be the best direction. For instance, can anyone say river and waterfall? We could be flowing along peacefully and then our peace is shattered by the roar of the falls. Can we turn around in time or will we go over?

Which is why I like to add - "with what feels right and good within you, in each moment" - when teaching my students. Now, that doesn't mean it will always have a positive outcome, but it will eventually and hopefully teach us to sharpen our instincts.

Of course, we can learn to be around others who may have sharper instincts, if we choose the easier way. If we do, that is giving our power away to another. Yet, if that is our path then may we be blessed by another's wisdom.

Either way, if at first we don't succeed, try, try again. We learn by trial and error through those "flows" that can take us on many various journeys; new adventures just around the riverbend, with or without the sound of falls.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Politicians: Fanciful or Compulsive Liars

With all the recent political mudslinging, and accusations of candidates lying, I was reminded of those who lie due to psychological disorders. Here's a couple of definitions I found.

Mythomania: "The tendency to lie, exaggerate, or relate incredible imaginary adventures as if they had really happened, occurring in some mental disorders."

Compulsive Liar: "A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right. The terms Pathological Liar, Habitual Liar and Chronic Liar are often used to refer to a Compulsive Liar."

Apparently, there are people who lie compulsively without control. However, some that do so are more into fantasies by nature. They believe what they say is real but it's not done deliberately to be hateful. Even if they thought before they spoke it might not help. Too much prior programming may have more control. Their brain isn't functioning to think otherwise. They have no mental filtering to prevent it.

I've seen people do this, including some family members, throughout my life. They make up stories about anything and everything, living in their own world. It reminded me of Pinocchio and the stories he told that made his nose grow.

Video of Pinocchio lying:

Eventually, I learned that it's a mental disorder. So I can understand the concerns that I've read from people over politicians lying. Maybe it's time to take accountability and ask ourselves: Do we want them running our country if they have a fanciful disorder such as Mythomania or are compulsive liars?