Sunday, March 9, 2014

Don’t Become What You Hate

Once, while meditating, I received a divine message that said: don't become what you hate.
I don't even like the word because, I believe, hating means someone has power over me ... someone is doing something or getting away with something I have no control over ... it's threatening me or my welfare.
I try to understand or remove myself from the situation if at all possible. 
Hate is a fear based emotion. It makes me think of the Yoda quote about fear and hate. When I feel anything of hate within me, I don't ask myself why I hate this person or subject but why I fear this person or subject.
It puts an entirely different spin on the situation to wrap one's ego around it that way. Self analysis .... try it sometime.
Reviewing it this way allows us to recognize that we may be out of control or something has control over us.
Instead of spending the time in dead end emotions of hating or being hated, possibly leading to aggressive behavior, wouldn't it be wiser to reflect on how to get your control back without turning into what the divine message warned ... not turning into what you hate ... not being the same thing ... which would make one a hypocrite?
What are you fearing?
What has power over you?
Will you hate because you're hated?
Will you bully because your bullied?

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